
dis_interface … end_dis_interface

   # Connection Commands

   connections ... end_connections
   edit_connections ... end_edit_connections
   record <filename>
   playback <filename>
   broadcast  <broadcast-IP-address>
   multicast <multicast-IP-address> <interface-address>
   unicast <unicast-address>
   port <IP-port-number>
   send_port <IP-port-number>
   receive_port <IP-port-number>
   time_to_live <ttl-value>

   # Filtered Output Connection Commands

   filtered_connection ... end_filtered_connection
      allow entity_type <type> [ all / tracked <by force>]
      allow force <force> [ all / tracked <by force>]

   # Simulation Control Commands

   protocol_version <protocol-version-id>
   exercise <dis-exercise-id>
   site <dis-site-id>
   application <dis-application-id>
   deferred_connection_time <time-value>
   mover_update_timer <time-value>
   heartbeat_timer <time-value>
   heartbeat_multiplier <real-value>
   initial_distribution_interval <time-value>
   entity_position_threshold <length-value>
   entity_orientation_threshold <angle-value>
   maximum_beam_entries <positive-integer>
   maximum_track_jam_entries <positive-integer>
   sensor_update_interval <time-value>

   # Mapping Commands

   force <side> <dis-force-id>
   entity_type <platform_type> <dis-entity-type>
   unknown_platform_type <platform-type>
   entity_appearance  ... end_entity_appearance
   articulated_part <platform-type> <part-name> <part-id> ... end_articulated_part
   emitter_type <sensor/jammer-type> <dis-emitter-name-enum>
   emitter_function <sensor/jammer-type> <dis-emitter-function-enum>
   beam_type <sensor/jammer-type> <sensor/jammer-mode-name> <sensor/jammer-beam-number> <dis-beam-parameter-index-value>
   beam_function <sensor/jammer-type> <sensor/jammer-mode-name> <sensor/jammer-beam-number> <dis-beam-function-enum-value>
   entity_id <platform_name> <entity-number>
   start_entity <dis-entity>
   private  [ name <name> | type <type> | category <category> | all ]

   # Filtering Commands

   ignore_kind_and_domain <kind> <domain>
   ignore_type <dis_entity_type>
   ignore_pdu_type <string>
   filter_out_by_range <platform-name> <length-value>

   # Other Commands

   debug_emission_pdu <level>
   enumerate  entity_types to <target-name>
   enumerate  emitter_types to <target-name>
   multi_thread_sleep_time <time-value>
   max_allowed_bad_entity_states <integer-value>
   suppress_non_standard_data <boolean-value>
   suppress_comm_data <boolean-value>
   suppress_emissions_data <boolean-value>

   # External DIS Mover Commands

   map_external_entity <dis-entity-id>
   map_external_type <dis-entity-type>


The dis_interface block is used to specify the attributes of the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) interface. The DIS interface provides the ability to participate in a DIS exercise or to create a replay file that can be displayed by visualization tools. Use the broadcast or multicast command to participate in a DIS exercise. Use the record command to generate a replay file.

Multiple dis_interface blocks may be provided. If the same subcommand is specified in multiple blocks then the last value given will be used.


The commands mover_update_timer and heartbeat_timer may force mover updates within a simulation. Setting the mover_update_timer to 0.0 secs and the heartbeat timer to a very large value (i.e. greater than the simulation end_time) will prevent this at the cost of not moving platforms in the simulation until events require them.

Connection Commands

These commands define how the simulation will connect to other simulation participants.

connections … end_connections
edit_connections … end_edit_connections

By default, the dis_interface supports a single input/output (replay file, playback file, or network address). Connection information in this connections block allows for multiple output types. Subcommands available include record, playback, broadcast, multicast, unicast, port, send_port, and receive_port.

When using connections … end_connections, all previous DIS output commands are replaced by the new user input. When using edit_connections … end_edit_connections, existing DIS output commands are retained.


Port commands should immediately follow broadcast, multicast or unicast commands inside the connections block.


#  Set up multiple network connections
#  All previous connection commands are discarded!
   port_ 9392
   port_ 9393
   port_ 5828
#  Add a new replay file output, leaving existing outputs intact.
   record_ my_replay.rep
record <filename>

Record the simulation to the specified file.


When used outside the connections block, the record, playback, broadcast, multicast, and unicast commands are mutually exclusive. Only the last occurrence will be used.


To insert the run number in the file name use “%d”.

