
wsf_weapon_server … end_wsf_weapon_server
   port ...
   host ...
   outgoing_weapon_server ...
   outgoing_weapon_type ...
   rpi_multiplier ...
   tn_to_disid_mapping ... end_tn_to_disid_mapping
   weapon_lar_mapping ... end_weapon_lar_mapping
   weapon_mapping ... end_weapon_mapping

Reference Material: Client to Host Commands for the RELEASE_STORE ASCII command


The mission application can function as a weapon server (host) or as a client that requests weapon fires from an external weapon server. If using mission in either of these ways then please use the realtime simulation command to run it as a real time application. If “debug” is specified, the weapon server client/host will print the sent/received weapon commands to the standard output. It will also print how it successfully processed or failed to process the command.


port <port>

This is the only command required to set up the weapon server as a host that listens for “RELEASE_STORE” commands, fires, and manages weapon fly-outs. The weapon server will listen for connections on the given port, and a theoretically infinite number of clients can connect and request weapon fires. It is important to note that the weapon server will only be able to handle requests for weapon types that it knows about, so any weapon types referenced in the received RELEASE_STORE commands should already be defined in the WSF input files that mission loads.

host <host-name>


outgoing_weapon_server <host> <port>

If this command is used then mission will act as regular, but will send off “RELEASE_STORE” commands to an external weapon server specified by the given host and port. It will only send off such fire requests for weapon types that are specified with the “outgoing_weapon_type” command. See below.

outgoing_weapon_type <weapon type>

This command is only relevant for mission acting as a weapon server client; it instructs mission on which weapon types should be hosted externally by another weapon server.

rpi_multiplier <rpi-multiplier-value>


tn_to_disid_mapping … end_tn_to_disid_mapping
   tn_to_disid ...
tn_to_disid <track_number> <disid>

The ‘tn_to_disid_mapping’ block allows an external platform acting as a weapon controller (linker) to be set as a weapon’s commander upon launch. Track numbers for external platforms do not get stored internally. This approach allows the user to map a track number (decimal value) to a DisEntityId of an external platform using the keyword ‘tn_to_disid’.

weapon_lar_mapping … end_weapon_lar_mapping
   enum_to_type ...

The ‘enum_to_type’ block allows the external application to map a user defined weapon enumeration (integer) to a WSF weapon system type name. When a request for LAR data is made via a DisSetData PDU data is received, the weapon enumeration field is mapped to a weapon. If the WSF weapon has valid launch computer, data is retrieved and sent back in a DisData PDU.

enum_to_type <their-weapon-enum> <our-weapon-name>


DisSetData Lar Format:

Fixed Data Record Length    = 0
Variable Data Record Length = 5
Data Id:   1000
Data Size: 192 - bits
Data:      ownshipLLA[3];
Data Id:   2
Data Size: 192 - bits
Data:      ownshipVelWCS[3];
Data Id:   3
Data Size: 192 - bits
Data:      targetLLA[3];
Data Id:   4
Data Size: 192 - bits
Data:      targetVelWCS[3];
Data Id:   5
Data Size: 32 - bits
Data:      weapon enumeration

DisData Lar Format:

Fixed Data Record Length    = 0
Variable Data Record Length = 10
Data Id:   0
Data Size: 16-bits
Data:      11
Data Id:   1100
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rmax
Data Id:   1101
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rmaxTOF
Data Id:   1102
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rpi
Data Id:   1103
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rpiTOF
Data Id:   1104
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rNe
Data Id:   1105
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rNeTOF
Data Id:   1106
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rmin
Data Id:   1107
Data Size: 64-bits
Data:      rminTOF
Data Id:   1108
Data Size: 32-bits
Data:      DMC
weapon_mapping … end_weapon_mapping
   weapon_name_mapping ...
   platform ... end_platform
weapon_name_mapping <their-weapon-enum> <our-weapon-name>

The ‘weapon_name_mapping’ block allows the external application to map a user defined weapon name to WSF weapon system type name, eliminating the need to be aware of AFSIM types or to easily switch weapon types with no affect on the user’s simulation.

platform … end_platform
   disid ...
   name ...
   station_mapping ...
disid <platform-disid>


name <platform-name>


station_mapping <their-station-name> <our-weapon-name>



Input block for a Weapon Server (host):

   port 3456

Input block for a Weapon Server Client:

  outgoing_weapon_server  3456
  outgoing_weapon_type    AIM-9X

Client to Host Commands

This section is included only as reference for other simulations; a mission weapon server client already sends this command and a mission weapon server (host) already receives & processes this command.

The release_store command is the only recognized command at this time. It follows the format of most ASCII interface commands: “<command> [key=value]+”. This is to say that the command is simply an ascii string with key value pairs specified after the command name, all entries separated by a space. Some parameters are required, others are optional. The parameter key names are not case sensitive but happen to be shown as uppercase in this guide.

release_store …
   [disid ... | nameid ...]
   [target_disid ... | target_nameid ... | lat ... lon ... alt ...]
   wpn_type ...
   lch_type ...
   wpn_tail_number ...
   usetailnuminpdus ...

The only required parameters are at least one entry from each of the first three parameter sets: shooter (e.g., disid), weapon type (wpn_type), target (e.g., target_disid). If the weapon is to have a working J11 interface, then the ctrl_track_num and wpn_tail_number parameters are required, as they specify the J11 track numbers of the two interfacing J11 platforms.

disid <dis-entity-id>
nameid <platform name>

[Required] (one of these parameters are required in the command string). They specify the identity of the shooter: the dis entity id or the WSF platform name. If both are sent, the last to be specified in the command will be used.

target_disid <dis-entity-id>
target_nameid <platform name>
lat <latitude>
lon <longitude>
alt <altitude> [Optional] **Default:** 0

[Optional] Required (one of these parameters are required in the command string). These parameters specify the identity of the target: the dis entity id, the WSF platform name, or its geodetic location. lat & lon must be given together if at all. It is acceptable to send more than one of these parameters, the weapon server will search for the target in this order: dis id, name, then location.

wpn_type <weapon-name>

[Required] It specifies the name of the WSF weapon type.

lch_type [0 | 1]

[Optional] Specifies the domain of the target. 0 = air, 1 = ground. This parameter is not useful or relevant at this time.

ctrl_track_num <controller-j11-track-number>

[Optional] Only required if the weapon is to have a working J11 interface. Specifies the J11 controller (shooter) track number.

wpn_tail_number <weapon-j11-track number>

[Optional] Only required if the weapon is to have a working J11 interface. Specifies the J11 weapon track number.

usetailnuminpdus [0 | 1]

[Optional] Default is zero. Specifies that the weapon j11 track number should be used (if possible) as the dis entity id as well. Even if this parameter is set to 1, the weapon server will still only give a best effort to accommodate, as other clients could already have weapons with the given dis entity id.

Example commands:

release_store disid=1:1:43 wpn_type=aim-9x target_disid=1:1:56
release_store nameid=blue_striker wpn_type=aim-120 target_disid=1:1:56
release_store disid=1:1:43 wpn_type=aim-9x target_nameid=red_flanker
release_store disid=1:1:43 wpn_type=aim-9x target_disid=1:1:56 lat=38.63 lon=-90.2 lch_type=1 ctrl_track_num=13 wpn_tail_number=27 usetailnuminpdus=0