Measure of Effectiveness Grid Stats Output

output grid_stats
   file <file-name>
   width <integer>
   precision <integer>
   format ...
   justify ...

Grid stats output will produce a file containing the minimum value, the maximum value, and the mean value of the measure over the coverage grid.

Text Measure Output Commands

file <file-name>

Specify the name of the file that will be produced. The directory into which the file will be created is inherited from the coverage object on which the measure of effectiveness is defined.

If no file name is specified, a name will be generated from a combination of the coverage name, the measure name, and an output type-specific suffix.

width <integer>

Set the width of the output fields. Setting this value appropriately will lead to output files that are more easily human readable.

precision <integer>

Set the number of digits of precision to use when writing numerical data to the generated file.

format <format-specifier>

Set the format of numerical data. Valid format specifiers are:

  • fixed - The number of digits printed past the decimal point is fixed.

  • scientific - The number is represented in scientific notation, and the number of digits in the number is fixed.

justify <justify-specifier>

Set the position in the width of the column where the output is generated. Allowed values are: left and right, which place the contents of a field on the left or right side (respectively) of the column.