Guidance Program Types

This section defines the predefined guidance program types that may be referenced by WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER.

Guidance programs are defined and used by the commands program and use_program.


This program does nothing. It is typically used as a place-holder in a phase where no guidance is desired.


   program NULL_PROGRAM end_program
   next_phase PITCH_OVER when speed > 100 m/s


This program is used to command the vehicle to climb or dive to a specified altitude and hold that altitude. This provides the same functionality as using commanded_altitude with the legacy guidance.

The maximum rate of ascent and descent are defined by the phase commands maximum_ascent_rate and maximum_descent_rate respectively.

altitude <length-value> [ msl | agl ]

Specifies a commanded altitude. Typically used to climb or dive to a cruise altitude and hold the altitude. The altitude reference tag (’msl’, or ‘above mean sea level’; ‘agl’, or ‘above ground level’) may be omitted, in which case ‘msl’ is assumed.

Specifying an altitude reference of ‘agl’ is a crude mechanism for implementing terrain-following. When ‘agl’ is specified the mover will enforce an additional constraint that it always stays above the ground. However, no look-ahead is performed (it only checks the height above the terrain directly under the platform), so it is possible that the vehicle may make very abrupt changes if the terrain rises rapidly.

Default: The value of the current phase command commanded_altitude.


This command must NOT be used if the value needs to be set or modified by script.


# The desired altitude is specified inside the program definition.
# This is perhaps clearer, but it prevents using the script command to alter altitude.
phase CRUISE
   program INTERCEPT_PROGRAM end_program
      altitude 10000 m

# This does the same as above, but the desired altitude is specified as a phase command
# rather than a program command. This form allows the altitude to be altered via script command.
phase CRUISE
   commanded_altitude 10000 m    # Altitude for the ALTITUDE_PROGRAM

   program INTERCEPT_PROGRAM end_program
   program ALTITUDE_PROGRAM end_program


This program is used to orient the vehicle to some desired orientation. It computes a commanded angle rate necessary to achieve whatever commands are specified.

It can also be used to command a continuous rotation for cases such as when some space objects continuously rotate to balance heating due to the Sun. This is accomplished by specifying a rate without a corresponding target angle.

The program will signal complete when all commanded angles have been reached AND no bare rate commands were specified.


This does not affect performance and does not require any accelerations to be imposed. See the overview in WSF_GUIDED_MOVER.

yaw <angle-value>
pitch <angle-value>
roll <angle-value>

Specifies a target orientation angle relative to the wind coordinate system (aligned with the velocity vector with no angle of attack or roll). The corresponding rate command specifies the angular rate to be applied to reaching the target angle.

Default: Not specified


The target angle is relative to the unrotated wind coordinate system - not the current orientation!


‘yaw’ and ‘yaw_fixed’ cannot be specified together, and ‘pitch’ and ‘pitch_fixed’ cannot be specified together. If both are specified then the last one specified is used.

yaw_fixed <angle-value>
pitch_fixed <angle-value>

Specifies a target orientation angle relative to the North-East-Down coordinate system. The corresponding rate command specifies the angular rate to be applied to reaching the target angle.

Default: Not specified


‘yaw’ and ‘yaw_fixed’ cannot be specified together, and ‘pitch’ and ‘pitch_fixed’ cannot be specified together. If both are specified then the last one specified is used.

yaw_rate <angle-rate-value>
pitch_rate <angle-rate-value>
roll_rate <angle-rate-value>

These commands serve two purposes depending on the context:

  • If specified with a corresponding target angle, it specifies the rate to be used toward achieving the target angle.

  • If specified without a corresponding target angle, the commanded rate will simply be set to that value (effecting continuous rotation)

Default: 10 deg/sec


This is the same as setting the yaw, pitch and roll to zero. The rate commands may be used to specify the rate at which the angles are reset.


     roll 50 deg  roll_rate 5 deg/sec
   next_phase ROLL_LEFT when ATTITUDE_PROGRAM complete
     roll -50 deg  roll_rate 5 deg/sec
   next_phase ROLL_RESET when ATTITUDE_PROGRAM complete
     reset  roll_rate 10 deg/sec
   next_phase COAST when ATTITUDE_PROGRAM complete
phase COAST



Use the LEGACY_FLIGHT_PATH_ANGLE_PROGRAM if you want the behavior that exists in the legacy program. This program is used for orbital launch vehicles.

This program is typically used by orbital launch vehicles to pitch the vehicle over to its ascent trajectory.

This program is very sensitive. The termination conditions of this program determine the initial conditions for the powered ballistic trajectory that typically follows. Small changes here can make large differences in the orbit altitude and even the ability to orbit.

This program should be invoked as early as possible after liftoff. The ‘next_phase’ command in the lift off phase should specify a vertical_speed test with a speed sufficient for the maneuver to be made. If it is too low the vehicle may crash or the orbit altitude may be too low. If it is too high burnout will occur at a high altitude before orbital velocity can be reached. A reasonable value is 50 m/s, but you may be able to go as low as 40 m/s. Higher values may be necessary for some vehicles, but rarely over 100 m/s.

Most of the launch vehicles in demos/space_operations/launch_vehicles include a weapon_tools input file named tune.txt that assist in the tuning process. It can be used to help determines the ‘optimum’ pitch rate that should be used in this program, as well as the vertical_speed test for the liftoff phase.

flight_path_angle <angle-value>

Specifies the target flight path angle at which the pitch over is declared complete in the range (0, 90). If not specified, the first of the following that returns a value is used:

  • The value of the ‘commanded_flight_path_angle’ from the current phase.

  • The value of the commanded flight path angle from the launch computer.