For example:

file replay_%d.rep
playback <filename>

Causes entity state data contained within the specified file to be read and injected into simulation. ONLY entity state data is used - all other PDUs are ignored. The entity_type command is used to define the mapping of DIS entity types to WSF platforms, just as in a standard DIS simulation. Entity state PDUs are also written to the record file if defined.

All subsystems within the platform are removed prior to being added to the simulation, and the mover is replaced with a special one that uses the entity state. The signature data will be retrieved from the platform type, defined by the entity_type mapping.

One advantage of this feature is that it can be used in constructive (e.g., non-real-time simulations).


The DIS ‘site’ of the entities will be changed to eliminate possible conflicts with the any other input stream.


When used outside the connections block, the record, playback, broadcast, multicast, and unicast commands are mutually exclusive. Only the last occurrence will be used.

broadcast <broadcast-IP-address>

Participate in a DIS exercise on the indicated broadcast network. For example, if your ethernet port address is and the netmask is set to, the command would be “broadcast”.


The port command must also be specified.


When used outside the connections block, the record, playback, broadcast, multicast, and unicast commands are mutually exclusive. Only the last occurrence will be used.

multicast <multicast-IP-address> <interface-address>

Participate in the DIS exercise on the specified multicast network. The port command must also be specified.


An address in the range to


The machine’s IP address on the desired interface. The IP may be abbreviated. Ex: <tt> multicast 192.168 </tt>.


When used outside the connections block, the record, playback, broadcast, multicast, and unicast commands are mutually exclusive. Only the last occurrence will be used.

unicast <unicast-address>

Communicate DIS traffic with a single endpoint. unicast-address can be an IP address or a host-name. The port command must also be specified.


When used outside the connections block, the record, playback, broadcast, multicast, and unicast commands are mutually exclusive. Only the last occurrence will be used.

port <IP-port-number>

Specify the port number for broadcast, multicast, and unicast modes.

send_port <IP-port-number>
receive_port <IP-port-number>

Specify the send and receive port numbers for broadcast, multicast, and unicast modes. Both send_port and receive_port must be specified together, and act as a replacement for the port command. This command is primarily used with unicast mode.

time_to_live <ttl-value>

Specify the ‘time-to-live’ value for multicast communications in the range [0, 255].

As the values of the TTL field increase, routers will expand the number of hops they will forward for a multicast packet. To provide meaningful scope control, multicast routers enforce the following "thresholds" on forwarding based on the TTL field:

 * "0"   Restricts the outgoing packets to the same host
 * "1"   Restricts the outgoing packets to the same subnet
 * "32"  Restricts the outgoing packets to the same site
 * "64"  Restricts the outgoing packets to the same region
 * "128" Restricts the outgoing packets to the same continent
 * "255" No restriction
 * The default is set by the operating system, which is typically set to a low value.

Filtered Output Connection Commands

These input blocks allow for output-filtered connections to other simulation participants.

filtered_connection … end_filtered_connection

Connection information in each filtered_connection block allows for a subset of the DIS PDUs to be output to the specified device. If no device (output type, address, port) exists yet, one is appended to the connections list (as in edit_connections). Subcommands available include record, broadcast, multicast, unicast, port, and allow. The unique subcommand allow provides a way to specify what type of DIS PDUs will be allowed out of this connection to the given device.

When using filtered_connection … end_filtered_connection, existing DIS output connections are retained. If the same connection was previously defined, it is overwritten as a filtered connection and the filters will apply. If no such connection was previously defined, then the connection is created and added, filters apply.


Port commands should immediately follow broadcast, multicast or unicast commands inside the connections block.


# Set up multiple output filtered network connections

# send to : 3225, only entity state PDUs with
# blue force entities, and red force entities that are tracked by blue

   port        3225
   allow       force    blue     all
   allow       force    red      tracked  blue

# broadcast to : 3227, only entity state PDUs with
# all entities of type BLUE_AIRLINER.  Also send entity
# state PDUs with entities of type DRONE that are
# tracked by blue

   port        3227
   allow       entity_type    BLUE_AIRLINER   all
   allow       entity_type    DRONE           tracked  blue
allow entity_type <type> [all / tracked <by force>]

Specify a WSF entity type that is allowed to be output from the filtered connection.

allow force <force> [all / tracked <by force>]

Specify a WSF entity force that is allowed to be output from the filtered connection.


When used outside, only the last occurrence will be used.

Simulation Control Commands

These commands are used to specify general parameters for the simulation.

protocol_version <protocol-version-id>

Specify the DIS protocol version in the range [0, 6].

