
Script Class: WsfPlatform

platform … end_platform
platform <platform-name> <platform-type>
   acoustic_signature ...
   altitude ...
   aux_data ...
   category ...
   commander ...
   command_chain ...
   concealment_factor ...
   creation_time ...
   empty_mass ...
   fuel ... end_fuel
   fuel_mass ...
   geo_point ...
   group_join ...
   group_leave ...
   heading ...
   height ...
   icon ...
   indestructible ...
   infrared_signature ...
   inherent_contrast ...
   initial_damage_factor ...
   length ...
   marking ...
   mgrs_coordinate ...
   add_mover ... end_mover
   mover ... end_mover
   navigation_errors ... end_navigation_errors
   nutation_update_interval ...
   on_broken ...
   optical_reflectivity ...
   optical_signature ...
   payload_mass ...
   position ...
   precession_nutation_update_interval ...
   radar_signature ...
   route ... end_route
   side ...
   spatial_domain ...
   <component> ... end_<component>
   add <component> ... end_<component>
   edit <component> ... end_<component>
   delete <component> ...
   track ... end_track
   track_manager ... end_track_manager
   use_zone ...
   width ...
   zone ... end_zone
   zone_set ... end_zone_set

   # Script Interface

   on_initialize ... end_on_initialize
   on_initialize2 ... end_on_initialize2
   on_update ... end_on_update
   script_variables ... end_script_variables
   script ... end_script
   ... Other Script_Commands ...

   script void on_damage_received() ... end_script
   script void on_platform_deleted() ... end_script
   script void on_commander_deleted(WsfPlatform aCommander) ... end_script
   script void on_peer_deleted(WsfPlatform aPeer) ... end_script
   script void on_subordinate_deleted(WsfPlatform aSubordinate) ... end_script
   callback ... end_callback



The platform_type command is used to create a platform type object that can be used as the source for the platform command. The platform command creates an object instance in the simulation and usually uses a previously defined platform_type as its base. Both platform_type and platform use many of the same subcommands. However, it is recommended to use only subcommands that apply to static definitions when using the platform_type command. In addition, creating a detailed platform without using a predefined platform base does not allow for easy reuse of the object in the simulation.

Creating a New Instance

platform <platform-name> <platform-type-name> … end_platform
 platform <platform-name> <platform-type-name>
   ... platform commands ...

Defines a platform instance in the simulation or can be used to edit a platform instance.  The <platform-name>
specifies the name and must be a unique name in the simulation.  Convention is to make <platform-name> lowercase.
The <platform-type> can either be a previously defined platform_type or WSF_PLATFORM.  WSF_PLATFORM
is the only predefined platform type in WSF.

A unique platform name can be generated by specifying <default> (with the brackets) as the <platform-name>.
The generated name will be <platform-type-name>:<number>.

Creating a New Type

platform_type <new-type-name> <source-type-name> … end_platform_type
platform_type <new-type-name> <source-type-name>
  ... platform commands ...

Defines a platform type that can be referenced by the platform command. The <new-type-name> must be unique to the simulation. Convention is to make <new-type-name> uppercase. The <source-type-name> can either be a previously defined platform type or be WSF_PLATFORM. WSF_PLATFORM is the only <source-type-name> predefined platform type in WSF.

Editing an Instance

edit platform <platform-name> ... end_platform

edit platform <platform-name>
  ... platform commands ...

This command is useful if a platform is defined in a common scenario file, but one wants to override a setting without modifying the common scenario file. For instance, if one wants to change the route of a platform that was defined in a common scenario file…

This might be part of the common scenario file ‘common_scenario.txt’:

platform airliner-1 AIRLINER
      ... the baseline route ...

This is how one would override the route for airliner-1:

include common_scenario.txt

edit platform airliner-1
      ... a different route ...


side <side-name>

Specify the ‘side’ (‘team’ or ‘affiliation’) to which platforms of this type belong. The side subcommand refers to blue, red, country or team name. Refer to the specific visualization application or tool to see what sides are supported.

Default None.

icon <icon-name>

Specify the name of the icon to be used when platforms of this type are displayed and if the platform type does not have an associated entity_type subcommand in the dis_interface block.

Default The value of <platform-name> or <new-type-name>.

marking <marking-name>

Specifies a marking to be applied to the platform. This text field is associated with this platform in the dis_interface.

Default No marking.

indestructible (or destructible)

Indicates that the platform type is indestructible. Each hit will update the cumulative probability of survival according to the formula:

Ps(new) = Ps(old) * (1 - Pk)

Default destructible

on_broken [ remove | disable | disabled_but_movable ]

Indicates what should be done when the platform is broken.

If remove is specified, the platform will be removed from the simulation when it is broken.

If disable is specified, the platform will remain in the simulation when it is broken. The motion of the platform will be halted and all of the subsystems will be set to ‘nonoperational’ so they cannot be turned back on. The script method WsfPlatform.DamageFactor will return a value of 1.0.

