Sensor Plot Clutter Table

Navigation: sensor_plot > clutter_table

clutter_table … end_clutter_table

  Stub Definition Commands

   sensor_platform_type ...
   target_platform_type ...

      ranges   ...
      bearings ...




The clutter table function generates a definition of a surface_clutter_table. This table is meant to be used in WSF simulations, and it typically provides a significant speed increase over using the WSF clutter_model directly.

To create a file, the following process should be followed:

  • Define a platform type of the type specified by the command sensor_platform_type (Default: SENSOR_PLATFORM_TYPE), which contains the sensor to be used to detect the target.

  • Define a platform type of the type specified by the command target_platform_type (Default: TARGET_PLATFORM_TYPE)

  • Define the platform instances that contain the sensors that will attempt to detect the target.

  • Define the clutter_table input block with:

    • Commands to define limits and spacing of the sample points in the altitudes block. This at least includes ranges of altitudes and ranges at which target detection attempts are made, and clutter power is computed based on the resulting antenna pointings. To make the table site-specific, also include a list of bearings.

    • Optional sensor_platform_yaw, sensor_platform_pitch and sensor_platform_roll commands to specify the sensor platform’s orientation, as this may affect clutter power.

    • Output selection commands.


sensor_platform_type <string-value>

Specify the platform type upon which the sensor is placed.


target_platform_type <string-value>

Specify the platform type to be used to represent the target.



Although all target characteristics are valid for clutter map generation, only this input (target_platform_type) is necessary, because the clutter computations are target independent.

altitudes from <length-value> to <length-value> by <length-value>

Specify the set of altitudes for which clutter values are sampled in the table. From minimum to maximum by delta


There should be at least two altitudes specified, that is:

Number of altitudes = (int)(<greatest-altitude> - <least-altitude>) / <delta-altitude> >= 2

ranges from <length-value> to <length-value> by <length-value>

Specify the set of ranges for which clutter values are sampled in the table. From minimum to maximum by delta


There should be at least two ranges specified, that is:

Number of ranges = (int)(<greatest-range> - <least-range>) / <delta-range> >= 2

bearings from <angle-value> to <angle-value> by <angle-value>

Specify the set of bearings for which clutter values are sampled in the table from minimum to maximum angle values by delta angle.


This command is optional. It is used when one desires to create a site-specific clutter table, in conjunction with terrain and / or land_cover. Currently the only clutter model that generates site-specific results is alarm.


If specified, there should be at least two bearings specified, that is:

Number of bearings = (int)(<greatest-bearing> - <least-bearing>) / <delta-bearing> >= 2

output_file_name <string-value>

Specify the clutter table file name.

Default (The specified sensor’s name)

output_object_name <string-value>

Specify the clutter table’s name as it appears in the output file.

Default (The specified sensor’s type)

altitude_units <length-unit>

Specify an alternate altitude unit type that will appear in the table.

Default meters

range_units <length-unit>

Specify an alternate range unit type that will appear in the table.

Default meters

sensor_platform_latitude <latitude-value>

Specify the latitude portion of the sensor platform’s location.

Default 0.0n

sensor_platform_longitude <longitude-value>

Specify the longitude portion of the sensor platform’s location.

Default 0.0w

sensor_platform_altitude <length-value>

Specify the altitude portion of the sensor platform’s location.

Default 0.0 m

sensor_platform_yaw <angle-value>

Specify the sensor platform’s yaw value.

Default 0.0 degrees

sensor_platform_pitch <angle-value>

Specify the sensor platform’s pitch value.

Default 0.0 degrees

sensor_platform_roll <angle-value>

Specify the sensor platform’s roll value.

Default 0.0 degrees


The following clutter_table block is used with target, sensor, sensor platform, and sensor platform instance definitions (not shown) to create a minimal site-specific clutter table:

   output_file_name   clutter_table.dat

      from  0 m to 5000 m by 2500 m  // three altitudes
         from 1 km to 11 km by 5 km  // three ranges
         from -180 degrees to 180 degrees by 120 degrees // three bearings
                                                        // -180 and 180 are the same

   sensor_platform_latitude 27.3112n
   sensor_platform_longitude 56.2564e
   sensor_platform_altitude 30 feet

The output file, clutter_table.dat, is the following:

   altitude 0 m
    bearing -180 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -57.4728 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -81.6989 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -89.6059 dbw
    bearing -60 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -57.4727 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -81.6989 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -89.6059 dbw
    bearing 60 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -57.4727 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -81.6989 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -89.6059 dbw
    bearing 180 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -57.4728 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -81.6989 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -89.6059 dbw
   altitude 2500 m
    bearing -180 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -144.731 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -156.425 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -151.809 dbw
    bearing -60 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -144.731 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -156.24 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -151.917 dbw
    bearing 60 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -144.731 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -156.24 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -151.917 dbw
    bearing 180 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -144.731 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -156.425 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -151.809 dbw
   altitude 5000 m
    bearing -180 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -153.089 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -158.778 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -164.436 dbw
    bearing -60 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -153.089 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -158.623 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -164.436 dbw
    bearing 60 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -153.089 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -158.623 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -164.436 dbw
    bearing 180 degrees
     range 1000 m  clutter -153.089 dbw
     range 6000 m  clutter -158.778 dbw
     range 11000 m  clutter -164.436 dbw