
false_target_screener … end_false_target_screener
false_target_screener <name> WSF_FT_SCREENER
   plot_capacity <real-value>
   track_capacity <real-value>
   transfer_capacity <real-value>
   initial_reject <behavior-type> <real-value>
   reject <behavior-type> <real-value>
   allow_track_reporting_when_flooded <boolean-value>
   request_based_tracking <boolean-value>
   only_screen_false_target_track_requests <boolean-value>
   force_target_tracks ... end_force_target_tracks


The false_target_screener block specifies the characteristics of a false target screener. The false target screener is responsible for determining how a false_target is interpreted by targeted radars. For false targets to affect a radar a false_target_screener block must be defined within the sensor block.

The screener manages the radar’s ability to develop and transfer target tracks for both real and false targets. The number of target tracks developed and transferred by the radar is determined by the track_capacity and transfer_capacity inputs. The screener utilizes these capacities in addition to the total number of real and false targets detected to determine the number of tracks (real and false) to be maintained and transferred by the radar. A real target that has a range from the sensor that is less than that of the closest false target will be allowed as a track.

Real target track probabilities are calculated based on the number of detectable false target blips (i.e., trackable blips) are impinging upon the sensor and the number of real targets per the following. If the number of false target blips plus the number of real targets are less than the track_capacity then all the false targets and real targets will be allowed to be tracked. If on the other hand the number of false targets plus the number of real targets exceeds the track_capacity then the following equation is applied to see how many real targets will be allowed through:

*AllowedRealTargets = (integer) (track_capacity_ * NumberOfRealTargets / (NumberOfRealTargets + NumberFalseTargets*))



Set debug mode.

plot_capacity <real-value>

Specifies the total number of targets (real and false) which will be allowed to be displayed at a given time.

Default: 1000

track_capacity <real-value>

Specifies the total number of targets the radar can track at a given time.

Default: 1000

transfer_capacity <real-value>

Specifies the total number of targets the radar is allowed to pass to a command or fusion center.

Default: 250

initial_reject <behavior-type> <real-value>

<behavior-type> : A string input of the false-target behavior-type the following data applies to, valid values are [“random_scan_to_scan” | “consistent_scan_to_scan”]. Specifies an initial rejection ratio which characterizes the screener’s ability to initially reject some number of false targets configured with the specified <behavior-type>. An input of ‘random_scan_to_scan 0.10’ would allow the screener to reject 10% of false targets configured with ‘random_scan_to_scan behavior’ whether detected or not by the sensor.

Default: 0.0

reject <behavior-type> <real-value>

A string input of the false-target blip behavior-type the following data applies to, valid values are [“random_scan_to_scan” | “consistent_scan_to_scan”]. Specifies a rejection ratio which characterizes the screener’s ability to reject some number of total false target blips configured with the specified <behavior-type> each update of the screener. An input of ‘random_scan_to_scan 0.10’ would allow the screener to reject 10% of false targets blips that are being detected by the sensor with ‘random_scan_to_scan behavior’.

Default: 0.0

allow_track_reporting_when_flooded <boolean-value>

Specifies as to whether or not false target tracks are to be reported when the transfer capacity is met. If ‘true’ the screener will allow the sensor’s to report a number of randomly selected tracks up to the transfer capacity each frame; if ‘false then the screener will not allow the sensor’s tracker to report any tracks if transfer capacity is exceeded. The current track capacity includes active and forced false and real targets.

Default: true

request_based_tracking <boolean-value>

Specifies as to whether the radar/screener should collect all trackable false targets based on track requests. If set ‘true’ will cause false targets to only be screened if a request has been scheduled for a track to be initially detected or updated. Primarily used for tracking type radars and radars that respond to requests only.

Default: false

only_screen_false_target_track_requests <boolean-value>

Specifies as to whether the radar/screener should collect all false targets (i.e., ‘false’) or just the ones in which requests have been made (i.e., ‘true’). If set ‘true’ will cause only the requested false target to only be screened. Primarily used for tracking type radars and radars that respond to requests only.

Default: false

force_target_tracks … end_force_target_tracks

Defines the conditions in which a target track can be forced to be tracked by the false_target_screener. To define the dispersion,

   range_force <range-type>
   sector_force <angle-value> <integer-value>
   range_sector_force <length-value> <angle-value> <integer-value>
   j_to_s_delta_threshold <db-ratio-value>
range_force <range-type>

Specifies the range_type criteria that will check to see if a target track should be forced or not based on false target blip constraining. Allowed types are:

  • none - No forcing of target tracks due to range constraining of blips.

  • inside_blip_range - If a target track is inside the minimum blip range it will be forced.

  • outside_blip_range - If a target track is outside the maximum blip range it will be forced.

  • both or inside_outside_blip_range - If a target track is inside or outside the minimum or maximum blip range respectively it will be forced.

Default: none

sector_force <angle-value> <integer-value>

Specifies the sector arc, centered around the target track location, along with the maximum false target count in which the target track will be forced.

Default: No sector forcing

range_sector_force <length-value> <angle-value> <integer-value>

Specifies the range extent and sector arc, centered around the target track location, along with the maximum false target count in which the target track will be forced.

Default: No sector forcing

j_to_s_delta_threshold <db-ratio-value>

Specifies the J/S delta in which the false targets will be counted within the defined sector, for use by the sector forcing commands input maximum false target counts. Any false target with a J/S within the delta threshold defined will count towards a competing false target within the sector of interest.


It is necessary to have the reports_signal_to_noise flag set to enable the J/S checks.

Default: No J/S checks