If disabled_but_movable is specified, the platform will remain in the simulation when it is broken. The motion of the platform will continue. Some movers may allow motion to be affected by the broken condition, such as slowing down and losing control. All of the subsystems will be set to ‘nonoperational’ so they cannot be turned back on. The script method WsfPlatform.DamageFactor will return a value of 1.0.

Default remove


The on_damage_received script will be called whenever damage is received, even if the platform is broken. The script may be used to change the signature state, appearance, etc. It should be remembered however, that all subsystems will be disabled, so the platform will probably not be able to perform any meaningful action after it is has been broken.

spatial_domain [ land | air | subsurface | surface | space]

Indicates the primary spatial domain in which the platform operates. This is sometimes used to classify if an object is a ‘land’ object, ‘space’ object, etc.

Default If the platform has a mover then the default will be inferred from the type of the mover (e.g., for WSF_AIR_MOVER it will be ‘air’). If the platform does not have a mover then a default of ‘land’ will be assumed. land, air, surface, subsurface, space

acoustic_signature <string-reference>

Specifies the acoustic signature definition for this platform type. The signature type must have been defined with acoustic_signature.

Default None.

infrared_signature <string-reference>

Specifies the infrared signature definition for this platform type. The signature type must be previously defined with infrared_signature.

Default None.


If infrared_signature is not specified and a sensing event occurs that requires it, a default of 1000 w/sr will be assumed.

inherent_contrast <string-reference>

Default None.

optical_reflectivity <string-reference>

Specifies the optical reflectivity definition for this platform type. The signature type must have been defined with optical_reflectivity.

Default None.


If optical_reflectivity is not specified and a sensing event occurs that requires it, a default of 1.0 will be assumed.

optical_signature <string-reference>

Specifies the optical signature definition for this platform type. The signature type must have been defined with optical_signature.

Default None.


If optical_signature is not specified, but length, width and height are specified, those values will be used to compute the optical cross section when needed.


If optical_signature is not specified and length, width and height are not specified, a default of 1000 m^ will be assumed.

radar_signature <string-reference>

Specifies the radar signature definition for this platform type. The signature type must have been defined with radar_signature.

Default None.


If radar_signature is not specified and a sensing event occurs that requires it, a default of 1000 m^2 will be assumed.

geo_point <geo-point-name> <latitude-value> <longitude-value> <length-value>

Defines a named location with a latitude, longitude, altitude tuple. The location can be accessed using the WsfPlatform.GeoPoint script method.

position <latitude-value> <longitude-value>

Specifies the latitude and longitude of the platform. This command is only for static platforms without movers.

Default 0n 0e

nutation_update_interval <time-value>

Specifies the time interval between updates to nutation calculations that are used in WCS-ECI coordinate conversions.

Default 1000 s

precession_nutation_update_interval <time-value>

Specifies the time interval between updates to nutation calculations that are used in WCS-ECI coordinate conversions.

Default 1000 s

Deprecated since version 2.9: This command will be replaced by nutation_update_interval.

mgrs_coordinate <MGRS-value>

Specifies the coordinates of the platform in the Military Grid Reference System. This command is only for static platforms without movers.

altitude <length-value> [ agl | msl ]

Specifies the altitude of the platform. This command is only for static platforms without movers. It is ignored if a mover is defined in the platform.

Default 0 m msl

creation_time <random-time-reference>

Specifies the simulation time at which the platform is to be added to the simulation. The platform exists in memory but is not yet a player in the simulation.

Default 0 sec (created at the start of the simulation).

heading <angle-value>

Specifies the orientation of the platform. This command is only for static platforms without movers. It is ignored if a mover is defined in the platform.

Default 0 deg

empty_mass <mass-reference>

Specifies the empty mass of the platform, which is usually a fixed quantity.

Default 0 kg


Some movers provide a different mechanism for providing this value.

fuel_mass <mass-reference>

Specifies the fuel mass of the platform. When specified by a user in an input file, the value is assumed to be a fixed quantity. However, if the platform contains a fuel object, it is permitted and even expected to modify the fuel mass during run time, overwriting what was specified with this keyword.

Default 0 kg


Some movers provide a different mechanism for providing this value.

payload_mass <mass-reference>

Specifies the payload mass of the platform. When specified by a user in an input file, the value is assumed to be a fixed quantity. However, certain run-time events (e.g., dropping buoys) may change the payload mass.

Default 0 kg


Some movers provide a different mechanism for providing this value.

concealment_factor <concealment-factor>

Used to denote how well a platform is VISUALLY concealed. A value of 0.0 means there is no attempt to hide. A factor of 1.0 means that it is hidden in such a way as to be undetectable (such as in a building or in an underground bunker). Values between the endpoints represent increasing amounts of camouflage. Most sensors will not detect platforms with a concealment factor of 1.0, but any lesser value has no effect.

Default 0.0

initial_damage_factor <initial_damage_factor>

The damage factor is a value in the range [0 .. 1] and is used to indicate the amount of damage to the platform. A value of 0 indicates no damage while a value of 1 indicates the platform is ‘broken.’

