Measure of Effectiveness

moe <name> <measure-type>
   output ...

A measure of effectiveness specifies how the collected interaction history for a coverage is processed into a usable number, typically summarizing the interactions.


moe *<name>* <measure-type>.

Specify a measure of effectiveness for the coverage to compute. See Predefined Measures of Effectiveness for a list of all available coverage types.

Measure Output Commands

output <output-type>
output <output_type> … end_output

Specify a form of output to produce for a measure of effectiveness. The allowed values for <output_type> are:

  • data - Produces a text file containing the MOE’s value at each grid point.

  • grid_stats - Produces a text file that computes summary statistics of the MOE over the grid.

  • lat_lon_stats - Produces a text file that computes summary statistics as a function of either latitude or longitude.

Predefined Measures of Effectivess