
behavior_tree … end_behavior_tree

The Behavior Tree is an artificial intelligence technology that allows scenario developers to quickly create flexible agents with various tactical modules, called behaviors or behavior nodes. The nodes can be arranged together in interesting and interrelated ways with connector nodes.

   <one or more nodes>

There are two basic node types:

  • Behavior Nodes - the leaf nodes of the tree, contain user defined script that performs a particular behavior or action. See the behavior page for more info.

  • Connector Nodes - useful for building & organizing the tree. These nodes specify how behavior nodes are related to each other.

Connector Nodes

Connector Node Structure & Syntax

  [run_selection ...]
  [make_selection ...]
  <two or more nodes>

Currently, there are five supported connector-node-types: sequence, parallel, selector, priority_selector, and weighted_random

If it’s not clear from the syntax definition above, any node on the behavior tree can have any number of child nodes (either connector or behavior type). These child nodes can subsequently have any number and type of children as well, and so on. Two of the connector node types perform a sequence of sorts and can not make use of any modifiers, however there are three connector nodes types that perform a single child selection (selector, priority_selector, and weighted_random) and these can be further specialized by using the sub-commands run_selection and make_selection .

sequence … end_sequence

Sequence nodes are the 2nd most common connector node used in behavior trees. When a sequence node is reached, it executes all of its children in order, until one of the children fails its precondition. If the first child fails, then none of the children are executed. If all children pass their preconditions, they are all executed. If the first half of the children pass and the next node fails, then the first half of the children are all executed, and the second half are not.

parallel … end_parallel

Parallel nodes are connector nodes used in the behavior tree in order to execute every one of their children that passes precondition, regardless of ordering.

selector … end_selector

Selector nodes are the most common connector node used in behavior trees. A selector node dictates the tree to choose only one of its children to execute. The tree will execute the first child of a selector node that passes its precondition.

priority_selector … end_priority_selector

Priority-Selector nodes are connector nodes used in the behavior tree in order to choose and execute whichever child is highest valued. The value of a child is determined by its precondition script block. Priority-Selector nodes always (and only) execute their highest valued child.

weighted_random … end_weighted_random

Weighted-Random nodes are connector nodes used in the behavior tree in order to randomly choose and execute a child. A uniform weighted random selection is performed, and the weights for each child are determined by their precondition script blocks. For example, if a Weighted-Random node has two children and both return a value of “3”, then they are equally likely to be chosen. It will be common for Weighted-Random nodes to use the “run_selection” feature, in order to allow their selected child to execute for a while (or until done) before another random selection is made.

<connector node sub-commands>

(only useful for types: selector, priority_selector, and weighted_random)

run_selection [ until_done | for <time> | repeat <int> ]

Specify how long a selected child will be executed for, rather than the default: once (repeat 1). If “until_done” is declared, then a child node will be executed until its precondition returns 0.0 or false.

make_selection [ continuous | count <int> ]

Specify how many selections will be made, rather than the default: continuous. This doesn’t affect or change whatever is defined by make_selection, but rather it could limit how many times a selector type node will perform.

For example, this tree defined below will randomly select between behaviors “cat” and “dog” with probability of selection at 67% and 33%, respectively (because of their precondition return values). Each time a selection is made, the node will be run automatically on each update for 30 seconds rather than new selections being made each update (because of the run_selection command). The weighted_random node will only make selections ten times and then it won’t do anything after that (because of the make_selection command). So this tree will only be doing something for approximately 300 seconds (30 sec times 10).

behavior cat precondition return 2.0 end_precondition execute writeln("cat"); end_execute end_behavior
behavior dog precondition return 1.0 end_precondition execute writeln("dog"); end_execute end_behavior
    run_selection for 30 sec
    make_selection count 10
    behavior_node cat
    behavior_node dog

Defining a behavior_tree

By default, the behavior tree has an invisible root node that is a parallel node. All behaviors, and all nodes that exist at the root level will all be checked for preconditions and executed if the preconditions passed.

behavior_tree ... end_behavior_tree

Behavior trees can contain [theoretically] and infinite depth of nested connector nodes and behaviors. Here is an example of a behavior tree that doesn’t use any connector nodes, and has a depth of one, by attaching only behavior nodes themselves to the [invisible] root node of the tree.

Example Shallow Behavior Tree:

# all these named behaviors are assumed to be pre-defined
   behavior_node check_fuel
   behavior_node check_instruments
   behavior_node drink_coffee

Example Simple Behavior Tree:

# sequences over the "check_fuel" and "check_instruments" behaviors every update
      behavior_node  check_fuel
      behavior_node  check_instruments

Example Nested Behavior Tree:

# all these named behaviors are assumed to be pre-defined
    behavior_node drink_coffee
      behavior_node check_fuel
      behavior_node check_instruments

Behavior Tree Design Considerations

The two main considerations of the tree builder are the preconditions of behavior nodes and the placement of nodes in the tree. These two considerations working together decide which nodes of a behavior tree execute. The precondition is an internal check a node does to determine if it can even run. The position of a node in the behavior tree acts as an “external check” to determine whether or not it will run. For example, if a node is a child of a selector node and other child nodes are often selected, then this node may never get called on.

Here is an example of both deciding factors at play:

behavior evade_threat
      Array<WsfPlatform>  mIncoming  =  Array<WsfPlatform>();
      if (PROCESSOR.WeaponsIncoming(mIncoming) > 0)
         return true;
      return false;
      extern void Evade(void);

behavior chase_target
      if( ! PROCESSOR.Target().IsValid() )
         return false;
      return true;
      extern void Chase(WsfTrack);
      Chase( PROCESSOR.Target() );

      behavior_node  evade_threat
      behavior_node  chase_target

You can see the precondition for the “evade_threat” behavior will only let that behavior execute if there are incoming threats. You can see the precondition for the “chase_target” behavior will only let that behavior execute if there is a valid target to chase. Now, looking at how they are arranged in the behavior tree, we can see that the “evade_threat” behavior was set as the first child of its selector node parent. Whenever the “evade_threat” behavior’s precondition passes that behavior is “selected”, it is executed, and no other children are considered. In other words, the only time that the “chase_target” behavior will ever be chosen is when there is nothing to evade. If the tree builder wanted both of these behaviors to be executed, he might have used a sequence node as the parent.