
Mover Creator 2.6 - 08 May 2020

Visit the AFSIM 2.6 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Mover Creator 2.6.3 - 19 Feb 2021

  • Mover Creator 2.6.2 - 13 Nov 2020

  • Mover Creator 2.6.1 - 05 Aug 2020

  • Mover Creator 2.6.0 - 08 May 2020


  • This is the first full release of Mover Creator. Note that the version numbering changed to match that of the rest of the AFSIM tool suite.

Known Issues

  • There is a lack of accuracy in some aerodynamic predictions, especially transonic drag. This is being improved.

  • There are seemingly random font sizing problems. This is due to a conflict between Qt and Windows (acknowledged by both Qt and Microsoft) which may cause incorrect font size. If this happens, logout and login again.

  • There are issues with running Mover Creator on 4k displays. If this occurs, it is recommended to maximize the Mover Creator window.

  • There is currently no temperature limit on jet engine (turbojet/turbofan) performance. As a result, engines may produce excessively high thrust at low altitudes.

  • Grid fins are not yet supported.


  • (2.6.2) Fixed issue where running Mover Creator on Linux would sometimes crash the application when performing a variety of actions. (Issue #199)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed issue where performance tests would not run on Linux. (Issue #201)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed erroneous calculation of surface area for Bodies. (Issue #203)

  • Fixed issue where negative drag would be computed under certain circumstances. (Issue #144)

  • The sweep angle specified in the Geometry page for surfaces is now drawn correctly using leading edge sweep. (Issue #158)

  • Fixed issue where top-half-round and bottom-half-round nacelles would have their center of gravity placed along the wrong plane. (Issue #164)

  • Changed the aerodynamic center for bodies to be coincident with their center of gravity. (Issue #164)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred by attempting to execute a performance test without first selecting a test. (Issue #165)

  • Various aerodynamic prediction corrections/improvements. (Issue #166)

  • Resolved issue where PID preferences were not being loaded correctly. (Issue #167)

  • Fixed issue were aerodynamic vectors in wire-frame mode were drawn incorrectly when the vehicle’s center of gravity was shifted to coincide with its reference point. (Issue #170)

  • Resolved issue where the user-specified rotational inertias were not being used correctly in some cases. (Issue #173)


  • Flying wing, v-tail, and inverted v-tail models are now provided as standard templates. (Issue #134)

  • Added more airfoils for use within Mover Creator. (Issue #134)

  • Improved speed brake aerodynamic modeling. (Issue #135)

  • Made use of the dimensionless reduced frequency (see use_reduced_frequency) to compute the stability derivatives, which has the effect of linearizing the aero_data. (Issue #142)

  • Added support for thrust vectoring. (Issue #145)

  • Enabled event pipe data in the flight test scenario generated by Mover Creator. (Issue #146)

  • Added options for SAS and bank-to-turn / skid-to-turn controls. (Issue #150)

  • Added support for wing control surfaces, including ailerons, dragerons/decelerons, spoilers, spoilerons, and elevons. (Issue #157)

  • All control surfaces may now be either full-flying or hinged. (Issue #157)

  • Added support for vehicle configuration with two ventral tails and vehicle configuration with an inverted v-tail. (Issue #159)

  • Mover Creator now automatically shifts the vehicle’s center of gravity to its reference point before performing aerodynamic calculations. (Issue #162)

  • Linux is now supported. (Issue #168)