WSF Reference Guide

Core Applications

Post Processing & Report Generation


Sensor Coverage & Antenna Gain Plot Creation


Weapon Engagement Analysis Support


Weapon Model Development Support


Mission Analysis / Baseline Simulation Application


Simulation Runtime

Simulation Control Commands - Simulation runtime control commands.
File Commands - Commands that effect file path and reading/writing files.
Monte Carlo Commands - Running multiple WSF simulations for Monte Carlo iterations.

File, Input and Output

WSF User Input Format - Command format, pre-processor, comments, etc.
Argument Types - Primitive types, units, reference values, random values, etc.

File and Input


  • console_output - Configure the console output contents and format.

  • csv_event_output - Configure the ‘Comma Separate Values (CSV)’ event output logger.

  • draw - Draw routes and route networks.

  • draw_file - Specify output for WsfDraw.

  • enumerate - Enumerate (list) object types to a file.

  • event_output - Configure the event output logger.

  • observer - Capture results of a specific interaction between platforms at the simulation level.

  • event_pipe - Configure the binary AFSIM event recording file.

Terrain and Environment

  • atmosphere - Modify the atmospheric characteristics (e.g., temperature, density) in the simulation.

  • global_environment - Define the attributes of the global environment.

  • terrain - Control the terrain management interface.

Defining Systems, Subsystems, Models and Data

Defining Systems (Platforms)

  • platform and platform_type - Define platform types and instances.

  • osm_traffic - Generate background vehicular traffic with an Open Street Maps (OSM) converted route.

  • road_traffic - Generate background vehicular traffic.

  • sea_traffic - Generate background ship platforms.

  • air_traffic - Generate background air traffic.

Defining Subsystems (comm, sensors, processors, etc.)

Defining Models & Data


Scripting Language - Script Overview, Script Commands, Common Script Interface, Script Object Types

  • callback - Define a callback that triggers a script.

  • execute - Execute a script at specified time.

  • observer - Capture results of a specific interaction between platforms at the simulation level.


  • dis_interface - Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) configuration.

  • xio_interface - Control the ‘external I/O’ interface.


Each multiresolution model defines a container for holding one or more models on a platform. The choice of which model to use is deferred to simulation time, and depends on the chosen fidelity value.



Coverage Overview - An overview of AFSIM’s coverage capability.



The Open Mission Systems Universal Command and Control Interface, or OMS/UCI is a messaging system that allows platforms and their components to communicate to each other.

uci_component - The base component that enables a component to send UCI messages.


  • visual_elements - Define annotations that will be displayed in visual applications.


Electronic Warfare

Electronic Warfare Effect Aggregation for understanding how EW is aggregated and used in sensors and communication receivers.




Cyber Overview - An overview of the cyber warfare model.


RIPR - Reactive Integrated Planning aRchitecture