
attenuation_model … end_attenuation_model
attenuation_model <derived-name> <base-name>
   ... Input for the attenuation model ...


attenuation_model is used to create configured attenuation models that can be referenced in the attenuation_model block in a transmitter definition.

<derived-name> is the name you wish your configured attenuation model to be assigned. <derived-name> is the name by which the user wishes to refer to the configured attenuation model.

<base-name> is one of the Available Attenuation Models:

Effective Use Of Attenuation Models

An attenuation model definition may be embedded directly in the definition of a radar. For example, assume you have a file called ‘ex_radar.txt’:

      ... transmitter commands ...
      attenuation_model itu
         ... itu model commands ...
      ... receiver commands ...

The problem with this method is that one must modify the radar definition to change or eliminate the attenuation model. In many production uses this is undesirable or infeasible. What would be more desirable is to provide a ‘default’ attenuation model definition that can be overridden.

The new ‘ex_radar.txt’ would now contain:

# Define the 'default' attenuation model
attenuation_model EX_RADAR_ATTENUATION itu
   ... itu model commands ...

      ... transmitter commands ...
      attenuation_model EX_RADAR_ATTENUATION # References the attenuation model symbolically
      ... receiver commands ...

Then to override the attenuation model:

#include ex_radar.txt

# Provide a new definition that overrides the existing definition.
# This example now uses the **blake** attenuation model.

attenuation_model EX_RADAR_ATTENUATION blake

The radar model will use the last definition of EX_RADAR_ATTENUATION when it finally creates instances of the radar in the simulation.

Available Attenuation Models


A ‘dummy’ attenuation model that results in no effect.:

attenuation_model *<derived-name>* none


This model provides a mechanism to specify either a constant specific attenuation (signal loss per unit length) or a constant factor (attenuation is always the same). This model is applicable when one has conditions which are relatively geometry independent and don’t require the calculation of a more complex model. It is also applicable for some simple cases that may not be handled by other models.

Either one of the following can be specified:

specific_attenuation <value> <db-ration-unit>/<length-unit>

Specifies the signal loss per unit length. This would be applicable where the paths are nearly parallel to the Earth’s surface (such as in air-to-air where the participants are at approximately the same altitude).

This is loss factor (appears in the denominator) and is generally specified as a positive db/km (which results in a value greater than or equal to 1).


specific_attenuation 0.001 db/km
attenuation_factor <db-ratio-value>

Specifies a constant multiplier (gain factor) of the signal value. The factor must be in the range [ 0 .. 1 ] in absolute units (a dB value less than zero). This option would be applicable where the geometry is fixed (or nearly so), such as communications between two ground stations or between a ground station and a geosynchronous satellite.


attenuation_factor -3.0 db


This model determines the attenuation factor for RF signals with a frequency of 1-1000 GHz using the methods defined in the following recommendations from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU):

  • “ITU Recommendation ITU-R P.676-8, Attenuation by atmospheric gases”.

  • “ITU Recommendation ITU-R P.838-3, Specific attenuation model for rain for use in prediction methods”.

  • “ITU Recommendation ITU-R P.840-4, Attenuation due to clouds and fog”.

The contribution of attenuation due to rain is computed only if the rain_rate is defined in the global_environment. If rain_altitude_limit is not specified then it will use the lower value of cloud_altitude_limits . If that value is not defined then it will use the value of 10000 meters.

The contribution of attenuation due to clouds or fog is computed if cloud_altitude_limits and cloud_water_density are defined in the global_environment.

The model integrates along the path through a series of 1 km thick layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. The integration will not go above 30 km unless the rain or cloud altitude limits are higher, and the respective rain rate or cloud water density is provided. (The additional attenuation by atmospheric gases is negligible above 30 km).


This model determines the attenuation factor using the atmospheric absorption model written by L.V. Blake, Naval Research Laboratory. This is based on a family of 42 attenuation curves for frequencies between 100 MHz and 10 GHz and elevation angles between 0 and 10 degrees. The curves are flat beyond 300 nautical miles. These tables were published in ‘Radar Systems Analysis, Section 15.1, David K. Barton, Artech Publishing.’’


This selection is valid only where either the transmitter or the target are on (or are very near) the surface.


This model determines the attenuation factor using the atmospheric absorption model from the ESAMS/ALARM/RADGUNS Common Environment (EARCE). This is a collection of precomputed tables which are valid for frequencies in the range 100 MHz to 18 GHz and 27 GHz to 40 GHz. Frequencies less than 100 MHz will assume 100 MHz. Frequencies between 18 GHz and 27 GHz and above 40 GHz will use a very computationally-intensive method to determine the attenuation and should be avoided.


This selection is valid only where either the transmitter or the target are on (or are very near) the surface.


The WSF_OPTICAL_ATTENUATION attenuation model is used with visual and infrared systems such as WSF_EOIR_SENSOR and WSF_IRST_SENSOR.