subtype ...
   output ...


WSF_REVISIT_TIME_MOE computes quantities related to the revisit time of a grid point. This measure operates on gaps, which are intervals during which the grid point has no access to any of the free assets. If such a gap straddles the boundary of the coverage interval, the gap is truncated to begin (or end) when the coverage interval begins (or ends).

Computation Subtype

subtype <sub-type> [<parameter>]

Specify the computation subtype. WSF_REVISIT_TIME_MOE has the following subtypes that take no parameter:

  • minimum - The measured value will be the minimum gap duration for the grid point in question.

  • maximum - The measured value will be the maximum gap duration for the grid point in question.

  • mean - The measured value will be the mean gap duration for the grid point in question.

  • standard_deviation - The measured value will be the standard deviation of the gap durations for the grid point in question.

WSF_REVISIT_TIME_MOE supports the following subtypes that take an input parameter specifying a percentage value, which must be greater than 0 and less than 100.

  • number_percent_below - For the grid point in question, <parameter> percent of the gaps have a duration shorter than the computed value.

  • percent_below - For <parameter> percent of the coverage interval, the grid point in question has a revisit time less than the computed value.

  • percent_below_gaps_only - For <parameter> percent of the time while in a coverage gap, the grid point in question has a revisit time less than the computed value.

Measure Output Commands

output <output-type>
output <output_type> … end_output

Specify a form of output to produce for a measure of effectiveness. The allowed values for <output_type> are:

  • data - Produces a text file containing the MOE’s value at each grid point.

  • grid_stats - Produces a text file that computes summary statistics of the MOE over the grid.

  • lat_lon_stats - Produces a text file that computes summary statistics as a function of either latitude or longitude.