Default 0.0

track_manager track_manager#Commands track-manager-commands … end_track_manager

Commands within this block are processed by the platform’s master track manager. See track_manager.

aux_data <aux-data> … end_aux_data

Defines auxiliary data for a platform. See aux_data.

height <length-reference>
length <length-reference>
width <length-reference>

Specifies the dimensions of the platform.

Default 0 for all values


If all of these have non-zero values and optical_signature was not specified, these values will be used to compute the optical cross section when needed.

category <category-name>

Specifies that the platform is a member of the category specified. Categories can be used to force sensors to ignore the platform. Categories are also accessible through the WsfPlatform.CategoryMemberOf script method.

Default The platform is not a member of any categories.


Has the effect of canceling any previous category command.

group_join <group-name>
group_leave <group-name>

Adds or removes the platform from the specified group.

commander <commander-name>
command_chain <command-chain-name> <commander-name>

commander specifies the platform’s immediate superior (commander) in the default chain of command.

command_chain specifies the platform’s immediate superior (commander) in the given chain of command.

A chain of command is used by decision making routines to determine the recipients of orders and/or reports.


See Command Chains for more information and examples.


The name of the command chain of to which this command applies. (The default command chain is implied for commander).

<commander-name> | SELF

The name of the platform that is the immediate superior (commander) of this platform.

Default commander SELF

route route-commands … end_route

The route subcommand provides a collection of waypoints that define a path, or route, for platform movers.

add_mover <mover-type> mover-commands … end_mover
mover <mover-type> mover-commands … end_mover

A mover defines the domain in which a platform can move and how it moves within the domain.

  • The add mover command is only required inside of the platform command (i.e., not inside of the platform_type command).

fuel <fuel-type> fuel-commands .. end_fuel

A fuel object can be attached to a platform to model the effects of fuel consumption.

Default No fuel object is defined (fuel consumption is not modeled).


Some movers model fuel consumption internally.

<component> <component-name> [<component-type>] component-commands … end_<component>

add <component> <component-name> <component-type> component-commands … end_<component>
edit <component> <component-name> component-commands … end_<component>
delete <component> <component-name>

Adds a component to the platform, modifies or removes an existing component.

  • The add <component> command adds a new component to the platform/platform_type.

  • The edit <component> command modifies an existing component on the platform/platform_type.

  • The delete <component> command removes an existing component on the platform/platform_type.

  • The <component> command is an abbreviated version, which adds a component if used inside a platform_type and modifies an existing component when used inside a platform.

  • A valid <component> includes comm, fuel, mover, processor, sensor, etc.


When using edit or delete commands with a fuel or mover, you do not specify the <component-name>.


Zones can be removed with the delete command but can’t be modified via the add or edit commands.

track … end_track

Defines a pre-briefed track.

use_zone <shared-zone-type> as <zone-name>

Attach a copy of the specified zone to the platform under the name <zone-name>. If the specified zone does not define a pose, the copied zone uses the current pose of the platform. This command can be repeated as necessary.

zone … end_zone
zone_set … end_zone_set

The zone and zone_set subcommands define:

  • Relative zones which align with the platform pose.

  • Relative zones which maintain a static pose.

  • Absolute zones which maintain a static pose.

See also

zone and zone_set for subcommands to affect simulated behavior.

navigation_errors … end_navigation_errors

The navigation_errors block provides a method to define error in where the platform thinks it is located versus where it is really located. Please see navigation_errors for a description of the inputs.

Default No navigation errors.

Script Interface

platform uses the capabilities of the Common Script Interface and implements the following additional commands:

script void on_damage_received() ... end_script

An optional script that can be defined which will receive control whenever there is damage to the platform.

This script is generally used with the indestructible or on_broken command. Normally, when a platform takes damage, the platform is removed from the simulation if it is determined that this damage caused the platform to break. If indestructible, on_broken disable, or on_broken disabled_but_movable are specified, the platform will not be deleted, but instead the damage factor (DamageFactor) will be incremented and this script will be called. The script can do things like stop movement, turn off sensors, change appearance, etc.


If on_broken disable was specified, the platform motion will be halted and all subsystems will be set to nonoperational without any additional intervention. If on_broken disabled_but_movable was specified, the platform motion will continue, but and all subsystems will be set to nonoperational without any additional intervention.

script void on_platform_deleted() ... end_script

An optional script that can be defined which will receive control just before the platform is removed from the simulation.

script void on_commander_deleted(WsfPlatform aCommander) ... end_script
script void on_peer_deleted(WsfPlatform aPeer) ... end_script
script void on_subordinate_deleted(WsfPlatform aSubordinate) ... end_script

Optional scripts that can be defined which will be executed just before other platforms within the platform’s command_chain hierarchy are removed from the simulation. The single argument to each script is a reference to the platform pending removal.

callback <callback-name> <callback-type> callback-commands end_callback

A callback is a named action that can be called via the execute command of a route when the platform reaches a particular waypoint within the route.


This is an obsolete form that has been replaced by scripts.