Platform Part Commands ...
   Fuel.Commands ...
   table_for_mode <mode-name>
      altitude <length-value>
      speed <length-value> rate <mass-flow-value>


WSF_VARIABLE_RATE_FUEL is a fuel consumption rate model. This class defines fuel consumption behavior, at either constant rates, or at variable rates based upon one or two independent variables (the choices are platform altitude and speed). By default, one fuel table is accepted, independent of fuel mode. However, multiple tables may be defined for different fuel modes, if supplied, and the active table will be switched by setting the fuel mode. (This model differs from the similar WSF_TABULAR_RATE_FUEL in that WSF_VARIABLE_RATE_FUEL input format is more flexible, and need not be rectangular. WSF_TABULAR_RATE_FUEL should be preferred for allowing for up to three independent variables, but WSF_VARIABLE_RATE_FUEL is maintained for backward compatibility with several legacy applications.)


table_for_mode <mode-name>

Indicates that the following rate definitions are for the named mode. Modes are typically used to specify the rate of consumption for various configurations (e.g., ‘cruise’). The user is responsible for changing modes either through the script interface or from custom code. If this command is not supplied then the rate definitions apply universally, and fuel mode is ignored.

rates … end_rates
  altitude ...
    speed ...
  altitude ...
altitude <length-value>

Specifies the altitude that the subsequent speed data is valid for. The altitude blocks must be in increasing numerical order. The consumption rate will be computed using a linear interpolation on the current altitude.

speed <length-value> rate <mass-flow-value>

Specifies the speed that the listed consumption rate is valid for. The speed entries must be in increasing numerical order. The consumption rate will be computed using a linear interpolation on the current altitude and speed.