Default: Not specified.

pitch_rate <angle-rate-value>

Specifies the rate at which the pitch maneuver is to take place. The actual pitch rate will be phased in according to time_constant below.

Default: 0.15 deg/sec

time_constant <time-value>

Specifies the exponential time constant for phasing in the pitch specified pitch rate. The pitch rate will achieve its full value approximately 4 time constants after the program starts.

Default: 1 second


phase LIFT_OFF
   program NULL_PROGRAM end_program
   next_phase when speed > 50 m/s
      flight_path_angle 86 deg
      pitch_rate 0.15 deg/sec
   next_phase ASCENT when program FLIGHT_PATH_ANGLE_PROGRAM complete
phase ASCENT


This program implements the flight path angle guidance that exists in the legacy guidance model.

flight_path_angle <angle-value>

Specifies the desired flight path angle in the range (-90, 90).

Default: The value of the current phase command commanded_flight_path_angle.


This command must NOT be used if the value needs to be set or modified by script or originates from the launch computer.


This program modifies (e.g.: adds to) the vertical component of the commanded acceleration. It is typically used to prevent the trajectory from sagging due to the downward pull of gravity.


      proportional_navigation_gain 5


This program sets commanded vertical acceleration to zero. Any commanded horizontal acceleration set by a preceding program (e.g. INTERCEPT_PROGRAM) is left unmodified.


This program provides guidance to intercept the current target using proportional and velocity pursuit navigation. This uses the same algorithm as the legacy intercept guidance.


In general the use of this program should be followed by the GRAVITY_BIAS_PROGRAM, ALTITUDE_PROGRAM or LEGACY_FLIGHT_PATH_ANGLE_PROGRAM to achieve the desired result.

proportional_navigation_gain <real-value>

Specifies the gain for proportional navigation. A value of zero indicates proportional navigation will not be performed.

Default: The value of the current phase command proportional_navigation_gain (nominally 3.0).


This command must NOT be used if the value needs to be set or modified by script.

proportional_navigation_limit_angle <angle-value>

Specifies the 3D aspect angle of the target with respect to the weapon at which the navigation method will switch between proportional and velocity pursuit. Proportional navigation will be used if the target aspect angle is less than or equal to this value, otherwise velocity pursuit will be used.

Default: The value of the current phase command proportional_navigation_limit_angle (nominally 30 degrees).


This command must NOT be used if the value needs to be set or modified by script.

proportional_navigation_method [ pure | augmented ]

Specifies whether additional acceleration should be commanded because of current target acceleration.

pure indicates target acceleration is ignored. augmented indicates target acceleration should be considered.

Default: The value of the current phase command proportional_navigation_method (nominally ‘pure’)


This command must NOT be used if the value needs to be set or modified by script.

velocity_pursuit_gain <real-value>

Specifies the gain for velocity pursuit navigation. A value of zero indicates velocity pursuit navigation will not be performed.

Default: The value of the current phase command velocity_pursuit_gain (nominally 10.0).


This command must NOT be used if the value needs to be set or modified by script.


      proportional_navigation_gain 5


This program is used to guide an orbital launch vehicle into a circular orbit. When the vehicle comes close to apogee (flight path angle is less than the value defined by the fine_adjustment_threshold) it will manage the altitude so the platform can achieve orbit. This means:

  • If the current speed is less than the speed required to maintain orbit at the current altitude, the program will attempt to maintain the current altitude so the platform can continue to accelerate towards the required speed.

  • If the current speed is in excess of the speed required to maintain orbit at the current altitude, the program will attempt to increase the altitude to the point where the speed is that required for orbit.

When the program detects that the speed and altitude meet the conditions necessary for orbit then it will declare orbit and command the engines to stop.

The user should include a next_phase statement in the phase that uses this program, and test for completion of the program.

ascent_g_bias <real-value>

The gravity bias factor to be applied during ascent. Ascent is defined to be when the flight path angle is greater than the value defined in coarse_adjustment_threshold (default of 0.5 degrees).

Default: 0

maximum_lateral_acceleration <acceleration-value>

The maximum lateral acceleration that will be applied to adjust the trajectory during orbit insertion. This does not include any acceleration imposed by gravity.

Because the platform is outside the atmosphere at this point, thrust vectoring must satisfy all the requirements.

Default: 0.1 g

minimum_insertion_altitude <length-value>

The program will not attempt orbit insertion when the altitude is less than this value.

The default is defined as 100 km because maintaining orbit below this altitude is not possible due to atmospheric drag.

Default: 100 km

coarse_adjustment_threshold <angle-value>

Defines the flight path angle at which the platform is no longer considered to be in ascent. All gravity bias is disabled when the flight path angle is less this value but greater than the fine_adjustment_threshold. This allows the ascending platform to naturally settle towards a flight path angle of zero.

Default: 0.5 degrees

fine_adjustment_threshold <angle-value>

Defines the flight path angle at which ‘fine adjustment’ occurs. When the absolute value of the flight path angle is less than this value then program will actively manage the altitude so as to achieve orbit. This may mean holding the altitude to allow the speed to build to that required to maintain orbit, or if the speed is already too great, let the altitude increase.

Default: 0.05 degrees

show_orbit <boolean-value>

Write diagnostic information about the orbit conditions when orbit conditions are satisfied.

Default: false

on_injection { eject_stage | continue }

Additional actions to take when the program declares orbit conditions are satisfied.

  • eject_stage causes the current stage to be ejected (see :method:’WsfGuidanceComputer::EjectStage’).

  • continue simply marks the program complete.

Default: eject_stage


This is not typically used and may be removed in a future release.


      # ... using default arguments...
   next_phase IN_ORBIT when ORBIT_INSERTION_PROGRAM complete
phase IN_ORBIT