
conditional_section … end_conditional_section
      # Conditionals Commands
      feature_present     ripr
      feature_not_present os:windows
      wsf_version         >  1.0.0
      type_present        WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR
      type_not_present    WsfArray

   // Commands here are only run if the previous conditions passed

Defines a block which is conditionally processed by WSF. This construct allows inclusion or exclusion of simulation inputs based on present features or the wsf version. After the ‘conditionals’ block, any top-level WSF command may be processed. conditional_section blocks may be nested.

conditionals <conditionals-commands> … end_conditionals

Condition testing commands present in this block determine the inclusion of the commands that follow this block.

Conditionals Commands

feature_present <feature-name>

Tests that a feature is present. If the feature is not present, the contents of the conditional section is ignored.

feature_not_present <feature-name>

Tests that a feature is not present. If the feature is present, the contents of the conditional section is ignored.

wsf_version <operator> <wsf-version>

Compares the WSF version to a version string delimited by periods. If the comparison fails, the conditional section is ignored

operator: One of: <, <=, >, >=, =

wsf-version: Version to compare against. Should be in the form 1.2.3

# Test that the wsf_version is greater than 1.0.0
wsf_version > 1.0.0
type_present <type-name>
type_not_present <type-name>

Determines if a ‘type’ is present. If any sensor, processor, comm, mover, fuel, filter, service or script type exists with the given name, the type is considered present. If the type is not present, the conditional section is ignored.


WSF will define a number of features available depending on build type and the optional modules available in the executable. The following is base list of possible features, that may not be all inclusive:

  • os:windows

  • os:linux

  • addr:64-bit

  • addr:32-bit

  • os:apple

  • cpu:intel

  • build:debug

  • build:release

  • build:unknown