
Visual Elements Data

   poi <poi-name> ...
   decoration <entity-name> ...
   range_ring <ring-name> ...
visual_elements … end_visual_elements

Visual elements blocks contain three types of map annotations: points-of-interest, decorations and range rings. Although they have no bearing on the simulation itself, these map annotations can significantly improve the user experience in AFSIM visual applications.


Points of interest and platforms are commonly referred to as *entities*. Range rings and decorations are attached to entities, which are referenced by name. Please avoid having multiple entities with the same name because this may cause unintended behavior.

  • Points-of-interest are small markers used to keep track of important locations.

  • Decorations are text or image attachments that may be added to platforms or points-of-interest.

  • Range rings are a set of concentric circles labeled by distance from a central point (platform or point-of-interest) that can be useful for visualizing effects such as weapon ranges.

Each of these command blocks are detailed below.


Each point-of-interest has a name, a position, an altitude and a bullseye flag.

poi <name> … end_poi
poi <string>
   position ...
   altitude ...
position <latitude-value> <longitude-value>

Specifies the latitude and longitude of the point-of-interest.

Default 0n 0e

altitude <length-value>

Specifies the altitude of the point.

Default 0 m


This flag determines whether the point-of-interest will be displayed as a bullseye instead.


Each decoration has an entity name, which represents the entity that it is attached to. The inside of the block contains a description of what should be drawn on the map.

decoration <name> … end_decoration
decoration <string>
   text ...
   preset ...
   image ...
text <string>

Specifies the text that should be displayed on the entity.

preset <PresetType>

Specifies the preset image that should be displayed on the entity. The possible choices are one, two, three, four, heart, diamond, spade and club.

image <string>

Specifies the file path of the image that should be displayed on the entity.


The three decoration description commands are mutually exclusive. Only the most recent command will be considered when drawing the decoration.

Range Ring

Every range ring block has a unique name. The inside of the block contains a description of how the ring should be drawn, as well as the name of the entity it should be attached to.

range_ring <name> … end_range_ring
range_ring <string>
   entity ...
   range_label_color ...
   ring_color ...
   ring_width ...
   center_radius ...
   additional_rings ...
   additional_radii ...
   angle_label_color ...
   radial_color ...
   radial_width ...
   center_angle ...
   angle_width ...
   radial_rate ...
entity <string>

Specifies the name of the entity that the range ring should be attached to.


This flag determines whether range labels should be visible.

range_label_color <color-value>

Specifies the color of the range labels.

Default white

ring_color <color-value>

Specifies the color of the rings.

Default white

ring_width <integer>

Specifies the line width of the rings.

Default 1

center_radius <length-value>

Specifies the radius of the innermost range ring.

Default 111120 m

additional_rings <integer>

Specifies the number of additional rings that should be drawn.

Default 0

additional_radii <length-value>

Specifies how much longer the radius is for each additional ring

Default 18520 m


This flag determines whether angle labels should be visible.

angle_label_color <color-value>

Specifies the color of the angle labels.

Default white

radial_color <color-value>

Specifies the color of the radial lines.

Default white

radial_width <integer>

Specifies the line width of the radial lines.

Default 1

center_angle <angle-value>

Specifies the zero-angle offset of the ring (relative to the attached entity’s heading).

Default 0.0 degrees

angle_width <angle-value>

Specifies the span of the ring.

Default 360 degrees

radial_rate <angle-value>

Specifies the rate at which radial lines will be drawn.

Default 0 degrees


By default, the zero-angle offset of the ring is relative to the entity’s heading. This flag aligns it with true north instead.