
WsfDraw inherits Object

Construction: WsfDraw newObj = WsfDraw();

WsfDraw allows drawing commands (i.e., lines, points, icons) to be inserted into the dis_interface output stream, or a separate draw_file.

Begin Methods

Begin methods specify what kind of geometry to draw.

void BeginLines()

Draws lines between points. Points are specified with WsfDraw.Vertex. Treats each pair of vertices as an independent line segment. Uses the current drawing state set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetLineSize, WsfDraw.SetLineStyle, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId.

void BeginPolyline()

Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the last. Points are specified with WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing state set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetLineSize, WsfDraw.SetLineStyle, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId.

void BeginPoints()

Begins plotting points. Points are specified with WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetLineSize, WsfDraw.SetLineStyle, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId. Draw a point at a location. Point locations are specified with WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetPointSize, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId.

void BeginQuadrilateral()

Begins plotting a quadrilateral. The points of the quadrilateral and their associated locations are specified with WsfDraw.Vertex or WsfDraw.VertexLLA. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetLineSize, WsfDraw.SetLineStyle, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId.

void BeginIcons(double aHeading, string aIcon)

Begins plotting icons. Icon position is given using WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId. aIcon is the name of an icon which is used the same as the platform icon command. If aIcon == “”, the “Wedge” icon will be used.

void BeginEllipse(double aHeading, double aSemiMinor, double aSemiMajor)

Begins drawing an Ellipse shape. aSemiMinor and aSemiMajor define the length of the axes and aHeading, defined in a local NED coordinate frame, defines the direction along which the aSemiMajor axis points. Position is given using WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetDuration, WsfDraw.SetLineStyle, WsfDraw.SetLineSize, WsfDraw.SetEllipseMode and WsfDraw.SetId.

void BeginEllipsoid(double aHeading, double aPitch, double aRoll, double aRadiusX, double aRadiusY, double aRadiusZ)

Begins drawing an Ellipsoid shape. Arguments aHeading, aPitch, and aRoll (degrees) defined in a local NED coordinate frame, are used to set the orientation of the ellipsoid. Arguments aRadiusX, aRadiusY, and aRadiusZ (meters) specify the lengths of the semi-principal axes. Position is given using WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetDuration, WsfDraw.SetLineStyle, WsfDraw.SetLineSize, WsfDraw.SetEllipseMode and WsfDraw.SetId.

void BeginCircle(double aHeading, double aRadius)

An alias for BeginEllipse_(aHeading, aRadius, aRadius)

void BeginSphere(double aHeading, double aPitch, double aRoll, double aRadius)

An alias for BeginEllipsoid_(aHeading, aPitch, aRoll, aRadius, aRadius, aRadius)

void BeginText(string aText)

Begins drawing text. Text position is given using WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetTextSize, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId.

void BeginTimer()

Displays a clock at the vertex location that will countdown over the duration. Timer position is given using WsfDraw.Vertex. Uses the current drawing State Methods set by WsfDraw.SetColor, WsfDraw.SetTimerSize, WsfDraw.SetDuration, and WsfDraw.SetId.

void End()

Defines the end of a ‘Begin’ method. Further WsfDraw.Vertex commands will be ignored, and commands will be drawn immediately.


End() is implicitly called prior to any Begin Methods.

Vertex Methods

The following methods provide positions used to draw items. These methods must be called after a Begin() method has been called (i.e., BeginLines()).

void Vertex(WsfPlatform aPlatform)

Specifies the position of the platform. The position will remain equivalent to the platform position. For instance, this could be used to draw a line between two entities.

void Vertex(WsfGeoPoint aGeoPoint)

Specifies and absolute position using WsfGeoPoint.

void VertexLLA(double aLat, double aLon, double aAlt)

Specifies and absolute position using Latitude, Longitude (Degrees), and altitude(Meters).

void VertexWCS(double aX, double aY, double aZ)
void VertexWCS(Vec3 aWCS)

Specifies and absolute position using WCS coordinates.

void VertexECS(WsfPlatform aPlatform, double aFront, double aRight, double aDown)

Specifies a relative position to a platform using The Entity Coordinate System (ECS) coordinates. The position will remain relative to the moving platform.

void VertexNED(WsfPlatform aPlatform, double aNorth, double aEast, double aDown)

Specifies a relative position to a platform using North, East, and Down (Meters) coordinates. The position will remain relative to the moving platform.

void VertexRoute(WsfRoute aRoute)

Specifies all of the position waypoints in a route as vertices. Useful to quickly draw a route in conjunction with WsfDraw.BeginPolyline.

void VertexScreen(double aRight, double aUp)

Specifies a normalized position in screen coordinates relative to the bottom-left corner of the screen. Arguments aRight and aUp must be in the range [0, 1], so that (0, 0) corresponds to the bottom-left corner and (1, 1) corresponds to the top-right corner.

void VertexScreenPlat(WsfPlatform aPlatform, double aRight, double aUp)

Specifies a normalized position in screen coordinates relative to the given platform. Arguments aRight and aUp must be in the range [-1, 1], so that (0, 0) is coincident with the platform and (1, 1) is a screen width right and a screen height up from the platform.

