Wizard User’s Guide

The Wizard User’s Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform various tasks. The content in this guide answers the ‘How do I…’ questions.

Create a new project

There are two ways to create a new project:

  • Drag and drop a root scenario file (the initial file that you would pass to a WSF Application) onto the Main Window - Wizard.


  • Select the File –> New menu option and create a new .afproj file.

Remember to save the project by selecting File –> Save Project. If the project was created by dropping a scenario file onto the Main Window, you will be prompted for a project name the first time the Save Project option is selected.

The next time you run Wizard, you can simply open the project by dragging the .afproj file that was previously saved onto the Project Browser - Wizard or via the File –> Open menu option.

Edit a scenario

Once you’ve loaded a project you can begin editing your scenario. Use the Text Editor to read, navigate, and modify scenario files. If you have any experience using tools such as Microsoft Notepad, Textpad or Notepad++, the scenario text editor should feel familiar and supports standard features such as Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo, and Redo.

Use the auto-complete feature

Auto-complete is an extremely useful feature. It is a tool that is commonly found in many software Integrated Development Environments such as Visual Studio and Eclipse. It provides command suggestions that are targeted to the context that you’re working in. For example, if you’re working on defining a platform, you’re only interested in commands that are available to the platform. Traditionally, this was accomplished by referring to the documentation. With command auto-completion, Wizard can provide you with a list of commands that are suitable. To use this feature, place your cursor inside of the context that you’re interested in (this could be global, inside a platform block, sensor block, etc.) and use the Ctrl+Space key sequence. This will bring up a pop-up window containing the list of commands that are available in the current context.

For example …

  • To create a new type of platform press Ctrl+Space and type ‘pla’…this will filter the list down to platform, platform_availability, platform_type, etc.

  • Next, use the arrow keys to highlight ‘platform_type’.

  • Press the ‘Tab’ or ‘Enter’ key to accept the ‘platform_type’ command.

  • Note the Syntax Tips feature indicates the need to provide a name for the new type, type MY_PLATFORM_TYPE.

  • Press Ctrl+Space again and the auto-complete tool provides a list of all the available platform_types, select WSF_PLATFORM.

By using the auto-complete tool you can easily walk through each WSF command and even have the tool suggest known values (i.e., the available platform types).

Find documentation for Wizard

Wizard comes with this User’s Guide and a Reference Guide These guides can be accessed from Wizard under the Help menu.

Find documentation for a WSF command

One really nice feature of Wizard is that WSF commands can be quickly found in the documentation. Simply click on the command (in the Text Editor and press the ‘F1’ key. Or alternatively, select the command then right-click and select ‘Command Documentation’ from the context menu. Documentation will be displayed on the Context Help tab at the bottom of the Main Window.

Find where a type is declared

Wizard provides a feature that allows you to quickly jump to the file location where a WSF type is declared. To use this feature simply select the type you’re interested in finding (in the Text Editor and right-click. This will launch the right-click menu, which has a menu item named Go To Definition…select this item. A tab will immediately open in the Text Editor and the cursor will jump to the line where the type is located.

Find the locations where a type is referenced

Complimentary to the Go To Definition feature, Wizard provides a Find References feature, which provides a listing of file locations where the specified WSF type is referenced. To use this tool, simply select the type you’re interested in finding (in the Text Editor and right-click. This will launch the right-click menu, which has a menu item named ‘Find References’…select this item. A pop-up window will appear with the list of locations where the type was found to be referenced (if there is only one reference, it will immediately jump to this location).

View the platforms in a scenario

Wizard provides a feature called the Platform Browser which provides a tree-view listing of all of the platforms that exist in the currently loaded project. The display may by expanded to show platforms’ parts.

Double-clicking on a platform or platform part will open up a Text Editor and navigate to the appropriate definition.

View the platform types in a scenario

The Type Browser provides a tree-view listing of all of the types that exist in the currently loaded project. The display may by expanded to show the derived types.

Double-clicking on a item in the browser will open up a Text Editor tab and navigate to the appropriate definition.

Run from Wizard

Wizard provides the ability to run a WSF application. To do so, you must first register your application with Wizard (this is a one-time configuration) using the Simulation Manager, which is accessible via the Tools menu.

Next, you’ll need to associate the application with the scenario you’d like to run using the scenario’s Settings dialog. The scenario settings are accessible in the Project menu.

Now, all you need to do is press ‘F5’ or select ‘Run’ from the Project menu. The console output from WSF will be displayed in the Output tab in the Output Panel.

View the simulation results in Mystic

Wizard provides the ability to run the Mystic application.

All you need to do is right-click on any .aer file listed in your Project Browser and choose ‘Open with Mystic’. Double clicking on the file or choosing it from the output list will work as well.