Wizard 2.3 - 31 Oct 2018

Visit the AFSIM 2.3 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Wizard 2.3.3 - 07 Aug 2019

  • Wizard 2.3.2 - 22 Mar 2019

  • Wizard 2.3.1 - 08 Mar 2019

  • Wizard 2.3.0 - 31 Oct 2018


  • Removed the option to load/unload plugins at runtime; instead, users should enable or disable a plugin’s autostart value and restart the software.

Known Issues

  • There is one frame of latency between the elevation lines and the rest of the scene.

  • Loading of TIFF files on Linux may lead to a crash. This may apply to visual databases and using .tif files as annotation images.

  • Text editor parsing and syntax highlighting is not compatible with non-UTF-8 characters. Opening a file with non-UTF-8 characters will result in incorrect syntax highlighting and prevent parsing-related functionality such as “Go To Definition” from working.

  • Double clicking on an object in the Platform Browser usually takes the user to the definition of the object. However, this does not work when the object is a “comm” type.

  • The Icon Browser filter in the “Properties” page of the Map Window does not allow users to filter icons.

  • Wizard allows for two-pass file scanning, so a developer can use an object, then define it later in the file. When used in this way, some commands such as “filter” may possess incorrect red underline syntax despite the scenario still being operational.

  • In the map window, translating platforms containing waypoint-dependent commands may invalidate the platform by incorrectly reordering its contents.

  • When attempting to rename a large file, there is a warning about the file being too large. However, if the user continues to rename the file, the contents may become corrupted.

  • When trying to autocomplete an incomplete command, pressing backspace with the autocomplete window still open may cause the autocomplete process to delete text after the inserted command.

  • When using 4k displays, there are some minor display issues such as icons appearing smaller than expected.

  • When changing themes, some text boxes, such as the Range Ring Properties, may not have correctly colored text.


  • (ELSZ #57) Added support for GPUs that cannot compile GLSL 3.0 ES shaders, resulting in missing platform icons.

  • (Issue #690) Fixed an issue where Wizard crashes when deleting a platform in the map window

  • (Issue #817) Fixed an issue where Wizard sometimes crashes when killing a scenario

  • (Issue #939) Fixed an issue with displaying a platform’s info or adding it to a new command chain from the context menu within the Command Chain Browser

  • (Issue #945) (ELSZ #67) Fixed dark themed highlighting and text issue.

  • (Issue #1072) (ELSZ #80) Corrected the coloration of WsfDraw quads.


  • Middle-mouse-button drag will now tilt and rotate the map-view camera, replacing shift-right-button drag.

  • Added smoothing to camera motions when zooming.
