AFPerf Intermediate File Format

The AFPerf file format is an intermediate format which stores profiling data. It is structured to capture profiling data during execution in a reasonably efficient manner. It is not intended to be used directly; the normal and supported usage pattern is post-processing using the Artificer toolset.


The AFPerf file format is an implementation detail and is subject to change without notice.

In addition, there is no guarantee that future releases will retain support for collecting data in a given format version. The Artificer toolset will preserve compatibility to post-process earlier versions (subject to AFSIM deprecation policies), but capturing new data in an old format may not be possible. More specifically, a future release may, without notice, change the major version of the AFPerf file format and use it as the exclusive collection version.

While the format is raw, its content is both structured and versioned. The AFPerf format may be considered a type of container format in that it can represent profiling data collected from multiple independent executions. This document describes the structure primarily as an internal implementation reference, but it may be found useful by someone seeking to process AFPerf files directly. Such direct processing of AFPerf files is generally discouraged, and should be done with care. Every tool which processes an AFPerf data file MUST recognize and check compatibility of the version record prior to processing. When a tool encounters a later minor version than known, it SHOULD ignore all unknown record types and additional fields for known record types.

AFPerf Format Version 1.x

The AFPerf version 1.x format makes use of comma-delimited records. The format is text-based and MUST use UTF-8 encoding with no byte order marks. Processing compatibility with third party tools is a non-goal and should not be expected. In particular, the per-record variation in field count and semantics makes it incompatible with common CSV processing tools. The output format selection was constrained by a requirement to not depend on any third party library for functionality. The format design tries to balance size compactness, implementation efficiency, future implementation flexibility, as well as extensibility.

The AFPerf format enables representing point and aggregate data samples for arbitrary performance measures. Point data represents a measurement from a single point in time, while aggregate data represents measurements between two points in time. The start and end time for an aggregate measurement may be identical, indicating a duration of zero. Aggregate data may have been aggregated at the time of collection and/or during subsequent processing.

Aggregate data records may represent a single raw record or represent a processed derivation of multiple raw records. To distinguish between raw and processed aggregate records, raw records MUST contain a valid record id (run, region, section) with which they are associated. If the record id field is blank, the aggregate data represents a processed record derived from multiple raw records. A processed record MUST populate the aggregation type field, whereas raw records MUST leave it blank.

The timing of when data measurements are performed varies with the profiling construct used to perform measurement. Data may be measured at an overall run level, a ProfilingRegion level, and a ProfilingSection level. For details on ProfilingRegion and ProfilingSection usage recommendations see the profiling interface documentation.

For the limited purposes of the format specification, there are two important distinctions. First, a region covers a single interval (start/stop timestamp pair of nonnegative duration), while a section may include zero to many intervals. Second, regions are entirely disjoint or form a nested stack, while section intervals may partially overlap. As a result, section records contain a section interval id field, while it is implicit in the timed ordering of regions due to strict stacking.

Depending on their definition, raw measurement types are either snapshot samples or duration/rate samples. The following table summarizes available measurement record points.

Scope of collection

Snapshot Measurement

Duration/Rate Measurement

run as a whole

periodic (defined by profiling library)

periodic (defined by profiling library)

region interval

start and end of interval

once at end of region

section interval

start and end of interval

at end of each interval

The preferred record separator is a single newline character (‘\n’, U+000A) regardless of platform. For compatibility it may also use CRLF (‘rn’), likewise regardless of platform. As a result, each record appears as a distinct line should a file be viewed with a text editor. If a record begins with the number sign character (‘#’, U+0023) then the entire record should be considered a comment and not processed. An empty record or record consisting only of tab and space characters MUST be likewise ignored. The first field in each record is the name of a record type. The record type defines all subsequent field count and meaning for each field.

Each individual record follows the RFC 4180 standard for formatting and quoting. However the overall file is not an RFC-conformant CSV file since not all records contain the same number (or meaning) of fields as is required by Section 2.4.

Integer values MUST be represented using decimal or hexadecimal format as specified in the C99 standard for strtoll in the default locale. (Octal values are not supported due to potential confusion with leading zeroes.) Floating-point values MUST be represented as defined in the C99 standard for strtod, and MUST not have a non-whitespace final string component. Notably, floating-point values MAY use representations of infinity or not-a-number (NAN). Using appropriate measurement units, along with hexadecimal form for integers and exponential form for floating point values may result in a slightly more compact record size.

