Script Class: WsfWeaponServerProcessor

   processor Commands ...
   Platform Part Commands ...
   External Link Commands ...




WSF_WEAPON_SERVER_PROCESSOR implements a processor interface to an external weapon server. It is responsible for handling the outgoing weapon transfer to the appropriate weapon server over a specified network connection.

Background Information:

The id for a weapon is to be unique. Before the weapon allocation stage and during setup, the id will be referred to as the store id. After the weapon has actually been allocated, the id for the weapon will be referred to as weapon id. The store id is sent into the weapon server processor. The weapon server processor may or may not change the store id. That would depend on whether or not the dis_entity_id_offset value is set in the WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON block for that particular weapon_system_type.

   dis_entity_id_offset 5000

The weapon server processor in this case adds the store id to the dis_entity_id_offset (if not supplied then the dis_entity_id_offset is 0) to form the weapon id. The weapon id will be considered the datalink or ju number for the weapon. This value used also in the weapon’s DisEntityState entity id field, and is set accordingly in the SetData PDUs, which is passed to the DREAMS weapon server. Upon allocation of the weapon, the SetData PDU is sent to the DREAMS Weapon Server Application. If the DREAMS weapon server validates the Allocation Set Data PDU, it sends back a responding Data PDU with the allocation field set to 1 indicating the weapon is allocated, then the weapon goes to an ALLOCATE (1) state, after which the weapon server processor will send umbilical data. If that data is acknowledged by the Weapon Server Application, then the process is complete and the weapon goes to the READY (4) state. The weapon can ONLY be launched when it is in the READY state, else the Fire command is not functional.

If the process was successful, and the ‘Fire’ command was executed using the weapon id parameter, the DisFire PDU issued by the WSF application will have the weapon id inserted into the DisFire Pdu entity id field. If the fire command is executed without the weapon id parameter, the DisFire PDU is issued by WSF using the WSF id method to id the missile. Most likely the id that was set up during the allocation sequence will not match and there may be problems with the launch sequence.

The weapon can be allocated using the following WsfWeapon script command: AllocateTheWeapon()

The weapon State must be evaluated prior to launch and must be in the READY state (4) to be fired. A return state of 1 indicates the weapon was allocated. A return state of (3) indicates the weapon was never allocated. The user can check to see if the DIS Entity Type for the outgoing weapon_system_type matches.

The weapon can be fired by using the WsfWeapon Fire script command.

Initially, the store_id value can be set using the WsfWeaponServerProcessor function: SetStoreIdTrackPairing_()


wpn_server_type [ DREAMS | WSF | VENDOR_R ]

Acceptable weapon server choices are DREAMS, WSF and VENDOR_R.

wpn_server_site <positive-integer>

Unsigned 16-bit integer value that matches weapon server site.

wpn_server_application <positive-integer>

Unsigned 16-bit integer value that matches weapon server application.

wpn_server_entity <positive-integer>

Unsigned 16-bit integer value that matches weapon server entity.

ack_time_tolerance <time-value>

Time allowed before the Set Data PDU to allocate the weapon is resent to the weapon server on receipt of a NACK or no reply.

Default (1.0 second)

reallocate_on_NACK <boolean-value>

Keep resending even if weapon server sends a NACK signal back for a weapon. If this flag is set to false, will only try to send once, may assume the data is bad going to the weapon server.

Default (true)

debug <boolean-value>

Allows some debug statements to be written to console.

Default (false)

The DIS Interface File Inputs for the DREAMS Weapon Server

The dis_interface block would be set up as usual with the site and application fields matching what is in the platform block in the xml input file shown below:

wsrc_userName.xml input file



 <!-- Assign a unique identifier to the munition type  -->
end of wsrc_userName.xml file.

  site              79
  application 2000
  exercise     1
  port             3456

  //List both the weapon system type and the weapon platform type in the entity_type list
  //in the entity_type list.  Note the entity type match in the munition-type-defn portion
  //of the DREAMS xml file.

