
WsfEarthJ2Term inherits WsfOrbitalDynamicsTerm


The WsfEarthJ2Term represents the additional acceleration due to the oblateness of the Earth. See also Earth J2 Perturbation.

Static Methods

WsfEarthJ2Term Construct()

Construct a WsfEarthJ2Term using default values of the gravitational parameter (3.986004415e+14 m^3/s^2), the mean radius of the Earth (6371.0 km), and J_2 (0.0010826267).

WsfEarthJ2Term Construct(double aGravitationalParameter, double aMeanRadius, double aJ2)

Construct a WsfEarthJ2Term using the given gravitational parameter in SI units, the given mean radius of the Earth in meters, and the given value for J_2.

double DefaultJ2()

Return the default value for J_2 (0.0010826267).


double GravitationalParameter()

Return the gravitational parameter in SI units used by this term.

double MeanRadius()

Return the mean radius in meters of the Earth used by this term.

double J2()

Return the value of J_2 used by this term.

Vec3 ComputeAcceleration(double aMass, Calendar aTime, Vec3 aPosition, Vec3 aVelocity)

For the WsfEarthJ2Term this method will return the zero vector; the acceleration provided by this term can only be computed when the dynamics are fully initialized and are in use by a WsfIntegratingSpaceMover.