effect <effect-name> WSF_REPEATER_EFFECT
   electronic_warfare_effect Commands

   repeater_effect_control_method <repeater-control-method>
   gain_control_method <gain-control-method>
   repeater_factor_limits <min-repeater-factor> <max-gain-factor>
   desired_false_target_rcs <area-value>
   desired_jammer_to_noise <dbratio-value>
   desired_jammer_to_signal <dbratio-value>
   minimum_detect_factor <dbratio-value>
   masking_factor <dbratio-value>
   system_type_data <system-type-name> ... end_system_type_data

The repeater effect is essentially an implementation of applying some automated gain control methodology to the physical jamming power using an effect variable called the repeater factor. This effect can be used to mimic inverse gain and gain control/leveling methods of many repeater jamming systems.

This base effect type can be included in the electronic_attack technique block as one of the many available effects for a given technique. The commands listed below are the base-type commands that can be specified in the effect block for this effect type.


repeater_effect_control_method <repeater-control-method>

Specifies a repeater control method as described in the table below for setting the type of data that will be used in calculating the repeater factor that will be applied to the jamming power. This adjustment modifies the normally-determined jamming power. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.


A string input that defines , valid values are listed in the table below:


No repeater effects will be applied. This control method is the default so inheriting effects only apply if this command is set to any other method besides this one.


Uses actual receiver (i.e., sensor or comm) data to derive the minimum, peak and actual gain values in which to set the repeater factor.


Uses the data from the repeater’s ESM system’s detection update to get the minimum, peak and actual gain values in which to set the repeater factor. If the data is not set the repeater factor is not calculated.


Tries to use the repeater data first if it is available. If this data is not available then actuals are used. Both of these are described above in this table.

Default: none

gain_control_method <gain-control-method>

Specifies the control method that will be used to determine the minimum gain value for use in calculating the repeater factor. This adjustment modifies the normally-determined jamming power. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data. If more than one type is to be used then this input can be entered multiple times.


A string input that defines , valid values are listed in the table below:


No repeater minimum gain control method will be applied. This gain control method is the default so inheriting effects only apply if this command is set to any other method besides this one.


The minimum value of the repeater factor will be set based on the minimum power for which the jamming will be detected by the receiver plus the minimum_detect_factor and within the maximum gain data of the impending transmitter. For coherent type jamming waveforms the minimum repeater factor will be calculated using the minimum detection threshold as the base, for noncoherent (i.e., noise types) this value will calculated using receiver noise power value for the base.


The minimum value of the repeater factor will be set based on the minimum power for which the jamming meets the desired_jammer_to_noise value and within the maximum gain data of the impending transmitter. For coherent and noncoherent type jamming waveforms the minimum repeater factor will be calculated using the receiver noise power value for the base.


The minimum value of the repeater factor will be set based on the minimum power for which the jamming meets the desired_jammer_to_signal value and within the maximum gain data of the impending transmitter. For coherent and noncoherent type jamming waveforms the minimum repeater factor will be calculated using the receiver received signal power value for the base.


The minimum value of the repeater factor will be set based on the minimum power for which the jamming will be effectively mask the target return in the receiver plus the masking_factor value and within the maximum gain data of the impending transmitter. For coherent type jamming waveforms the minimum repeater factor will be calculated using the target return power for the interaction currently be calculated or using the desired return power for the RCS of the false target interaction, for noncoherent (i.e., noise types) this value will calculated using the power that is required to mask the target return of the impending interaction being calculated.


The minimum value of the repeater factor will set based on the minimum power for which the jamming will be effectively meet the desired_false_target_rcs value by the receiver based on the maximum gain data of the impending transmitter. This is for coherent type jamming waveforms only and the minimum repeater factor will be calculated using the target return power with the RCS ratio of the desired over the actual used in the interaction. This method only affects false target blips currently.


The maximum repeater factor for multiple of the above will be used, within the limits of the gain data for the transmitter.

Default: none

repeater_factor_limits <min-repeater-factor> <max-gain-factor>

Specifies the minimum and maximum gain factors, respectively, that the calculated repeater factor will be limited by. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.

Default: 0.0 dB

desired_false_target_rcs <area-value>

Specifies the desired RCS value for false target blips that the repeater factor will be calculated for when false target effects are turned on within the technique also. This input automatically sets the gain_control_method to desired_rcs. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.

Default: 0.0 dB

desired_jammer_to_noise <dbratio-value>

Specifies the desired J/N value, where J is the jamming power and N is the receiver noise power, that the repeater factor will calculated for. This input automatically sets the gain_control_method to jammer_to_noise. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.

Default: 0.0 dB

desired_jammer_to_signal <dbratio-value>

Specifies the desired J/S value, where J is the jamming power and S is the signal power in the receiver, that the repeater factor will calculated for. This input automatically sets the gain_control_method to jammer_to_signal. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.

Default: 0.0 dB

minimum_detect_factor <dbratio-value>

Specifies the factor that will be added to (in db, multiplied in absolute) to the calculated minimum detect repeater factor when the gain_control_method is set to minimum_detect. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.

Default: 0.0 dB

masking_factor <dbratio-value>

Specifies the factor that will be added to (in db, multiplied in absolute) to the calculated minimum detect repeater factor when the gain_control_method is set to masking. If this input is specified within the system_type_data input block then it is specific to a system-type, otherwise this input is defined as the ‘default’ data to use for undefined system-types in the system_type_data.

Default: 0.0 dB

system_type_data <system-type-name> … end_system_type_data

Input block to provide the system type (e.g., SENSOR-TYPE, JAMMER-TYPE) specific data necessary to implement this technique for a given system type. Default data can be set up for system types not defined using the “default” string as the system type.

system_type_data <system-type-name>
   electronic_warfare_effect Commands
   repeater_effect_control_method <repeater-control-method>
   gain_control_method <gain-control-method>
   repeater_factor_limits <min-repeater-factor> <max-gain-factor>
   desired_false_target_rcs <area-value>
   desired_jammer_to_noise <dbratio-value>
   desired_jammer_to_noise <dbratio-value>
   desired_jammer_to_signal <dbratio-value>
   minimum_detect_factor <dbratio-value>
   masking_factor <dbratio-value>

A string input of the system-type the following data applies to, valid values are [system-type-name | “default”]. Default data is used for unspecified system-types and if not defined no effect will be applied for the given system-type.


This input is most often used by electronic_attack definitions to specify different sensor-type data. It may be used by an electronic_protect definitions to specify jammer-type data inputs, but most often data is just entered outside this input block and is applied against all jammer-types for electronic_protect effects.