Script Classes: WsfBMWeaponsManager

processor <name> WSF_WEAPONS_MANAGER

   haveco_reporting_strategy [on_launch|on_detonate|on_kill]

      ew_targets                     <boolean-value>
      tar_targets                    <boolean-value>
      ttr_targets                    <boolean-value>
      engage_local_ttr_targets_only  <boolean-value>
      track_quality                   <real-value>

      time_between_engagements     <time-value>
      expected_sensor_acquisition  <time-value>

      library         <string>
      tactical_range  [aero|max1|max2]



WSF_WEAPONS_MANAGER is a script base class for the HELIOS-based Weapons Manager models to inherit from. It is not meant to be used as a processor in its own right, instead, Weapons Manager models use it to provide common scripting functionality found in all weapons manager processors.

Script Interface

WSF_WEAPONS_MANAGER utilizes capabilities of the Common Script Interface and WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR.

Weapons Manager Commands

haveco_reporting_strategy [on_launch | on_detonate | on_kill]

Specifies when to assess an engagement in order to report HAVCO success or failure. On_launch behavior will cause assignments to be considered complete while missiles are still in flight, and therefore may cause multiple unnecessary assignments and shots against a target.

Default: on_kill

Engagement Settings Commands

The engagement settings block allows configuration of track requirements of the weapons manager to carry out an engagement based on an assignment.

ew_targets <boolean-value>

When true, the weapons manager will conduct engagements against target tracks derived from an EW radar.

Default: False

tar_targets <boolean-value>

When true, the weapons manager will conduct engagements against target tracks derived from a TAR.

Default: False

ttr_targets <boolean-value>

When true, the weapons manager will conduct engagements against target tracks derived from a TTR.

Default: True

engage_local_ttr_targets_only <boolean-value>

When true, the weapons manager will conduct engagements only against targets derived from a local TTR.

Default: True

track_quality <real-value>

The weapons manager will conduct engagements only against tracks with a quality meeting or exceeding the value specified.

Default: 0.0

Delays Commands

The delays block is for defining the Weapons Manager delays.

time_between_engagements <time-value>

The delay between assignment engagements. For example, if the weapons manager has two different assignments and both need to be engaged at the current time, when one will be engaged, this delay will take place, then the next will be engaged. Meant to serve as a way to prevent simultaneous assignment engagements.

Default: 0 seconds

expected_sensor_acquisition <time-value>

The delay associated with expected sensor acquisition time. This delay allows battle managers to adjust assignment time sufficiently to optimize engagement shot timelines. Assignments will be assessed and created early by an amount of time equal to this delay, which allows the IADS to acquire tracks of sufficient quality to engage targets according to an optimized timeline.

Default: 0 seconds

WEZ Commands

The WEZ block is for defining the Weapons Manager WEZ library usage.

library <string>

Set WEZ libary name.

Default: “”

tactical_range [aero | max1 | max2]

When specified, the weapon manager will use the range specified by the accompanying doctrine.

Aero represents the intercept range given the target heading and velocity.

Max 1 represents the maximum kinematic range of a missile at a given target altitude.

Max 2 represents the maximum doctrinal engagement range at a given altitude or the maximum range of the missile, whichever is smaller.

Default: aero

Self Defense Commands

The self defense block is for defining the Weapons Manager self defense behavior. Self defense is not currently implemented.


Enable self defense. Self defense is not currently implemented.


Disable self defense.

range <length-value>

Default: 0 meters

shot_doctrine [Shoot-1 | Shoot-2 | Shoot-Look-Shoot]

Default: Shoot-1

shot_expiry <time-value>

Default: 10 seconds

Self defense is not enabled in the current release

Weapons Manager Example

   ew_targets                     false
   tar_targets                    false
   ttr_targets                    true
   engage_local_ttr_targets_only  true

   time_between_engagements     0 seconds
   expected_sensor_acquisition  0 seconds

   library         none
   tactical_range  aero

haveco_reporting_strategy  on_detonate
