
Navigation: sensor_plot > vertical__map

vertical_map … end_vertical_map

  Stub Definition Commands

  # Sensor Control

  mode_name ...

  # Jammer Control

  jammer_to_signal_reference ...
  jamming_platform_name ...

  target_speed | target_mach

  # Target Region

  ground_range_limits ...
  ground_range_step ...
  altitude_limits ...
  altitude_step ...

  # Output Selection

  variable ...
  script_variable ...
  detection_reference ...

  pd_map_file ...
  header_line_1 ...
  header_line_2 ...
  header_line_3 ...
  output_column_limit ...

  gnuplot_file ...
  gnuplot_player_file ...



The vertical_map command is used to generate a plot file of target detectability at the intersection points of a vertical rectangular mesh. Two types of plot files can be produced:

  • A ‘pd map’ file for the program ‘plotview’ to show a typical ground range/altitude plot.

  • A file suitable for plotting with the program ‘gnuplot’.

To create a file, the following process should be followed:

Sensor Control

mode_name <mode_name>

Specifies the name of the mode to be used if the sensor is a multi-mode sensor.

Default The default mode of the sensor. This will be the value of the initial_mode command of the sensor (if defined) or the first mode (if initial_mode was not defined).

Jammer Control

jammer_to_signal_reference <db-ratio-value>

Specifies the jammer-to-signal (J/S) reference to be used when plotting the ‘required_jamming_power’ variable.

Default 0.0 db

jamming_platform_name <platform-name>

Specifies the platform that will be used to calculate the required jamming power. This input is to be used when plotting the ‘required_jamming_power’ variable for the location of the jammer system.


target_platform_type <target-platform-type>

Specify the platform type to be used to represent the target.


target_speed <speed-value>
target_mach <real-value>

Specify the speed at which the target is to be considered moving. This is only used if the sensor needs to performs Doppler processing. The speed may be specified using either an absolute speed (target_speed) or a Mach number (target_mach). If both are specified the last value takes precedence.

Default target_speed 250 m/s

target_heading <angle-value>

Specifies the heading at which the target will be placed.

Default If not specified, the target will be oriented at each grid point to point at the sensor.

target_yaw <angle-value>

Specify the yaw angle with respect to the target heading at which the target will be placed. This is primarily used for certain types of infrared sensor plots where it desired to hold the sensor-to-target viewing angle a constant. In those cases the target_heading will be omitted and the value of this command will be set to the desired sensor-to-target viewing angle.

Default 0.0 deg

target_pitch <angle-value>

Specify the pitch angle at which the target will be placed.

Default 0 degrees

target_roll <angle-value>

Specify the roll angle at which the target will be placed.

Default 0 degrees

Target Region

ground_range_limits <min-length-value> <max-length-value>

Specifies the ground range limits of the sample mesh.

Default none. This must be provided.

ground_range_step <step-length-value>

Specifies the increment between sample points in the ground range direction.

Default 1.0 nm

altitude_limits <min-length-value> max-length-value>

Specifies the altitude limits of the sample mesh.

Default none. This must be provided.

altitude_step <step-length-value>

Specifies the increment between sample points in the altitude direction.

Default 0.25 nm

Output Selection

variable <variable-name>





The probability of detection.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum probability of detection by any sensor.


The detection threshold in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the minimum detection threshold by any sensor. For WSF_ESM_SENSOR types the detection threshold is only valid when a successful interaction happens between the transmitter and receiver.

required_rcs**or **rcs_required

The radar cross section required for the sensor to detect the target in dBsm.

If multiple sensors are provided the result will be the minimum value determined for any sensor. Selecting this may also require the specification of detection_reference

required_jamming_power or jamming_power_required or required_jammer_power or jammer_power_required

The jamming power required to overcome the target signal by in dBsm.

If multiple sensors are provided the result will be the maximum value determined for any sensor. Selecting this may also require the specification of jammer_to_signal_reference.


The radar signature of the target presented to the sensor in dBsm.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value presented to any sensor.


The optical signature of the target presented to the sensor in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value presented to any sensor.


The infrared signal of the target presented to the sensor in w/sr.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value presented to any sensor.


The received signal power in dBW.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The received clutter power in dBW.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The receiver noise power in dBW.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The received jammer power, to include noise and pulsed-noise, in dBW.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The received noise only jammer power in dBW.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The received non-coherent pulse (pulsed noise) jammer power in dBW.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The received coherent (coherent pulse and false-target) jammer power in dBW.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The jammer (noise and pulsed noise) to minimum detectable signal (detection_threshold + noise_power) in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The jammer (noise and pulsed noise) to signal ratio in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The jammer (noise power only) to signal ratio in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The jammer (pulsed noise power only) to signal ratio in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The jammer (coherent jammer power only) to signal ratio in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The jammer (coherent jammer power only) to receiver noise power in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The signal to noise ratio in dB. Only the receiver thermal noise is accounted for.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The signal to interference ratio in dB.

