

The mission application is the baseline executable for the WSF application. It reads text files containing WSF Reference Guide and executes the simulation, advancing through time, moving platforms, making decisions and performing interactions between objects.

Execution modes are as follows:

mission has three major forms of output:

  • An event log controlled by the input command event_output. This is a human-readable text file that can be visualized with the program Timeview or post-processed through any variety of scripting programs (e.g., Perl, Python). Another event log file capability is to use csv_event_output to create a set of default comma-delimited (or user-specified delimiter) files. It is also possible to create completely unique event output log information with the observer command to trigger a user-defined script that writes information to either the screen or to a file.

  • A binary event report file, that can be viewed with Mystic Application, controlled by the input command event_pipe.

  • (May be deprecated in future) A binary ‘replay file’ that can be visualized with VESPA. The replay file is produced by specifying the record command within the dis_interface block.

Command Line

mission [ -es | -rt | -fs | -fio | -sm | -mi <interval> | -log-server-host <hostname> | -log-server-port <portNumber> | -profiling-output <output-location> | -profiling-library <library-path>] <file-1> [ <file-2> ... <file-n> ]


-es (Default)

Run the the event-stepped simulation executive

Note: By default the event-stepped simulation executive will run in non-real-time mode (i.e., it will dispatch events as fast as possible). To run event-stepped and participate in a real-time DIS exercise, be sure to include the command realtime in the input.


Run the frame-stepped simulation executive in real-time mode (frame advance will occur in step with the wall clock).

Note: At the current time, the use of this option is NOT recommended for anything other than the simplest of scenarios. The current frame-stepped executive does not deal with ‘broken frames’ very gracefully. Instead, please use the event-stepped simulation executive and specify the realtime command in your input file (as described in the -es parameter above).


Run the frame-stepped simulation executive in non-real-time mode {frame advance will occur when all work for a frame is completed).

Note: This is equivalent to specifying -rt and including the command non-realtime in the input.


Each time the simulation is advanced, ensure that all characters are written from the standard output stream to their destination and that the buffer is cleared (flushed).


Suppress the periodic messages indicating advance of the simulation time.

-mi <interval>

Output periodic messages indicating advance of the simulation time at the given time interval (in seconds).


Output the list of preprocessor variables used in the scenario files and quit.

-log-server-host <host>

Tells mission which host to connect the log server client to.

-log-server-port <port>

Tells mission which port to connect the log server client to.

-profiling-output <output-location>

Place to which to write performance profiling output. Currently, the output location is a file path; we may offer other means of output in the future. File will be created if it does not yet exist. Profiling will only be enabled if this option is provided.

Note: Performance profiling for C++ code is an early access feature preview. Both the “hooks” (C interfaces provided by the shared library) and the higher-level C++ interfaces for performance profiling are subject to change. The default library’s output format will also change.

-profiling-library <library-path>

Path of a nondefault shared library of performance profiling hooks. If not provided and if profiling is enabled, then the default profiling library will be used when profiling.

Note: Performance profiling for C++ code is an early access feature preview. Both the “hooks” (C interfaces provided by the shared library) and the higher-level C++ interfaces for performance profiling are subject to change. The default library’s output format will also change.

<file-1> [ <file-2> … <file-n> ]

One or more files that contain commands documented in the WSF Reference Guide.