  //entity_type_keyword      weapon_server_type      kind do main country cat subcat specific extra

  entity_type            &nbsp
    ;       ATA_POD
            2 1 225 1 29 0 0  // Must match
                            // out_going_weapon_transfer
                            // input line
  entity_type            &nbsp
    ;      ATA_PLATFORM           &nbsp
    ;  2 1 225 1 29 0 0  // Must match the
                           // out_going_weapon_transfer
                           // input line


This is the critical line that does the weapon transfer out and does the fire PDU and drops the weapon on the WSF
side. Add this line for all weapon_system_types that are going to be controlled by the weapon server.

  outgoing_weapon_transfer ATA_POD
  outgoing_weapon_transfer msl_weapon_jassm
  outgoing_weapon_transfer msl_weapon_sdb_new


WSF Input File Changes for the Weapon Server Interface

The spatial_domain for the target MUST be specified for each DREAMS weapon target in order to fill the air-to-ground or air-to-air field the DREAMS weapon server is expecting. ::Add spatial_domain <;air | land>; appropriately for the platform type.

Each missile type will have its own range and this gets set by using the input dis_entity_id_offset on the WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON block.

 weapon msl_weapon_jassm WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON
  quantity 12
  launched_platform_type msl_platform_jassm
  weapon_effects msl_effects
  dis_entity_id_offset <DisUint16 Value>

   // available fields to set umbilical data
   // 1 = laser; 2 = sensor; 3 = coordinate (default 2)
   int attack_mode = 2

   // To define one of the source target originator fields, use one of the two options
   // 1) use initial_target_index_originator - track information coming from launching platform
   // 2) use third_party_source_number to set a third party as the source of track information.
   // They are mutually exclusive
   // Each option has a bool input that must be set to, true, in order for the field to be
   // set with the assigned data.
   // To use the initial target index originator/target index pair (and NOT the third party
   // source number).
   // Set the associated bool first
   //    bool use_initial_target_index_originator <true | yes | false | no>
   // if omitted will be 0 or false and data field will not get set.
   // bool use_initial_target_index_originator = true
   // Then set data for the the initial target index originator field,
   //    initial_target_index_originator <decimal-track-number>
   // where decimal-track-number = decimal_track_number defined in the l16_computer block.
   // int initial_target_index_originator = 121
   // XOR
   // Set the bool to allow the third_party_source_number field to be filled.
   //    use_third_party_source_number <true | yes | false | no>
   // If omitted or use_third_party_source_number set to <no | false > then the third-party source number
   // will not be used.
   //bool use_third_party_source_number = true
   // Set the third-party source number field
   //    third_party_source_number <decimal-track-number>
   // Where the decimal-track-number = decimal_track_number defined in the l16_computer block.
   int third_party_source_number = 121
   // can reassign the weapon site and application value, else will be site and
   app found in dis text file
   int weapon_site
   int weapon_app


platform platform_name WSF_PLATFORM
  int initial_target_index_originator = 120
  // match decimal_track_number in l16_computer, else will use the platform's index
  int decimal_track_number = 120

For Each Platform that is to interact with the weapon server must have a weapon server processor.

  available inputs
   <on | off>
   update_interval time
   wpn_server_type <DREAMS | WSF | VENDOR_R>
// maps to site macrotag
   wpn_server_application value     // maps to app macrotag
value              // maps to entity macrotag
time             // time it takes before resend if weapon server does not respond

Example shown below:

platform_type weapon_server_type WSF_PLATFORM
 // would have link16 comm set up here also

 // launching platform or at least the one sending the initial
 // allocation data (set data pdus) to the weapon server
 processor wpn_server_proc WSF_WPN_SERVER_PROCESSOR
  update_interval 1 sec
  wpn_server_type DREAMS
  wpn_server_site 11
  wpn_server_application 22
  wpn_server_entity 33
  ack_tolerance_time 3 s