Includes the interference power due to receiver thermal noise, clutter, and jamming (if present). If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The signal power density present at the target in dBW/m^2.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The background radiant intensity as seen by the sensor.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The contrast radiant intensity as seen by the sensor.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The atmospheric attenuation factor of the signal as seen by the sensor in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The propagation factor of the signal as seen by the sensor in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value seen to any sensor.


The transmit antenna gain in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value for any sensor.


The receive antenna gain in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value for any sensor.


The transmit antenna gain multiplied by the one-way propagation factor, in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value for any sensor.

This variable is only valid for monostatic radars.


The receive antenna gain multiplied by the one-way propagation factor, in dB.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value for any sensor.

This variable is only valid for monostatic radars.


The slant range from the sensor to the target in meters.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be maximum the value seen to any sensor.


The ground range from the sensor to the target in meters.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The azimuth angle from the sensor to the target in degrees.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The elevation angle from the sensor to the target in degrees.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The angle between the sensor boresight and the beam center.

This is typically used to deterimine the beam steering angle for electronically scanned sensor. If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The angle between the sensor antenna location (NOT boresight) to the target in degrees.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The slant range from the target to the sensor in meters.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be maximum the value seen to any sensor.


The ground range from the target to the sensor in meters.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The azimuth angle from the target to the sensor in degrees.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The elevation angle from the target to the sensor in degrees.

If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the value seen by the last sensor processed, since this variable is only applicable to single-sensor plots.


The latitude of the sensor platform in decimal degrees.


The longitude of the sensor platform in decimal degrees.


The altitude of the sensor platform in meters.


The speed of the sensor platform in meters/second.


The heading of the sensor platform measured clockwise from north.


The pitch angle of the sensor platform in degrees.


The roll angle of the sensor platform in degrees.


The latitude of the target in platform decimal degrees.


The longitude of the target in platform decimal degrees.


The altitude of the target platform in meters.


The speed of the target platform in meters/second.


The heading of the target platform measured clockwise from north.


The pitch angle of the platform target in degrees.


The roll angle of the platform target in degrees.


The dwell time (in seconds) needed to produce an image of the desired resolution specified in the sensor definition.

The sensor being tested must be of type WSF_SAR_SENSOR.


The resolution (in meters) of an image that can be produced with the dwell time specified in the sensor definition.

The sensor being tested must be of type WSF_SAR_SENSOR.


The SAR clutter-to-noise ratio (in dB).

The sensor being tested must be of type WSF_SAR_SENSOR.


The difference between the PRF and the minimum PRF that could be used without causing ‘doppler foldover’.

The sensor being tested must be of type WSF_SAR_SENSOR.


The number of pixels the target occupies in the image.



The masking status at the point.

The value will be 0 if the target is not masked, 1 if masked by the horizon and 2 if masked by the terrain.


The terrain elevation in meters.

Use with horizontal_map.

script_variable <variable/script-name>

Specify the name of the ‘global’ script variable to use to derive and manipulate a variable from the sensor detection attempt interaction result.


The script must have a ‘double’ as the return type and have inputs in the format and order of ‘WsfPlatform , WsfSensor , WsfPlatform , WsfSensorInteraction’.


The script must be defined globally, i.e. outside any platforms or the sensor_plot mapping blocks.


If multiple sensors are provided, the result will be the maximum value presented to any sensor.

Example script that writes out the Jammer/MDS, need to include script_variable jammer_to_mds also to run the script:

script double jammer_to_mds(WsfPlatform aPlatform, WsfSensor aSensor, WsfPlatform aTarget, WsfSensorInteraction aResult)
   if ((aResult.DetectionThreshold() > -300.0) &&
       (aResult.RcvrNoise() > -300.0) &&
       (aResult.NoiseJammerPower() > -300.0) &&
       (aResult.NoiseJammerPower() != 0.0))
      double MDS =  aResult.DetectionThreshold() + aResult.RcvrNoise();
      return aResult.NoiseJammerPower() - MDS;
   return -300.0;  // default value in dB
detection_reference <db-ratio-value>

The reference signal-to-noise ratio used to determine the required_rcs or rcs_required variable.

Default 12.8 dB

pd_map_file <file-name>

Specifies the name of the file to which ‘pd map’ output will be written. The name does not imply that only pd can be written but rather denotes a common file format.

Default ‘pd map’ output will not be produced.

header_line_1 <text>
header_line_2 <text>
header_line_3 <text>

Specifies the text to be contained in the first three lines of the output file when pd_map_file is specified.

Default all header lines are blank.

output_column_limit <integer>

Specifies the maximum number of columns per physical line in the output file when pd_map_file is specified.

Default 100


If the file is to be imported into a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel, this value should be set so that the rows do not have to be split into multiple physical lines.

gnuplot_file <file-name>

Specifies the name of the file to which ‘gnuplot’ output will be written.

Default ‘gnuplot’ output will not be produced.

gnuplot_player_file <file-name>

Specifies the name of the file to which player’s Down range/Cross range or Latitude/Longitude will be written. Will not output target locations.

Default ‘gnuplot’ player location output will not be produced.