Default: 5

exercise <dis-exercise-id>

Specify the DIS exercise ID in the range [1, 255].

Default: 1

site <dis-site-id>

Specify the DIS site ID in the range [1, 65534].

Default: 1

application <dis-application-id>

Specify the DIS application ID in the range [1, 65534].

Default: 1


Specify if the application should join the exercise (specified by the exercise command) as a participant in a DIS non-real-time scaled-and-stepped simulation.

Default: no_join_exercise


Do not wait for a Start/Resume PDU to start the simulation.

Default: no_autostart


Wait for a Start/Resume PDU to start the simulation. This is the default.

deferred_connection_time <time-value>

The application will defer joining the exercise until the specified simulation time is reached. Prior to that time it will run as fast as possible and not send data to or receive data from the DIS exercise. When the desired time is reached, the application will connect to the network or begin writing the replay file. The simulation clock will behave as defined by the autostart or no_autostart command. The minimum valid time-value for this command is one second.


Specify that absolute timestamps are to be used the PDUs produced by this application.

Default: Relative timestamps are used.


Ignore the time from the PDU and use the current perception of simulation time.


Use the time from the PDU as the effective event time. It is recommended not to use this command for large simulations.

Default: ignore_pdu_time

mover_update_timer <time-value>

If greater than 0, the interface will generate events to force platforms to update their position at the specified interval. This is useful for event-driven simulations where position updates may occur infrequently due to the lack of interaction between objects.


Time-stepped simulations (e.g., a simulation that uses the WsfFrameStepSimulation with the “-rt’ flag) should set this value to 0 to prevent the extra updates as such simulations already cause mover updates at a high rate.

Default: 1.0 seconds

heartbeat_timer <time-value>

Specify the DIS heartbeat timer. For internally controlled entities, this defines the maximum amount of time that can elapse between transmission of Entity State PDUs. The simulation will force an Entity State PDU to be sent if required. To drastically reduce replay file sizes for large simulations, set the heartbeat_timer to a value of 20 or greater.

Default: 5.0 seconds

heartbeat_multiplier <real-value>

Specify the DIS heartbeat multiplier. For externally controlled entities, heartbeat_timer values; heartbeat_multiplier defines the maximum amount time that can elapse without receiving an Entity State PDU before an entity is declared ‘inactive’ and removed from the simulation.

Default: 2.4

initial_distribution_interval <time-value>

When participating in a distributed exercise (using broadcast or multicast), the interface will spread out transmission of initial state data to avoid overloading the network. This command provides a mechanism to explicitly specify the initial distribution interval.

Default: The value of the heartbeat_timer

entity_position_threshold <length-value>

Specify the DIS entity position threshold.

Default: 1.0 meters

entity_orientation_threshold <angle-value>

Specify the DIS entity orientation threshold.

Default: 3.0 degrees

maximum_beam_entries <positive-integer>

Specify the maximum number of beam entries that will be transmitted in the ‘system’ portion of an Electromagnetic Emission PDU.

Default: No limit (up to the maximum number that can be stored without exceeding the size limit of the containing DIS ‘system’).

maximum_track_jam_entries <positive-integer>

Specify the maximum number of track-jam entries that will be transmitted in the ‘beam’ portion of an Electromagnetic Emission PDU before the high-density track-jam mode will be selected.

Default: No limit (up to the maximum number that can be stored without exceeding the size limit of the containing DIS ‘system’).


The IEEE DIS standard specifies a limit of 10. If conformance to the standard is desired then command must be specified with a value of 10.

sensor_update_interval <time-value>

This is used to force Electromagnetic Emissions PDUs to be sent out at approximately the specified update interval in addition to the standard rules. This is primarily used to force PDUs to be sent more frequently with an updated ‘Beam Sweep Sync’ in the DIS Beam record. This allows the receiver to have more accurate knowledge of where a scanning sensor is within its scan pattern.

If a value of 0 seconds is specified then no extra updates will be sent.

