


sensor_plot is a WSF application that is used to evaluate sensor characteristics and interactions with user-specified geometries. It has the ability to create files that produce plots of

Command Line

Using the stand-alone sensor_plot.exe:

sensor_plot file <sub>1</sub> [ file<sub>2</sub> ... file<sub>n</sub> ]

For other WSF applications supporting sensor_plot:

wsf_application.exe --sensor_plot file <sub>1</sub> [ file<sub>2</sub> ... file<sub>n</sub> ]

Where the arguments are the names of files that contain:

  • A sensor_plot input block that defines the function to be performed.

  • Sensor and platform definitions required for the function to be performed.


antenna_plot Antenna_Plot_Commands end_antenna_plot

Generates files 2D constant azimuth or elevation or 3D polar plot files.

   ... Antenna Plot Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...
clutter_table Clutter_Table_Commands end_clutter_table

Generates a radar clutter table that is used in an WSF simulation.

   ... Clutter Table Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...
flight_path_analysis Flight_Path_Analysis_Commands end_flight_path_analysis

Generates a plot of variables along a flight path.

   ... Flight Path Analysis Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...
horizontal_map Horizontal_Map_Commands end_horizontal_map

Generates a plot of variables over a matrix of down-range and cross-range values.

   ... Horizontal Map Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...
horizontal_coverage Horizontal_Coverage_Commands end_horizontal_coverage

Generates a ‘horizontal coverage diagram’ (or ‘horizontal coverage envelope’) plot file.

   ... Horizontal Coverage Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...
spherical_map Spherical_Map_Commands end_spherical_map

Generates a plot of variables at a specified range over a matrix of viewing angles.

   ... Spherical Map Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...
vertical_map Vertical_Map_Commands end_vertical_map

Generates a plot of variables over a matrix of altitude and ground_range values.

   ... Vertical Map Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...
vertical_coverage Vertical_Coverage_Commands end_vertical_coverage

Generates a ‘vertical coverage diagram’ (or ‘vertical coverage envelope’) plot file.

   ... Vertical Coverage Commands ...
   ... Stub Definition Commands ...

Stub Definition Commands

Existing scenarios are often used to create horizontal_map plots. These scenarios may include platform or platform subsystem type definitions that use capabilities that are not provided in the sensor_plot executable (e.g., weapon models). In order to allow the scenario to be used without alteration, commands and dummy type definitions have been provided to simulate the availability of the unimplemented features.

The following commands provide mechanisms to ignore the specified global commands:

ignore_block <word>

Causes all data starting with the word <word> up to the word end_<word> to be ignored.

ignore_line <word>

Causes the word <word> and all subsequent words on the same line to be ignored.

ignore_word <word>

Causes the word <word> to be ignored.

The following dummy types are provided:

  • WSF_DUMMY_COMM (a dummy comm definition)

  • WSF_DUMMY_MOVER (a dummy mover definition)

  • WSF_DUMMY_PROCESSOR (a dummy processor definition)

  • WSF_DUMMY_SENSOR (a dummy sensor definition)

  • WSF_DUMMY_WEAPON (a dummy weapon definition)

  • WSF_DUMMY_WEAPON_EFFECTS (a dummy weapon_effects definition).