Mover Creator 0.1 Beta - 31 Oct 2018


This is the initial (beta) release of Mover Creator. It is compatible with AFSIM V2.3 (Mission, Warlock, Results Vis, and Wizard).

Known Issues

  • There is currently no support for ailerons or flaps on wings in the beta version. This will be added in the initial release.

  • There is a known lack of symmetry between alpha and beta for some weapons. This is being investigated.

  • Damping for yaw, pitch, and roll is still being refined.

  • Tailless flying wing configurations are currently unsupported due to a lack of a yaw damper and split ailerons for yaw control.

  • There is a lack of accuracy in some aerodynamic predictions, especially transonic drag. This is being improved.

  • The current dihedral effect (Cl-beta) is often too weak, due to excessive roll damping (and required corresponding excessive roll control) in some configurations.

  • There is currently no support for hinged aero surfaces (such as rudders, elevators, and ailerons) – only full-flying (all moving) surfaces (such as stabilators) are currently supported.

  • There is a know lack of accuracy in the relationship between roll control and damping and other stability derivatives.

  • Aerodynamic damping, especially roll damping, needs additional stability derivatives.

  • There is currently no Linux support for the beta release (although it will be supported later). Only Windows 64-bit is supported at this time.

  • Wide variations in missile cg as propellant is burned can challenge autopilot control, which is currently tuned for a single cg location.

  • There are seemingly random font sizing problems. This is due to a conflict between Qt and Windows (acknowledged by both Qt and Microsoft) which may cause incorrect font size. If this happens, logout and login again.

  • When a component is deleted on the Geometry page, Mass Properties do not update until an existing component is modified.

  • After creating a new engine from the Geometry page, the new engine will not show up in the Engine Model list until the Engine Type is changed.

  • Speed brakes are not yet functional.

  • The following control configurations are not yet supported: StabsTwoVentralTails, StabsVTail, and StabsInvertedVTail.

  • Changing from a single tail to twin tail (or vice versa) for aircraft may result in loss of yaw control. This will be corrected in the next release.

  • There may be some rendering problems with flight envelopes and turn performance plots. This is due to the rendering algorithm, not the P6DOF models themselves.

  • The ability to adjust autopilot limits via the Mover Creator GUIs is currently quite limited. This will be expanded in the next release.

  • There is currently no temperature limit on jet engine (turbojet/turbofan) performance. As a result, engines may produce excessively high thrust at low altitudes.

  • The list of airfoil files is not complete and many airfoil files need some clean-up on their data.

  • Grid fins are not yet supported.

  • Missiles currently support ignition at launch – the ability to include a drop with a delayed ignition will be added in the next release.

  • Cl vs Alpha-Beta-Mach may exhibit sign errors for some vehicle configurations. This is being investigated. For now, if a vehicle has this problem, set the global multiplier for Cl vs Alpha-Beta-Mach to zero.

  • When viewing Cl vs Angle-Alpha-Beta in the aerodynamics plots, attempting to change from viewing Cl vs Angle to Cl vs Alpha or Cl vs Beta causes a crash.