
atmospheric_coefficients … end_atmospheric_coefficients
   altitude  ... end_altitude
   attenuation  ... end_attenuation
   scattering  ... end_scattering
   wavelength <length-value>
   haze_model <integer-value>
   atmosphere_model <integer-value>

Atmospheric coefficients are required when using a fluence_model with a WSF_LASER_WEAPON or WSF_CUED_LASER_WEAPON. Typically, these are produced from ModTran for the given wavelength, haze model, and atmosphere model. There are currently data for the standard laser types in the hel_demoatmosphere folder in the WSF standard release, version WSF 1.7.5 - 28 Mar 2013 and above; these are the following:

  • Carbon Dioxide 1000 nm

  • ND-YAG 1064 nm

  • COIL 1315 nm

  • Deuterium Fluoride 3800 nm

the following atmosphere models are supported from the ModTran, Models 2,3, and 6 are supported for WSF at wavelength 1064; otherwise only model 2 is supported at other wavelengths.

  1. Tropical Atmosphere

  2. Midlatitude Summer (default)

  3. Midlatitude Winter

  4. Subarctic Summer

  5. Subarctic Winter

  6. 1976 U.S. Standard

The following haze values are supported; Currently all models are only available for wavelengths 1000 and 1064 (CO2 and Nd-YAG) otherwise only model 1 is available (see model extraction procedure, below. to access other models at other wavelengths).

  1. RURAL Extinction, VIS = 23 km (Clear) (default)

  2. RURAL Extinction, VIS = 5 km (Hazy)

  3. Navy maritime Extinction

  4. MARITIME Extinction, VIS = 23 km

  5. Urban Extinction, VIS = 5 km

altitude … end_altitude

A list of altitudes for which corresponding attenuation and scattering coefficient blocks are provided.

attenuation … end_attenuation

A list of attenuation coefficients in units of 1/m. Each entry in this block corresponds with the entry in the altitude block.

scattering … end_scattering

A list of scattering coefficients in units of 1/m. Each entry in this block corresponds with the entry in the altitude block.

wavelength <length-value>

The wavelength at which the table is valid.

haze_model <integer-value>

The haze model used, corresponding with one of the values above (1-5). This should be the same value used as input to the ModTran run.

atmosphere_model <integer-value>

The atmosphere model used, corresponding with one of the values above (1-6). This should be the same value used as input to the ModTran run.