State Methods

These methods change the state of the WsfDraw object. The state is used to set options which apply to all objects drawn. Changing a state will affect any :class”vertex WsfDraw.Vertex given after the state change.

void SetDuration(double aDuration)

Sets the duration for items drawn. The duration is the length of time the item remains visible. For example, a line drawn with a duration of 1.0 second will remain visible from the time it is drawn to 1 second later.

Default Infinite

void SetColor(double aRed, double aGreen, double aBlue)
void SetColor(double aRed, double aGreen, double aBlue, double aAlpha)

Sets the current color used to draw items. aRed, aGreen, aBlue, and aAlpha should be in the range [0.0,1.0]. Take a standard RGB color, ranging [0,255], and divide each value by 255.0. aAlpha sets the level of visibility of the current shape. 0=hidden, 1=visible with no blending. Any number between 0 and 1 will blend with other drawn objects. Note: this can cause drawing artifacts due to the nature of OpenGL and draw order.

void SetColor(Color aColor)

Sets the current color used to draw items to the Color specified.

void SetLineStyle(string aStyle)

Defines the style used to draw lines. aStyle can be any of:

  • “dashed” ————–

  • “long_dashed” – – – – –

  • “dotted” …………..

  • “dotted2” … … .

  • “dash_dot” -.-. -.-. -.-.

  • “dash_dot2” -.–.–.–.–.

  • “solid” ______________

Default “solid”

void SetLineSize(int aLineSize)

Determines the width of drawn lines, in pixels.

Default 1

void SetEllipseMode(string aEllipseMode)

Defines the style in which to draw an ellipse shape. aEllipseMode can be one of two values:

  • “fill” - draws a filled ellipse with no outline

  • “line” - draws a clear ellipse with an outline

Default “fill”

void SetPointSize(int aPointSize)

Determines the width of drawn points, in pixels

Default 1

void SetTextSize(int aTextSize)

Determines the size of drawn text.

Default 12

void SetTimerSize(int aTimerSize)

Determines the size of drawn timers.

Default 10

void SetId(string aId)
void SetId(int aId)

Sets the ID assigned to drawn items. This ID is used by WsfDraw.Erase

int NewId()

Attempts to return a unique integer ID for use with SetId(). Depending on the use of WsfDraw, the ID returned is not guaranteed to be unique.

void Reset()

Returns the WsfDraw object’s state to its original value. This has the same effect as:


Other Methods

void Erase(string aId)
void Erase(int aId)

Erase is an alternate way to set the duration of drawn items. All items drawn with the specified ID are given a duration of (TIME_NOW - Time_Drawn). aId corresponds to the value given in WsfDraw.SetId.

void SetTarget(string aTarget)

SetTarget defines what should draw the output of WsfDraw. aTarget is a comma-separated string containing the list of targets. By default, aTarget is empty and means the draw command will be given to all outputs.

void SetLayer(string aLayer)

Layers can be used to filter draw commands. After a call to SetLayer, any subsequent draw commands will be placed into this layer until the next call to SetLayer.

Default If SetLayer has not been called upon creation of a new geometry, that draw command will be placed into a layer named ‘default’.


end_time 5 min
   record wsfdraw.rep

platform tracker WSF_PLATFORM
  add mover WSF_AIR_MOVER
     position 0.0n 0.1w altitude 10 km heading 90 deg speed 400 kts
  add sensor geom-1 WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR
     frame_time 1 s
     maximum_range 20 km
     azimuth_error_sigma 10 deg
     elevation_error_sigma 10 deg
     range_error_sigma 1000 m
     processor track_processor
  add processor track_processor WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR
     # Create a WsfDraw object.
     WsfDraw draw = WsfDraw();

  execute at_time .1 s absolute
      # Draw a circle representing the sensor range
      draw.BeginCircle(0, 20000.0);

      WsfPlatform tgtPlat = WsfSimulation.FindPlatform("target");
      # Demonstrates drawing lines between platforms
         draw.SetColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);

      # draw a filled ellipsoid
      # use the ellipse mode as the layer name

      # setting the alpha value less than 1 will make the ellipsoid appear translucent
      draw.SetColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25);

      # draw an ellipsoid around the platform
      draw.BeginEllipsoid(PLATFORM.Heading(), 45, 0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 10000.0);

      # draw an outlined ellipse

      # setting the alpha value less than 1 will make the ellipse appear translucent
      draw.SetColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);

      # draw an ellipse around the target
      draw.BeginEllipse(tgtPlat.Heading(), 10000.0, 20000.0);

  execute at_interval_of 1.0 s
   WsfLocalTrack track = MasterTrackList().Entry(0);
   if (track.IsValid())
      # use the track ID as a unique draw ID
      # a track icon and a line to the track icon
      # is drawn at each track update
      string trackId = track.TrackId().ToString();

      # Call Erase() to hide the last track position

      # Draw a track icon
      draw.BeginIcons(track.Heading(), "Wedge");


      # Draw a line to the track
platform target WSF_PLATFORM
  add mover WSF_AIR_MOVER
     position 0.0n 0.0e altitude 10 km heading 90 deg speed 400 kts

# Set up a timer at a defined location
execute at_interval_of 5 s
  double timerAlt = 1524;
  WsfDraw d = WsfDraw();
  d.SetColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  d.VertexLLA(0, 0, timerAlt);