
Navigation: Cyber Overview

cyber_protect <type> <base_type> … end_cyber_protect
cyber_protect <type> <base_type>

   # Defines the response to the attack <attack_type>.
   # Repeat as necessary to handle additional attack types

   attack_response <attack_type>
      probability_of_scan_detection ...
      probability_of_scan_attribution ...
      probability_of_attack_success ...
      probability_of_status_report ...
      probability_of_attack_detection ...
      probability_of_attack_attribution ...
      probability_of_future_immunity ...
      attack_detection_delay_time ...
      attack_recovery_delay_time ...
      script bool IsVulnerable ...
      script bool OnScanDetection ...
      script bool OnAttackDetection ...
      script bool OnAttackRecovery ...

   # Define the default attack response should an attack occur
   # for an attack type that does not have an accompanying response.

   attack_response default


The name of the cyber_protect type being defined.


The name of an existing cyber_protect type or WSF_CYBER_PROTECT, whose definition will be used as the initial definition of the new type.

Instantiation on a platform type:

platform_type <type> <base_type>
   cyber_protect <type>

Adding cyber_protect to a platform:

platform <name> <type>   # or edit platform <name>
   add cyber_protect <type>

Editing a cyber_protect object on a platform:


The cyber_protect object defines a platforms response to cyber attacks, which includes the ability to block, detect and recover from an attack. Every active platform active in a simulation will have either an explicitly or implicitly define cyber_protect object.

The object contains zero or more attack_response blocks, each of which defines the response to a particular type of attack as defined by cyber_attack. When an attack is attempted the response will be selected according to the following algorithm:

  1. Attempt to locate the attack_response with the name ‘<T>’.

  2. If step 1 fails, for each cyber_attack type that ‘<T>’ inherits from, attempt to locate the attack_response whose name matches the inherited type.

  3. If steps 1 and 2 fail attempt to locate the attack_response entry named ‘default’.

  4. If steps 1, 2 and 3 fail use an internal response dynamically created from the default default response values in the cyber_attack type ‘<T>’.

For more information about the implementation of a cyber attack please see Cyber Overview.


attack_response [ <attack_type> | default ] … end_attack_respone

Define the response to the attack <attack_type>. <attack_type> must be a defined cyber_attack type or the word ‘default’, which signifies the attack response to use if an attack is received for which there is not a defined attack response.

attack_response Subcommands

This section defines the commands that occur within the attack_response.

probability_of_scan_detection [ 0 .. 1 ]

The probability threshold that a scan function will be detected.

Default: From probability_of_scan_detection in the applicable cyber_attack.

probability_of_scan_attribution [ 0 .. 1 ]

The probability threshold that a scan function will be attributed.

Default: From probability_of_scan_attribution in the applicable cyber_attack.

probability_of_attack_success [ 0 .. 1 ]

The probability threshold that an attack will be declared successful.

Default: From probability_of_attack_success in the applicable cyber_attack.

probability_of_status_report [ 0 .. 1 ]

The probability threshold that the attacker will receive immediate notification of the success or failure of an attack.

Default: From probability_of_status_report in the applicable cyber_attack.

probability_of_attack_detection [ 0 .. 1 ]

The probability threshold that an attack will be detected by the victim.

Default: From probability_of_attack_detection in the applicable cyber_attack.

probability_of_attack_attribution [ 0 .. 1 ]

The probability threshold that an attack will be attributed by the victim.

Default: From probability_of_attack_attribution in the applicable cyber_attack.

probability_of_future_immunity [ 0 .. 1 ]

The probability threshold that the victim will be immune to future attacks of the same type.

Default: From probability_of_future_immunity in the applicable cyber_attack.

attack_detection_delay_time <random_time_value>

The amount of time it takes before the victim become aware of an attack.

Default: Infinity

attack_recovery_delay_time <random_time_value>

The amount of time it takes for the victim to recover from an attack after it becomes aware of the attack.

Default: Infinity

IsVulnerable (script)
script bool IsVulnerable(WsfCyberEngagement aEngagement)

Define an optional script that is invoked when a scan or an attack occurs against the platform. This may be used to implement more complex vulnerability assessment based on the operating conditions rather than just using random draws.

The script should return a ‘true’ if the platform is vulnerable to the scan or attack or ‘false’ if not.

If this script returns a ‘false’ not vulnerable value, then the scan or attack currently in progress will be aborted without providing any notification to the attacker. Note that even if this script determines that a victim platform is vulnerable to an attack or scan, the victim’s immunity status will still be evaluated in determining whether or not to proceed with the scan or attack.

Default: Not defined.

OnScanDetection (script)
script void OnScanDetection(WsfCyberEngagement aEngagement)

Define an optional script that is invoked when a scan occurs against the platform. This may be used to model such effects as notifying others that something suspicious is occurring.

Default: Not defined.

OnAttackDetection (script)
script void OnAttackDetection(WsfCyberEngagement aEngagement)

Define an optional script that is invoked after an attack has occurred upon the expiration of the attack_detection_delay_time. This might be used to model effects such notify others of the attack.

Default: Not defined.

OnAttackRecovery (script)
script void OnAttackRecovery(WsfCyberEngagement aEngagement)

Define an optional script that is invoked during an attack after the expiration of the attack_recovery_delay_time. This may be used to model such effects as notifying others that they are once again operational.

Default: Not defined.