
WsfIntegratingSpaceMover inherits WsfSpaceMover



A WsfIntegratingSpaceMover uses a numerical integrator (WsfOrbitalIntegrator) to advance the kinematics state of a platform according to the specified orbital dynamics (WsfOrbitalDynamics).

Orbital Dynamics Methods

WsfOrbitalDynamics OrbitalDynamics()

Return a copy of the orbital dynamics in use by this mover.

void SetOrbitalDynamics(WsfOrbitalDynamics aDynamics)

Set the orbital dynamics for this mover. It is an error to attempt to change dynamics while the mover is currently propagating, so this method will fail in that case.

Orbital Integrator Methods

WsfOrbitalIntegrator OrbitalIntegrator()

Return a copy of the orbital integrator in use by this mover.

void SetOrbitalIntegrator(WsfOrbitalIntegrator aIntegrator)

Set the orbital integrator for this mover. It is an error to attempt to change integrators while the mover is currently propagating, so this method will fail in that case.