Eclipse Report


The feature has been re-factored to the Post Processor. See Eclipse Report in the Post Processor documentation.

eclipse_report … end_eclipse_report
   file_prefix    ...
   file_format    ...
   report         ...

Eclipse Reports provide start time, end time, and the duration that platforms are within the Earth’s shadow.


Results do not take into account the effect of the oblate Earth or motion of the Earth during a single orbit of a platform.



Specify the output file prefix. The file extension is specified by the file_format command.

file_format { csv | tsv }

Specify the output file format, which must be either of csv (comma-separated variables) or tsv (tab-separated variables).

Default csv


The csv file_format can be viewed in Microsoft Excel, but the formats for start and end times must be changed by selecting cells in the spreadsheet and using the Format Cells… option to select a compatible format (i.e., m/d/yyyy h:mm.000 ).

report { <platform> | all }

Specify platform names for which eclipse events are to be reported in the output file. The keyword all can be inserted, meaning that eclipse data will be computed for all orbiting platforms.