beam_director <string>
   ... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Articulated Part Commands ...
   ... Laser Weapon Commands ...
   ... Weapon Commands ...


WSF_CUED_LASER_WEAPON is an implementation of WSF_LASER_WEAPON that is cued by a separate beam director. This beam director model is a sensor that acquires HEL targets and ensures that the HEL is capable of firing at them.. Once the weapon is fired, the beam director attempts to cue to the targeted region of interest. The weapon only commences high energy lasing once the beam director cue is in constraints, which include image size, gimbal rates, and target occlusion). If the cue is lost for any reason, HEL lasing ceases, and the target cue must be re-acquired by the beam director.


It is sufficient to define a the WSF_CUED_LASER_WEAPON and WSF_BEAM_DIRECTOR on the same platform; the weapon will automatically find and link with the beam director. Specifying a beam director using the beam_director command is also possible.


beam_director <string>

Specifies a WSF_BEAM_DIRECTOR object to attach to this cued laser weapon. When specified, the cued laser weapon will search for a beam director on the same platform with the specified name. If the beam director is found, the weapon will link to it. If the beam director is not found on the platform, initialization will fail.


Disables the ability to specify a WSF_BEAM_DIRECTOR to link the WSF_CUED_LASER_WEAPON with. When this command is used, the laser will not search for the WSF_BEAM_DIRECTOR specified by the beam_director command, instead linking to the first WSF_BEAM_DIRECTOR it encounters.