
simdis_interface … end_simdis_interface
   file <string>
   hit_icon <string>
   kill_icon <string>
   event_duration <time-value>
   enable_beams <boolean>
   default_beam_color <string>
   beam_color <sensor_type> <string>
   reference_lla <latitude> <longitude> <altitude>
   define_fhn <side> <F|H|N>


Configures the SIMDIS interface for WSF. SIMDIS is a Navy developed simulation visualization. The simdis_interface allows the simulation to output to the SIMDIS ASCII Scenario Input (ASI) format.

Connection Commands

Configuration Commands

file <string>

Specifies the asi output filename.

hit_icon <string>

Sets the icon that will display in SIMDIS on a weapon hit. Setting this value to NULL will disable hit icons.

Default splash.

kill_icon <string>

Sets the icon that will display in SIMDIS on a platform kill. Setting this value to NULL will disable kill icons.

Default expl-1.

event_duration <time-value>

Sets the duration of the hit and kill icons in SIMDIS.

Default 1 second.

enable_beams <boolean>

Enables or disables track beams in SIMDIS.

Default true.

default_beam_color <string>

This sets the default track beam color in SIMDIS. These values may either be color names, or hexadecimal values (0xAABBGGRR)

Default yellow

beam_color <sensor_type> <string>

This sets the color of track beams generated by a specific sensor type in SIMDIS. This will override the default_beam_color. The values may either be color names, or hexadecimal values (0xAABBGGRR). Beams with zero alpha will not be drawn (ie. 0x00000000).

reference_lla <latitude> <longitude>:argtype:`<altitude> <length-units>`

This sets the camera starting location in SIMDIS.

Default 0n, 0e, 0m MSL.

define_fhn <side> <F|H|N>

This sets the friendly/hostile/neutral association with the given side. May be input multiple time for each side.

Default blue - friendly, red - hostile, other sides - neutral.