Default: 0 seconds (No extra periodic updates are sent)

Mapping Commands

These commands define the mappings between DIS and WSF objects.

force <side> <dis-force-id>

Specify the DIS force identifier that corresponds to a WSF platform side. This command should be specified for each side that is present in the scenario. If no force commands are provided then the following defaults will be defined:

force blue  1
force red   2
force green 3


If any force commands are present then the above defaults will not be used.

entity_type <platform_type> <dis-entity-type>

Specify the DIS entity type to be used when sending PDUs for platforms or munitions with the indicated WSF platform type. This command should be specified for each WSF platform type that is present in the scenario. If the type of a platform does not have a corresponding DIS entity type then 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 will be used. For proper WSF interaction of received DIS entities from other networked simulations, a corresponding simple platform_type must be created with defined signatures.


entity_type JUMBO_JET    1:2:225:1:5:5:0
entity_type REGIONAL_JET 1:2:225:1:9:10:0
unknown_platform_type <platform-type>

Specify the type of the WSF platform to be created for an external entity if an applicable entity_type entry does not exist.

entity_appearance … end_entity_appearance

Specify the DIS Entity Appearance type and state or ID associated with a specified signature state. To identify the appearance mapping:

   name <platform-name> [afterburner | configuration] <appearance-state> <signature-type>
   type <platform-type> [afterburner | configuration] <appearance-state> <signature-type>
   name <platform-name> articulation <parameter-type> <variable-name> <script-name>
   type <platform-type> articulation <parameter-type> <variable-name> <script-name>

A string input of the platform’s name.


A string input of the platform type.


An integer value of [0,1], where 0 is considered ‘off’ and 1 is ‘on’.


An integer value in Range of [0,15].


The signature type the state is valid for. Valid values are [acoustic, contrast, infrared, optical, radar, rcs].


A string of the signature state name as entered in the signature file.


A number specifying an articulated part parameter type, defined in the ‘Enumerations’ document, ISO-REF-010-2006, section 4.7.3.


The name of a script variable on the platform.


The name of a script on the platform.


See DIS Articulation for an example on how to use the ‘articulation’ capability.


Afterburner is only valid for air platform types per DIS standards (IEEE Std 1278.1-1995 supplement SISO-REF-010-2006). Configuration is currently implemented only for air platform types.}}

articulated_part <platform-type> <part-name> <part-id> … end_articulated_part

The articulated part block indicates that a platform type should publish an articulated part to DIS. The part may be a comm, sensor, or visual_part. The block may contain the following commands:

  • parent <parent-id> If present, this indicates that the part should be parented to another articulated part. A part will inherit the motion of its parent.

  • publish <degree-of-freedom> The publish command indicates which degrees-of-freedom are to be published in the DIS entity state PDUs. The possible degrees-of-freedom are:

    • x - The x component of the part’s position.

    • y - The y component of the part’s position.

    • z - The z component of the part’s position.

    • x_rate - The rate of change in the x component of the part’s position.

    • y_rate - The rate of change in the y component of the part’s position.

    • z_rate - The rate of change in the z component of the part’s position.

    • azimuth - The rotation about the part’s z-axis.

    • elevation - The rotation about the part’s y-axis.

    • rotation - The rotation about the part’s x-axis.

    • azimuth_rate - The rate of motion about the part’s z-axis.

    • elevation_rate - The rate of motion about the part’s y-axis.

    • rotation_rate - The rate of motion about the part’s x-axis.

  • <platform-type> : The type name of the platform that will include articulations in its DIS PDUs.

  • <part-name> : The name of the articulated part that will be included in the entity-state PDUs.

  • <part-id> : The ID that will be sent over DIS to represent the part in the entity-state PDUs.

emitter_type <sensor-type> <dis-emitter-name-enum>

Specify the DIS ‘emitter name’ enumeration associated with specified WSF systems that emit electromagnetic energy (e.g., sensors). For outbound electromagnetic emission PDUs this defines the value for the ‘emitter name’ field in the PDU for a given WSF emitter. For inbound PDUs, a reverse lookup is performed to determine the WSF sensor type needed to provide the additional characteristics to properly model interactions with the externally modeled emitter.

emitter_function <sensor-type> <dis-emitter-function-enum>

Specify the DIS ‘emitter function’ enumeration with specified WSF systems that emit electromagnetic energy (e.g., sensors). This is only applicable for outbound electromagnetic emission PDUs.

beam_type <sensor-type> <sensor-mode-name> <sensor-beam-number> <dis-beam-parameter-index-value>

Specify the DIS Emissions PDU ‘beam parameter index’ value associated with specified WSF systems that emit electromagnetic energy (e.g., sensors). For outbound electromagnetic emission PDUs this defines the value for the ‘beam parameter index’ field in the PDU for a given WSF emitter beam. For inbound PDUs, this field is NOT currently used within WSF.


The type name of the sensor.


The mode name of interest for the given sensor type. Use ‘*’ to represent any mode.


The beam number in the range of [1, 255] of interest for the given mode on the sensor type. Use ‘*’ to represent any beam.


