default fluence_model

fluence_model default … end_fluence_model
fluence_model default
  base fluence model commands

  atmosphere_model ...
  haze_model ...

The default fluence model provides a representation of beam jitter, diffraction, atmospheric turbulence, and atmospheric extinction. It is based on the paper “High Power Laser Propagation” (F. Gebhardt, Applied Optics, vol.15(6), 1479-1493). This model requires valid atmospheric_coefficients for the given wavelength or laser_type, atmosphere_model, and haze_model. Currently these can be found in any WSF release (1.7.5 or later), in the directory hel_demo/atmosphere.


base fluence model commands

see base fluence model commands

atmosphere_model <integer-value>

Specify the atmosphere model to use. Valid values are 1-6 and correspond with the following:

  1. Tropical Atmosphere

  2. Midlatitude Summer (default)

  3. Midlatitude Winter

  4. Subarctic Summer

  5. Subarctic Winter

  6. 1976 U.S. Standard


Currently, all models are only supported for the 1064 nanometer wavelength; otherwise, only model 2 (Midlatitude Summer) is supported.

haze_model <integer-value>

Specify the haze model to use. Valid values are 1-5 and correspond with the following:

  1. RURAL Extinction, VIS = 23 km (Clear) (default)

  2. RURAL Extinction, VIS = 5 km (Hazy)

  3. Navy maritime Extinction

  4. MARITIME Extinction, VIS = 23 km

  5. Urban Extinction, VIS = 5 km


Currently, all models are only supported for the 1064 nanometer wavelength (laser_type nd_yag); otherwise, only model 1 (clear) is supported.