A file may contain only point data, only aggregate data, or any combination for each measurement types. In particular, presence of aggregate data neither requires nor preclude presence of input point data.

Record Ordering

For a file to be valid it MUST start with a specific file format header value. The file format header is the literal string # AFPerf v1, followed by space (U+0020) padding such that the header size comprises exactly 16 bytes. As such, the literal hex byte sequence 23 20 41 46 50 65 72 66 20 76 31 20 20 20 20 20 may be used as file signature “magic” to identify AFPerf v1 files. This particular value was chosen for broad compatibility across possible future major version changes, since it is a single field CSV record, but also a comment for many common representation formats (e.g. Bourne shell, Python, YAML, binary packing, etc.).

A file which only contains a version header is valid but meaningless other than an empty container. The minimal useful file contains a single version header followed by a single RunInfo record. Such a file is minimally useful to represent cases where no data was matched or collected for the given run.

Additional version header lines may appear throughout the file contents, but MUST always be an identical header value. The minor and patch versions of AFPerf format may vary among multiple runs within a single container file, but all MUST be use an identical version header (i.e. major version). This can occur in many circumstances, including accumulating run data from multiple build versions and installation locations which support differing output versions. Before appending a new version header to an existing file, writing software MUST ensure that first file record version is compatible. Each occurence of a version header MUST be ordered such that it forms a logical boundary between other records. In other words, a new version record indicates that all records prior to it are in the old version, and all records following it are in the new version.

A file may contain multiple RunInfo records to capture data from multiple runs within a single file. When multiple RunInfo records are present, there is no strict ordering requirement. In particular, complete records from multiple concurrent runs may be interleaved.

There are no other ordering restrictions or constraints. In particular, point and aggregate data records may occur before the MeasurementType or RunInfo records to which they refer. This relaxed ordering provides flexibility in the writing of data during collection. The set of records provides sufficient information to reconstruct the execution order during later processing.

Common Record Fields

There are several types of fields which are common to many of the record types. For brevity they are defined here.

aggregate type

The field describes the manner of aggregation for processed records (i.e. count, sum, mean, std deviation, max, min, etc.). It MUST be blank for raw records, and MUST be populated for composite/processed records.

aggregate timestamps

The start and stop timestamps of an aggregate data record reflect either a specific interval for raw aggregate records, or the overall combined span for processed aggregate records.

record id

Several record types use id values to establish relational references to other records. These ids provide flexibility in linking records in order to a) minimize the likelihood of ambiguous/colliding records, and b) ease visual inspection of file contents for internal debugging. All id values should be unsigned integer values no larger than may be represented with 64 bits.

Note that each record type specifies required semantics on range for each id value.

A generator of AFPerf files may opt to not use id fields by leaving the field blank. If id fields are not used, then the generator MUST ensure that consistent record block ordering is provided in the file. Record block ordering means that point and aggregate data records immediately follow the RunInfo, RegionStart, RegionStop, SectionStart or SectionStop record with which they are associated. By so doing, the data record block is unambiguously grouped. Distinct record blocks may still be arbitrarily ordered (i.e not ordered according to record timestamp) as long as each block is internally consistent.


A tag is a name value pair of metadata which may be associated with collected data. Tags can be useful to provide alternate axes on which to report or aggregate data.


An internal timestamp of a record, where the absolute value is arbitrary and implementation defined. The value of a timestamp must be nonnegative. The benefit of timestamps come through duration calculations between timestamps. The time unit is fixed for any single run, however may vary between runs due to differences across systems, compilers, and compiler versions.

Defined Record Types

The following list contains the set of valid record types. Each record MUST begin with the first field designating the record type for that record. The record type may be represented as either the literal string name, or as the assigned record id.

To provide for flexibility in implementation as well as future compatible extensibility, data record types (e.g. RegionPoint) are distinct from event record types (e.g. RegionStop). The data record types permit multiple measurements to be reported in a single record as well as multiple data records for the same event to be provided. This is intended to provide flexibility in compactness, while providing flexibility in format, in particular for reporting multiple aggregation types of multiple data points.