The assigned value in range of [1, 65534] for the ‘beam parameter index ‘field in the DIS emissions PDU to be output by WSF.

beam_function <sensor-type> <sensor-mode-name> <sensor-beam-number> <dis-beam-function-enum-value>

Specify the DIS Emissions PDU ‘beam function’ value associated with specified WSF systems that emit electromagnetic energy (e.g., sensors). This is applicable only for outbound electromagnetic emission PDUs.


The type name of the sensor.


The mode name of interest for the given sensor type. Use ‘*’ to represent any mode.


The beam number in the range of [1, 255] of interest for the given mode on the sensor type. Use ‘*’ to represent any beam.


The value in range of [1, 255] for the ‘beam function’ field in the DIS emissions PDU to be output by WSF. If beam_function is not specified by the user, then the WSF implementation is allowed to set the index value to 5.

entity_id <platform_name> <entity-number>

Assign a specific DIS entity number to a WSF platform instance. If no DIS entity number is specified for a given platform instance, the simulation will automatically assign one sequentially, in creation order, (see start_entity). The unique DIS entity ID for a platform is formed by combining the values of site, application and entity number.


site           79
application    22
entity_id      737-1   101
entity_id      787-1   102

This input results in assignment of the DIS entity ID {79:22:101} to the WSF platform instance named ‘737-1’, and an assignment of {79:22:102} to the WSF platform instance named ‘787-1’.

start_entity <dis-entity>

Specify the starting DIS entity in the range [0, 65534]. The simulation will assign DIS entity IDs to DIS platform representations sequentially, in creation order, beginning with this value for the start_entity.


site          79
application   22
start_entity  10

This input results in the simulation’s assigning a DIS entity ID of {79:22:10} to the first ‘local’ DIS representation it creates. The next one will have an ID of {79:22:11}, followed by {79:22:12}, etc.

Default: 1


These assignments are overridden by entity_id designations.

private [ name <name> | type <type> | category <category> | all ]

Indicate that locally owned platforms of the specified name, type, or category are to be considered ‘private’ and not written to the DIS network.

Filtering commands


Filter out a site and application pair when running in a DIS environment. The site and application must be set up as a pair. Repeat the entire block for multiple site/application pairs.

   ignore_site 80
   ignore_application 200
ignore_kind_and_domain <kind> <domain>

Filter out DIS entity state PDUs with given DIS entity type kind and domain values. Use of this filter will prevent creation of the corresponding external platforms in the simulation. For example, to filter out all entity state PDUs from land-based platforms (kind = 1; domain = 1):

ignore_kind_and_domain 1 1

ignore_type <dis_entity_type>

Filter out DIS entity state PDUs of the given DIS entity type. Use of this filter will prevent creation of the corresponding external platforms in the simulation. For example, to filter out all F-15Es in the simulation:

ignore_type 1:2:225:1:5:5:0 // See DIS enumeration document for DIS entity types listing

ignore_pdu_type <string>

Filter out DIS PDUs of a given type. For instance, to filter out the Stop/Freeze and Signal PDUs:

ignore_pdu_type Stop/Freeze
ignore_pdu_type signal
filter_out_by_range <platform-name> <length-value>

Filter out DIS entity state PDUs based on a given range from a platform. Entities beyond the given range(s) will not be added to the simulation. Multiple platforms may be specified. For example, to filter out all platforms outside a 60 km radius from two 737 platforms, named 737_1A and 737_1B:

filter_out_by_range 737_1A 60 km
filter_out_by_range 737_1B 60 km

Other Commands

debug_emission_pdu <level>

Specify the level of debugging information for electromagnetic emission PDUs.

Default: 0

enumerate entity_types to <target-name>
enumerate emitter_types to <target-name>
  • entity_types: Outputs the list of platform types and the entity_type each one maps to.

  • entity_types: Outputs the list of sensor emitter types and the emitter_type each one maps to.

  • <target-name*> : Defines where the listing is output. If <target-name> is STDOUT, the listing is printed to the console. Otherwise <target-name> is interpreted as a file name and written to a file.


This command should be used after all platform types and entity_type commands have been processed.


Specify that information concerning the creation of DIS entities is to be written to standard output. This is useful for debugging. It is also used to create a DIS entity ID table in conjunction with the make_entity_id_map.pl perl script (located under the tools subdirectory).


Will cause entity state and emission PDUs not to be sent while the simulation is paused. This is default behavior.

