Script Commands

script_call_trace [ off | on ]

Controls whether a trace of script method calls will be written to standard output. This can be very useful for debugging complex scripts. If enabled, a line indicating the time, platform, platform part name and script name is written prior to calling the method. Upon return from the method another line is written which contains the function return value.

This command can appear at the global level, inside a platform or inside a platform component. The default global value is false. If this command is specified at the global level then it will apply to all platforms and their components for which a value has not been explicitly defined. If this occurs at the platform level then it applies to the platform and any component on the platform for which a value has not been explicitly defined.


The resulting trace only includes scripts that are directly invoked from WSF. It does not include scripts that are invoked by the scripts. This will probably be implemented in a future release.


This can produce a lot of output (especially when used at the global level).

script_debug_writes [ off | on ]

Controls whether the script debug write statements write_d and writeln_d are executed. If enabled, write_d and writeln_d statements are executed.

This command can appear at the global level, inside a platform or inside a platform component. The default global value is false. If this command is specified at the global level then it will apply to all platforms and their components for which a value has not been explicitly defined. If this occurs at the platform level then it applies to the platform and any component on the platform for which a value has not been explicitly defined.

The “write_d” writes a line without a carriage return. The “writeln_d” writes a line with a carriage return.


The use of “write” and “writeln” are not affected by this command.

script_abort_on_null_references [ off | on ]

When a script method is called with an invalid object or argument, an error is printed to the screen. When this option is enabled, the application will also terminate immediately. This command is only available in a global context.

Default: off

script_abort_on_assert [ off | on]

When a call to assert() in script fails, the application will usually abort. Setting this option to ‘off’ will still print an error but will not abort the application.

Default: on

script … end_script

Defines a script.

script_variables … end_script_variables

Allows users to declare a set of variables that are accessible to scripts within a given context. For example, if the script_variables command is used inside the platform command, then all scripts defined within that platform have access to the variables that are defined. In addition, any scriptable platform parts can access their parents variables by using the extern keyword.

The script_variables block accepts standard script variable declaration, definition and assignment commands with the exception that definition and assignment cannot invoke functions or other scripts.

      int mMyInt = 9;
      int mMyDouble = 1.23456;

      Array<string> mMyArray = Array<string>();
      mMyArray[0] = 'hello';
      mMyArray[1] = 'world';

      mMyDouble = -mMyDouble;
      mMyInt = mMyDouble + 100;

      writeln("mMyInt=", mMyInt);    // The on_initialize script can access the mMyInt variable
                                     // that was defined in current context (i.e., the platform).

   processor script-processor-1 WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR
         extern int mMyInt;          // To access the mMyInt variable defined by the parent platform the
                                     // script processor must first extern it.
         writeln("mMyInt=", mMyInt);

   processor script-processor-2 WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR
         int mMyInt = 12;            // If a child context (i.e., the script processor) defines a script variable
                                     // with the same name as a variable in the parent's context (i.e., the platform)
                                     // it creates its own copy that is independent of the parents.

         writeln("mMyInt=", mMyInt); // This will print 12.
script_interface … end_script_interface

Configures the scripting system. Multiple script_interface blocks may be provided. If the same subcommand is specified in multiple blocks then the last value given will be used



Tells the compiler to produce a source listing and any errors that may occur during compilation (by default debug output is turned off).


Tells the compiler not to produce the source and detailed error listing. The compiler will still display a simple message if an error occurs during compilation.

script … end_script

Defines a script that is callable by all platforms in the simulation.