
WsfDriftManeuver inherits WsfOrbitalManeuver

Input type: drift

WsfDriftManeuver is used to move a platform on a circular orbit to a similar circular orbit in which the platform would advance or recede from its initial orbit at a given angular rate. The initial and final orbits do not intersect, and so there is a third transfer orbit that the executing platform will perform while moving from one radius to the next. This transfer can be optimized for duration or for delta-V usage, or it can be given a fixed duration. When the transfer ends, the platform will have a state that will have already drifted the correct amount based on the time of transfer.


static WsfDriftManeuver Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition aCondition, int aOptimizeOption, double aMaximumDeltaTime, double aMaximumDeltaV, double aDriftRate)

Create a WsfDriftManeuver with the intent of finding an optimal transfer solution in delta-V or time, using the following:

static WsfDriftManeuver Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition aCondition, WsfOrbitalOptimizationCost aCost, double aMaximumDeltaTime, double aMaximumDeltaV, double aDriftRate)

Create a WsfDriftManeuver with the intent of finding a transfer solution minimizing a given cost, using the following:

static WsfDriftManeuver Construct(WsfOrbitalEventCondition aCondition, double aDeltaTime, double aDriftRate)

Create a WsfDriftManeuver without optimizing the transfer, taking a fixed time to complete the transfer:

static int EARLIEST_TIME()

Return the value to be used when constructing a WsfDriftManeuver when optimizing the maneuver such that it will complete at the earliest possible time, up to delta-t and delta-V constraints provided during construction.

static int LEAST_DELTA_V()

Return the value to be used when constructing a WsfDriftManeuver when optimizing the maneuver such that it will execute with the least possible delta-v, up to delta-t and delta-V constraints provided during construction.

double DriftRate()

Return the drift rate in degrees per second.

void SetDriftRate(double aDriftRate)

Set the drift rate in degrees per second to the given value.