Default: off (not sent)


Creates a worker thread, separate from the main thread, that sends/receives DIS PDUs. Use this capability in a multi-threaded frame step simulation. This feature is not applicable for event-based simulations.

multi_thread_sleep_time <time-value>

Allows the user to explicitly set the time in seconds in which the DIS worker thread will sleep when it is not working.

Default: 0.001 sec or one millisecond

max_allowed_bad_entity_states <integer-value>

Specify the number of “bad” DIS entity state PDUs that will be allowed before future PDUs from an entity are suppressed. A bad entity state PDU includes one or more of the following bad data:

  • The location is below the lowest possible point under the ocean

  • The speed is > 45 km / s

  • The acceleration is > 10000 g

Default: 5


Will cause entity state and emission PDUs to be sent while the simulation is paused. This change was implemented as external simulations are permitted to time out and remove remote entities if state PDUs are not received for a specified time.

Default: off (not sent)

suppress_non_standard_data <boolean-value> (deprecated)

If this is set to ‘true’, WSF will only output standard DIS data.

suppress_comm_data <boolean-value>

Specify if Transmitter, Signal, and Receiver PDUs should be written for communications events. This should be set to true if communications PDUs are not important.

Default: false

suppress_emissions_data <boolean-value>

Specify if Emissions PDUs should be written for sensor events. This should be set to true if emissions PDUs are not important.

Default: false


If present, sets the acceleration fields in the DIS Entity State PDU using a simple rate change calculation equation. The related keywords that can be used to set the orientations rates are use_simple_orientation_rates, use_body_angular_velocities, and zero_body_angular_velocities. By default, if no related keywords are present, orientation rate values for psi, theta, and phi angles are set using the ‘use_simple_orientation_rates’ calculations. To override this behavior use one of the related keywords.

      v1 - v0
a =  ---------
      t1 - t0

This entry must be present for acceleration and orientation rate data to be computed and entered into the DIS Entity State PDU. If omitted the acceleration and orientation rate fields are set to ‘0’. If present, the default behavior uses the ‘use_simple_orientation_rates’ calculations for the orientation rates.

Default: Entry Omitted


If present, uses a simple rate calculation to set the orientation rate fields in the DIS Entity State PDU. This is the default behavior. If the entry is omitted, the fields will still be set using this simple rate calculation. To override this behavior, use either keyword, ‘use_body_angular_velocities’ or ‘zero_body_angular_velocities’.

        psi1 - psi0
apsi =  -----------, etc...
          t1 - t0

Default: Entry Omitted


If present, uses DIS standard world to body calculations to set the DIS Entity State’s orientation rate fields. If omitted, the simple orientation rate calculation, is used in the DIS Entity State’s orientation rate fields. However, if present, this keyword will override both the ‘use_simple_orientation_rates’ and the ‘zero_body_angular_velocities’ keyword behaviors.

// convert world (Euler) angular velocities to body axis angular velocities (as per standard)
w1 = (delta phi/dt) - ((delta yaw/dt) * sin(theta))
w2 = (delta theta/dt)*cos(phi) + ((delta psi/dt)*sin(phi)*cos(theta))
w3 = -((delta theta/dt)*sin(phi) + ((delta psi/dt)*cos(phi)*cos(theta))

Default: Entry Omitted


If present, zeroes out the DIS Entity State’s orientation rate fields. Will override the ‘use_simple_orientation_rates’ calculations. Will not override the ‘use_body_angular_velocities’ behavior if both keywords are present. Default: Entry Omitted

External DIS Mover Commands

map_external_entity <dis-entity-id>

An incoming DIS entity ID will be checked against the dis entity type to platform type mapping. If there is a corresponding platform type, all components defined for that type will be available to the external platform. The external platform will be treated as a local platform within WSF and its components can then be controlled or monitored as with any WSF platform. Any component capable of sending DIS PDUs from WSF will send DIS PDUs, with the exception of the DIS Entity State PDU, which is not sent. The PDUs will have the external platform’s entity ID in their dis-entity-id field.

map_external_type <dis-entity-type>

Same as map_external_entity command, except it will map all entities of the given dis-entity-type rather than a specific DIS entity ID.

