File Commands

include <filename>
include_once <filename>

Temporarily suspends reading commands from the current file and reads commands from the file <filename>. Reading from the current file will continue when all the commands have been read from the file <filename>. This is very useful for creating a library of platform and system types and attributes that can be used in a number of simulations.

include_once is just like include except that it will be ignored if the indicated file has been previously included. This is typically used within a file that is itself designed to be included (such as including a file that defines a sensor_type from a file that is defining a platform_type). This allows self-contained complex platform types to be created from a composition of previously defined components without having to consider if the file that defines a platform component has already been included.


As a rule of thumb, the use of “include” is used to read in scenario files and “include_once” is used to read in platform_types.


file_path processing will be applied to <filename>

define_path_variable <name> <value>

Defines the value of a variable than can be substituted into a file name. References to most WSF components that accept file names will allow path variable substitution to be performed on the name. In path variable substitution, the file name is examined for strings of the form ‘$(name)’ or ‘${name}’ (without the quotes). If such a string is found then it is replaced with:

  1. The value of the path variable with the specified name, if it exists.

  2. The value of the environment variable with the specified name, if it exists.

  3. The empty string.

The substituted text is not rescanned for further substitution.

Substitution is inhibited for strings of the form ‘$(name)’ or ‘${name}’.


define_path_variable DATADIR /disk1/examples
include $(DATADIR)/test1.txt          // includes /disk1/examples/test1.txt
include ${DATADIR}/test2.txt          // includes /disk1/examples/test2.txt
include ${UNDEFINED}/test3.txt        // tries to include /test3.txt

Variables can occur anywhere in the filename, not just at the front as in the example.

undefine_path_variable <name>

Removes the definition of the path variable with the specified name.


This will not remove the definition from the external environment.

file_path <path>

Adds an entry for the specified path to the end of the ‘file path’. <path> is either an absolute path or relative to the directory containing this command.

The file path is used to locate include files and certain other external files (e.g., antenna patterns, signatures). The algorithm for locating a file is a follows:

  1. Perform path_variable substitution.

  2. If the resulting name is an absolute specification (starts with a ‘/’ or ‘’) then use the file name.

  3. Concatenate the file name to the path name of the current input file being processed. If the resulting file exists then use the combined file name.

  4. Starting with the first entry in the list of ‘file_path’ entries, concatenate the file name to the file_path entry. If the resulting file exists then use the combined file name. If not, repeat this step with the remaining file_path entries until either a match is found or this list is exhausted.

  5. If no match is found, simply return the file as generated in step 1.


This is the same as the algorithm used the C/C++ preprocessor to locate include files


It is highly recommended to only use the file_path command in the first top-level scenario file. Unexpected results will occur if the file_path command is used in any included file inside or outside the current working directory (especially if file_path . is used). In addition, the use of relative directory paths that are not specifically named will cause unnecessary re-parsing to occur. For example, file_path .. or file_path ../.. will re-search the current working directory needlessly and may give unexpected results.


Deletes all entries in the file path list.

log_file <filename>

Opens the specified file as the current system log. Any existing contents of the file are discarded.

The log file can be thought of as an audit log for the simulation. It maintains a record of files that were used to instantiate a simulation as well as other entries created by the log command. As such, it can be used to create a ‘manifest’ of the files needed to run the simulation.


This command should occur before any other command in order to capture the names of all the files needed to run the simulation.

log <log-data>

Writes all of the remaining information on the current line to the current log file (see log_file). This can be used to write out information (such as a file version) that might be useful for ensuring the correct data is being brought into the simulation.


This command does nothing if a log file has not been opened.