Record Name

Version Available

Record Id














































This record provides definition for a particular element being measured. There is no central registry of known or available measurement types. This is intentional to provide flexibility in adding new measurement types as well as variation across platforms of what is collectable. While many data captures will contain identical measurement elements, each run MUST separately register all measurement types.

Example possible measurement types and datatypes include:

  • Operating System, string

  • Operating System Version, string

  • CPU Model, string

  • Processing Cores, integer

  • Processing Threads, integer

  • System Available RAM, integer (in MB)

  • System Free RAM, integer (in MB)

  • Profiling Start, string (ISO 8601)

  • Profiling Finish, string (ISO 8601)

  • User run label, string

  • Scenario input files, string

  • Execution hostname, string

Note that multiple MeasurementType records for the same run and measurement type id may be emitted. In such cases subsequent records update the previous definition.

Format: MeasurementType,<timestamp>,<run id>,<measurement type id>,<name>,<datatype>,<units>,<summary>,<description>

Example: MeasurementType,123456700,0xbad0bad0,0xabe,Execution Time,int64,nanoseconds,System execution,Some further elaboration on nuances of measured mechanism

Unique Field

Data Format


run id


The run id from a RunInfo record with which this record is associated.

measurement type id


A dynamically assigned id for the specified measurement type. A type id value should be selected to minimize chance of duplication, including for successive runs using the same measurement type names.



A human friendly name of the measurement



Indicates the base datatype for all values of this MeasurementType. This field enables processing tools to have some knowledge of exported data formats. This value must be one of “double”, “int32”, “int64”, “bool”, “string”, and “enum”. The “enum” datatype indicates strings with an expected small set of value options, indicating to reporting tools that binning of values is a reasonable action. For compactness “bool” a field MUST use only literal values 0 and 1.



The units used for values in measurement records, in a machine parseable format. A units value MUST be provided, and SHOULD be “text”, “count”, a time unit, or an amount-of-data units. A units value of “text” MUST only be used when datatype is “string”. A units value of “count” MUST only be used when datatype is one of the numeric values. Time units MUST use an SI abbreviated value of “s”, “ms”, “us”/”μs” (with U+00B5), or “ns”. Amount-of-data MUST use standard abbreviation and MUST follow IEC 60027-2 A.2 and ISO/IEC 80000:13-2008.



A human friendly summary of the measurement, no more than a full sentence. This field may be blank.



A human friendly description of the measurement, with further detail and explanation if warranted.


This record provides context of execution pauses experiences. Such pauses are frequently the result of execution debugging. A tool interpreting an AFPerf file SHOULD indicate these pause periods and provide an option to deduct the overlapping paused duration from intervals which partially or fully overlapped.

Format: PauseResume,<end timestamp>,<start timestamp>,<run id>

Example: PauseResume,123456750,123456700,0xbad0bad0

Unique Field

Data Format


end timestamp


The timestamp of when execution resumed.

start timestamp


The timestamp of when an execution pause began.


This records represents data measurements collected from ProfilingRegion usages within code.

Format: RegionAggregate,<end timestamp>,<start timestamp>,<record id>,<aggregation type>,<measurement type id>,<value>[,<measurement type id>,<value>]

Example: RegionAggregate,123456788,123456784,0xaaaa0000,summation,0xcccddd,0.531

Unique Field

Data Format


record id


The most specific record with which the measurement data is associated. For raw records this MUST be the specific region id for which the data was measured. For processed records this MUST be the overall run id within which multiple region records were accumulated.


There may be two RegionPoint records for each region id in cases of snapshot sampled data elements. One will have contain the timestamp of interval start, the other will contain the timestamp of stop.

Format: RegionPoint,<timestamp>,<region id>,<measurement type id>,<value>[,<measurement type id>,<value>]

Example: RegionPoint,123456789,0xaaaa0000,0xcccddd,0.531,0xeeeeffff,3.445e7


This record type marks the start of a region interval. Since there can only be exactly one interval per region, RegionStart also serves as what would otherwise be a separate RegionInfo record.

Format: RegionStart,<timestamp>,<run id>,<region id>,<region label>,<tags>

Example: RegionStart,12345678,0xaaaa0000,rudimentary FooBar frobbing,platform=F15_ABC;component=sensor_XYZ

Unique Field

Data Format


region id


A region id value unique to each RegionStart record, even for distinct records with the same region label.


This record type marks the stop of a region interval.