Weapon and Electronic Warfare Specific

   # Weapon and EW Mapping Commands

   munition_type <platform_type> <dis-entity-type>
   ew_technique_type <ew-technique-type> <dis-jamming-mode-sequence-enum>
   warhead <category> <dis-warhead-enum>

   # Other Weapon and EW Commands

   debug_warfare_pdu <level>
   simple_detonations <boolean-value>
   simple_detonations_exclude platform_type <type-name>
   simple_detonations_exclude weapon_effects <type-name>
   simple_kill_range <length-value>
   simple_miss_reporting <boolean-value>
   suppress_directed_energy_data <boolean-value>
   suppress_cme_detect_beam <boolean-value>
   suppress_cme_entity_data <boolean-value>
   suppress_cme_draw_data <boolean-value>
   suppress_cme_passive_sensor <boolean-value>
   use_deprecated_cme_draw_data <boolean-value>
   target_priority <platform_type> <real-value>
   use_track_jam_for_tracking_requests <boolean-value>

   # Weapon Transfer Commands

   incoming_weapon_transfer <dis-entity-type> [ from <dis-entity-id> ] using <weapon-system-type>
   outgoing_weapon_transfer <weapon-system-type>

Weapon and EW Mapping Commands

munition_type <platform_type> <dis-entity-type>

Specify the DIS entity type to be used when sending PDUs for platforms or munitions with the indicated WSF platform type. This command should be specified for each WSF platform type that is present in the scenario. If the type of a platform does not have a corresponding DIS entity type then 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 will be used. For proper WSF interaction of received DIS entities from other networked simulations, a corresponding simple platform_type must be created with defined signatures.


entity_type F-15E 1:2:225:1:5:5:0
entity_type F-18E 1:2:225:1:9:10:0


entity_type and munition_type are synonymous.

ew_technique_type <ew-technique-type> <dis-jamming-mode-sequence-enum>

Specify the DIS jamming mode sequence enumeration associated with a specified WSF Electronic Warfare (EW) technique. For outbound electromagnetic emission PDUs this defines the value for the ‘jamming mode sequence’ field in the PDU for a given WSF defined EW technique for a sensor/jammer. For inbound PDUs, a reverse lookup is performed to determine the WSF EW technique type to be used by the sensor/jammer that needs to be used to provide the additional characteristics needed to properly model interactions with the externally modeled EW techniques. If multiple EW techniques are being used on a beam, only one of them will be sent. Currently, this is only valid for (electronic_attack) techniques.

warhead <category> <dis-warhead-enum>

Specify the DIS warhead enumeration to be used within the burst descriptor field of the DIS fire and detonate PDUs. This enumeration is mapped to an WSF category.


warhead HEL 3000  # Maps weapon category HEL to
                  # DIS warhead enum 3000 (Illumination).

Other Weapon and EW Commands

debug_warfare_pdu <level>

Specify the level of debugging information for warfare PDUs. This is a bitmask. If bit zero is set, verbose information about received fire and detonate PDUs will be printed to the console. If bit one is set, verbose information about weapon transfers will be printed to the console.

Default: 3 (Both fire and weapon transfer information are printed to the console.)

simple_detonations <boolean-value>

Indicates that simpler rules will be applied to determine the effect of detonation event in a received Fire PDU. If this is enabled and simple_detonations_exclude do not exclude the weapon from simple detonation processing, the following rules will be applied:

  • If the PDU specifies a specific target entity and that entity is locally controlled and not marked as being indestructible, it will be killed if the PDU indicates that the target was hit (DIS result code of 1)

  • If a target entity was not explicitly specified and the PDU indicates either a hit or some sort of detonation occurred, a target will be selected (see target_priority for the algorithm) and will be killed if the distance between it and the detonation point is less than or equal to the value of simple_kill_range.

  • No entity will be killed if the DIS result code indicates some sort of detonation did not occur (e.g., codes 0, 6 and 31-33).

Default: on

simple_detonations_exclude platform_type <type-name>
simple_detonations_exclude weapon_effects <type-name>

If simple_detonations are enabled, this prevents simple detonation processing from occurring for specific weapon platform types or weapon_effects types. Simple detonation processing will not occur if:

  • The platform type of the weapon appears in a simple_detonations_exclude platform_type command.

  • The weapon_effects associated with the weapon platform appears in a simple_detonations_exclude weapons_effects command.

This command may be repeated multiple times to build the exclusion list.


This command should be used if the associated weapon_effects has an associated on_weapon_target_engagement script that must be executed in order to achieve the desired effect (often used with countermeasure or nonlethal effect modeling).

simple_kill_range <length-value>

If simple_detonations are enabled and a target was not specified in a received Fire PDU, a target will be selected (see target_priority for the algorithm). The selected target will be killed if distance between it and the detonation point is less than or equal to the value specified by this command.

Default: 100 meters

simple_miss_reporting <boolean-value>

If true, causes any reported detonation that did not result in the target being killed to be reported as a 6 (NoneOrNoDetonationDud). Only when the target is killed will the reported detonation result be 1 (EntityImpact). This is used when some receiving applications have limited processing of detonation results.

