WSF User Input Format

Command Format

Commands are of the form:

command [argument1 argument2 ]

Commands and arguments are separated by one or more “white-space’ characters (below):

  • Blank

  • Tab

  • Carriage return

  • New line

There is no explicit command terminator. Each command has its own termination condition (i.e., either processing a fixed number of arguments or recognition of a certain word).

There is no limit on the length of a line other than any limit imposed by the operating system, which is typically greater than 1,000 characters.

A command may be split across multiple lines (by virtue of the fact that a carriage return and a new line are separators) or multiple commands may be stacked on one line (by virtue of the fact that there is no explicit command terminator).


The pre-processor allows for arbitrary text substitution by defining variables and referencing the variables later. A variable is defined as follows:

$define X 123
   A backslash at the end of line \
   will allow multiline variable \


the ‘$define’ command must begin at the start of the line.

Then use the variable like this:

end_time $<X>$ seconds

When using a variable, a default value is allowed.


Providing a default value is good practice, as not providing a default value will prevent tools like Wizard from parsing the input file.

Therefore, a preferred variable usage looks like this:

end_time $<X:1000>$ seconds

If the variable X is not defined, the default of 1000 is used instead.

Using pre-processor variables should be unnecessary for most tasks in WSF, and <u>should be avoided where possible</u>. Pre-processor variables are particularly well-suited to assist in design of experiments.


  • Empty variables will expand to a single space

  • Variables present in another variable’s definition will be expanded. ex:

$define SIDE      blue
$define SET_SIDE  side $<SIDE>$
  • Any given file is only preprocessed once, and on the first pass. using ‘include’ to read the same file twice will not preprocess the file in different contexts

  • Variables need to be defined before being used.


#, // - Single line comments

The “#’ and “//’ character(s) cause the character and all following characters on a line to be ignored. If a comment follows a command or argument then there must be at least one white-space character before the “#’. A stand-alone comment does not require a space before the “#’.

/* */ - Comment block

The sequence “/*” causes ALL characters from the “/*” up to and including the character sequence “*/” to be ignored. The sequence can extend over multiple lines.

Block comments cannot be nested, which means the FIRST occurrence of the sequence “/*” will terminate the block comment.

Documentation Conventions

What is entered

What it means


Words in bold are keywords or commands


An italicized value surrounded in “<’ and “>’ represents user-supplied values.

[ x | y | z ]

It is required to pick one of the enclosed values

{ x | y | z }

It is optional to pick one of the enclosed values