Format: RegionStop,<timestamp>,<region id>

Example: RegionStop,12345679,0xaaaa0000


Format: RunAggregate,<end timestamp>,<start timestamp>,<run id>,<aggregation type>,<measurement type id>,<value>[,<measurement type id>,<value>]

Example: RunAggregate,123456786,123456780,0xbad0bad0,mean,0xcccddd,0.531


This record provides basic information about a single run. It assigns a run id which enables associated records to be relationally linked to a given run.

Format: RunInfo,<start timestamp>,<timestamp units>,<wallclock time>,<afperf format version>,<run id>,<application name>,<application version>,<tags>

Example: RunInfo,0x11223344,nanoseconds,1639527663.713,0xbad0bad0,mission,,


Data Format


start timestamp


The initial timestamp value at the start of the run. Other records related to this run can be calculated relative to this timestamp. The combination of start timestamp and wallclock time allows subsequent processing to assign wallclock time to events.

timestamp units


An SI division of seconds indicating the unit of timestamp values for this run. Valid values are “seconds”, “milliseconds”, “microseconds”, and “nanoseconds”.

wallclock time


UTC start time of the run as seconds since the Unix epoch.

run id


A generated run id. The value should be selected so as to have two arbitrary run ids be very unlikely to be duplicated.

afperf format version


The AFPerf output format version used. This is used to indicate minor versions of format semantics on a per-run basis. This permits a single AFPerf file to be a container for multiple runs with different minor versions. Must be three non-negative integer values, each separated by a single dot, e.g., “1.2.3”.

application name


The name of the application which executed the run.

application version


The version of the application which executed the run.



An optional set of tags reflecting user-specified values, such as user understandable run description, component type, host platform name etc. This field should not be used for system measured data such as hostname, CPU information, etc.


Represents point data collected throughout the entire run. There may be multiple RunPoint entries for a single run id and measurement type id.

Format: RunPoint,<timestamp>,<run id>,<measurement type id>,<value>

Example: RunPoint,123456786,0xbad0bad0,0xcccddd,0.531


Format: SectionAggregate,<end timestamp>,<start timestamp>,<record id>,<section interval id>,<aggregation type>,<measurement type id>,<value>[,<measurement type id>,<value>]

Example: SectionAggregate,123456788,123456784,0xaaaa0000,3,maximum,0xcccddd,0.531

Note: if <record id> is blank due to representing a processed record, then the <section interval id> should likewise be left blank.

Unique Field

Data Format


record id


The most specific record with which the measurement data is associated. For raw records this MUST be the specific section id for which the data was measured. For processed records this MUST be the overall run id within which multiple section data was accumulated.


This record provides information about a ProfilingSection.

The SectionInfo record contains a timestamp field for orthogonality with other record types. It does not have a clear interpretation for SectionInfo and therefore may be blank. In code, ProfilingSection is often generated separately from starting and thus not relevant to actual section intervals.

Format: SectionInfo,<timestamp>,<run id>,<section id>,<section label>,<tags>

Example: SectionInfo,0xbbbb0000,0x99887766,fancy FooBar frobbing,platform=F15_DEF;component=sensor_RST

The section id is unique within each SectionInfo record, i.e. distinguishes each section creation during runtime.

Unique Field

Data Format


record id


The most specific record with which the measurement data is associated. For raw records this MUST be the specific section id for which the data was measured. For processed records this MUST be the overall run id within which multiple section data was accumulated.


Format: SectionPoint,<timestamp>,<section id>,<section interval id>,<measurement type id>,<value>[,<measurement type id>,<value>]

Example: SectionPoint,123456789,0xaaaa0000,3,0xcccddd,0.531


This record marks the start of a distinct interval within a section.

Format: SectionStart,<timestamp>,<section id>,<section interval id>

Example: SectionStart,0xbbbb0000,0x99887766,34,fancy FooBar frobbing

Unique Field

Data Format


section id


The section id, as defined by a SectionInfo record, with which this interval is associated.

section interval id


A unique id for the interval. The interval id need only be unique within matching section ids, it is not required to be globally unique. Specifically, a simple incrementing counter of intervals for each section is sufficient (but not required).


This records marks the close of a section interval.

Format: SectionStop,<timestamp>,<section id>,<section interval id>

Example: SectionStop,12345679,0xaaaa0000,3