
Script Type: WsfDeltaV_Maneuver

maneuver delta_v
   Common Maneuver Commands …
   delta_v ...

A maneuver representing a change in the platform’s ECI velocity.

delta_v <frame> <speed-value> <speed-value> <speed-value>

The desired change in the velocity of the platform, given in the specified orbital reference frame.

The allowed value for the reference frame are:
  • inertial for a velocity change given in the inertial frame (typically the The Earth Centered Inertial System (ECI) frame, but this may represent equivalent frames for other central bodies if the platform is being evolved with a central body other than the Earth);

  • ric for a velocity change given in the executing platform’s RIC frame.

dv_x <speed-value>

The desired change in the ECI x component of the velocity.


This command is deprecated. Please use delta_v.

dv_y <speed-value>

The desired change in the ECI y component of the velocity.


This command is deprecated. Please use delta_v.

dv_z <speed-value>

The desired change in the ECI z component of the velocity.


This command is deprecated. Please use delta_v.