WSF_WEAPONS_MANAGER_AI processors maintain a behavior stack which is used to direct the managed platform and weapon assets. This event occurs when an Intercept (fly to intercept a track), Pursue (fly directly at a track, potentially controlling speed to maintain a range of desired distance), Beam (fly perpendicular to threat), or Drag (fly away from threat) behavior has been added to the stack to be performed.


<time> <event>: <behavior>, This AI: <platform name>, <asset id>, <side>
 LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt>,Range to target: <range to target>,
 Range to zone: <range to zone>,Track ID: <track id>



current simulation time


simulation event that occurred


weapons manager AI behavior

<platform name>

name of platform which is adding the behavior

<asset id>

asset id of the platform


side of the platform


current latitude of the platform


current longitude of the platform


current altitude of the platform

<range to target>

range from the platform to the track

<range to zone>

range from track to the DA center closest to it, zero if no DAs

<track id>

track id record

How it Appears in Output

00:15:42.0 BM_AI_ADD_BEHAVIOR: INTERCEPT,This AI: Red_AI,Red_AI:0,red LLA: 39:02:25.41n 117:41:40.03w 9144.0001 m,Target: 200_ucav,200_ucav:0, LLA: 38:13:09.41n 115:08:06.07w 10668 m,Range to target: 240640,Range to zone: 0,Track ID: Red_AI:7

00:22:36.0 BM_AI_ADD_BEHAVIOR: PURSUE,This AI: Red_AI,Red_AI:0,red LLA: 38:09:07.99n 116:46:39.75w 10668 m,Target: 200_ucav,200_ucav:0, LLA: 37:56:58.29n 116:08:45.92w 10668 m,Range to target: 59798.1,Range to zone: 0,Track ID: Red_AI:7

00:23:19.0 BM_AI_ADD_BEHAVIOR: BEAM,This AI: Red_AI,Red_AI:0,red LLA: 38:05:53.73n 116:38:44.47w 10668 m,Target: 200_ucav,200_ucav:0, LLA: 37:55:15.74n 116:15:02.07w 10668 m,Range to target: 39860.6,Range to zone: 0,Track ID: Red_AI:7

00:23:39.0 BM_AI_ADD_BEHAVIOR: DRAG,This AI: Red_AI,Red_AI:0,red LLA: 38:06:21.71n 116:34:54.08w 10668 m,Target: 200_ucav,200_ucav:0, LLA: 37:54:27.89n 116:17:57.07w 10668 m,Range to target: 33144,Range to zone: 0,Track ID: Red_AI:7

How to Show Event Messages

   file replay.evt              # write event messages to file "replay.evt"