Default: false

suppress_directed_energy_data <boolean-value>

Directed energy data include PDUs that are part of the new extended DIS standard; these include the directed energy fire and entity part damage status PDUs. If this flag is set, only the basic fire and detonate PDUs that correspond with the IEEE 1278.1 DIS standard, will be sent for directed energy weapons.

Default: enabled

suppress_cme_detect_beam [ <boolean-value> ] (deprecated)

Specifies whether the Electromagnetic Emissions PDU will NOT include the supplemental beam that indicates targets the sensor is detecting but not yet tracking. The CME applications VESPA and Clouseau use this to draw the white detection lines between the sensor and the target.

Default: true


The supplemental beam specifies extremely low power (about 1 milliwatt) so as to reduce any potential for interference for those applications that are tracking received power.

suppress_cme_entity_data [ <boolean-value> ] (deprecated)

Specifies whether the supplemental DIS ‘Other’ PDU containing additional entity data for the CME applications VESPA and Clouseau will NOT be sent.

Default: true

suppress_cme_draw_data [ <boolean-value> ] (deprecated)

Specifies whether the WsfDraw DIS ‘Other’ PDUs containing draw commands will NOT be sent.

Default: true

suppress_cme_passive_sensor [ <boolean-value> ] (deprecated)

Specifies whether emissions PDUs for passive sensors will NOT be sent.

Default: true

use_deprecated_cme_draw_data <boolean-value> (deprecated)

If this is set to true, the WsfDraw DIS ‘Other’ PDUs containing draw commands will be sent using the deprecated format.

Default: false


The deprecated format is required for VESPA v5.3.2 and older.

target_priority <platform_type> <real-value>

This command is used when a Fire PDU is received and a target entity was not specified in the PDU. When a target entity was not specified in the Fire PDU, the simulation will assign each locally-controlled hostile entity (those that are on a side different from the detonating weapon) a priority based on the following formula and then select the entity with the highest priority:

Priority = target_priority - distance_from_target_location

Where target_priority is the value of the target_priority for the associated entity.

Note that in the absence of any target_priority commands, this algorithm simply results in the selection of the locally-controlled hostile entity closest to the target location. This would work just fine except for the fact that many government-supplied databases contain colocated entities (e.g., all elements of a SAM site are colocated) and the selection of a target could result in ambiguities that cause the wrong target to be selected. The target_priority command can be used to create a bias that will allow the high value targets to be selected.


target_priority SAM_FC_RADAR 1000

Would cause platforms of type SAM_FC_RADAR to be selected if they were colocated with another platform.

use_track_jam_for_tracking_requests <boolean-value>

If ‘true’, this provides an approximate method for a receiver to determine all the places an AESA beam may be pointing. Because a single ESA beam can track many targets and moves faster than any reasonable update rate of the Electromagnetic Emissions PDU, it becomes impossible using the standard DIS protocol for receivers to determine where the beam is looking, thus making it impossible for a high-fidelity ESM model to determine if it could detect the beam.

This change modifies the track-jam list of such sensors so they contain the entity IDs of the entities which the sensor WANTS to track rather than the entity IDs of the entities it is actually tracking. So even if the sensor cannot detect the target, the receiving application can determine where the beam is approximately pointing.

Default: false

Weapon Transfer Commands

incoming_weapon_transfer <dis-entity-type> [ from <dis-entity-id> ] using <weapon-system-type>

A Fire PDU can be used to signify that a weapon that was fired by an external entity is to modeled (‘flown-out’) locally. The weapon entity in a Fire PDU will be transferred to local control if the Munition field in the Burst Descriptor in the Fire PDU, and optionally the Firing Entity ID, match the <dis-entity-type> and <dis-entity-id> values, respectively. If they match, a weapon will be fired from a weapon system of type <weapon-system-type> in order to model the weapon fly-out.

If <dis-entity-id> is provided, components that are specified as 0 will be treated as ‘wild-cards’ and will match any incoming value of that component.


<weapon-system-type> should be the name of a weapon system type defined with the weapon command. It is NOT the name of the launched platform type.

outgoing_weapon_transfer <weapon-system-type>

Specifies that weapons that are launched from the indicated weapon system are to be transferred to external control. Some external application is expected to respond to the Fire PDU and assume control of the launched weapon.


<weapon-system-type> should be the name of a weapon system type defined with the weapon command. It is NOT the name of the launched platform type.