
This is documentation for the <message-data> field referenced in the csv_event_output and event_output documentation.

Possible Signatures


The format varies depending on the message type. All of the <track-data> prints if print_track_in_message is enabled; otherwise, a brief form of the <track-data> is printed.

<message-data> Possible Signatures



If the message is a WsfTrackMessage AND the track exists OR the message is a WsfTaskAssignMessage {


<trackid>,<timestart>,<timeupdate>,<countupdate>,<trackquality>,<domainspatial>,<flagtype>,<flagcandidate>,<flagfalse target>
{ ,<platformname>,<platformtype>,<platformside> | ,,, },
| <locationeci>
{ ,(perceived)<locationLLA>,
| <locationeci>,
{ <flagLV >}.{ <flag3D> },{ <flagRV> },{ <flagBV> },{ <flagEV> }
{ ,(actual)<locationLLA>,
| <locationeci>,<|r|perceived - actual> | ,,,,,,, } | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, }
{ ,{ <|v|perceived>,{ <hdgperceived> },{ <|v|actual>,<headingactual> | , } | ,,, }
{ ,{ <rangeperceived> },{ <brgperceived> },{ <elperceived> }
{ ,{ <rangeactual> },{ <brgactual> },{ <elactual> } | ,,, }
{ ,{ <SErange> },{ <<SEbrg> },{ <<SEel>> } | ,,, } | ,,,,,,,,, },
{ <typeid> },{ <sideid> },{ <log(S/N)> },{ <pixel-count> },
{ <signal-count>,{ { <flower>,<fupper> } | , } | 0,, }
{ ,<aux-data> | , }


TrackId: <trackid>

If print_track_in_message

Start_Time: <timestart> Update_Time: <timeupdate> Update_Count: <countupdate> Quality: <trackquality> Domain: <domainspatial> Type: <flagtype><flagcandidate><flagfalse target>
{ Target_Truth: Name: <platformname> Type: <platformtype> Side: <platformside> }
Originator: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> }
{ Track: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Flags: { <flagLV > }{ <flag3D> }{ <flagRV> }{ <flagBV> }{ <flagEV> } }
{ Truth: { <locationLLA> | <locationeci> } Difference: <|r|perceived - actual> }
{ { Track: Vel: <|v|perceived> m/s Hdg: <hdgperceived> deg } { Truth: Vel: <|v|actual> m/s Hdg: <hdgactual> deg } }
{ Track: { Range: <rangeperceived> m } { Bearing: <brgperceived> deg } { Elevation: <elperceived> deg } }
{ { Truth: Range: <rangeactual> m } { Bearing: <brgactual> deg } { Elevation: <elactual> deg } }
{ Measurement_Error_Sigma: { Range: <SErange> m } { Bearing: <SEbrg>> deg } { Elevation: <SEel> deg } }
{ Type_IDs: [{ <typeid> (<typequality>) }] | Type_ID: <typeid> } { Side_ID: <sideid> } { Signal-To-Noise: <log(S/N)> } { Pixel_Count: <pixel-count> }
{ Frequency: [{ (<flower> <fupper>) }] }
{ Aux_Data: <aux-data> }
{ Measurement_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg \ }
{ State_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }
{ Residual_Covariance: Major Axis: <major-axis> m Minor Axis: <minor-axis> m Bearing: <brg> deg }


Start_Time: <timestart> Update_Time: <timeupdate> Update_Count: <countupdate> Quality: <trackquality> Domain: <domainspatial> Type: <flagtype><flagcandidate><flagfalse target>


If the message is a WsfTrackDropMessage




TrackId: <trackid>

If the message is a WsfStatusMessage




Status: <status> RequestId: <requestid> System: <systemname> Platform: <platformname>


All other messages have their own way of printing. The appropriate printing function will execute if it exists; otherwise nothing will be printed.

Signature Elements

<message-data> Signature Elements




For WsfTrackMessage, WsfTrackDropMessage, and WsfTaskAssignMessage



The ID of the track within the message

See <track-data> table below

For WsfStatusMessage {

If the message has a request


If the message has a system


If the message has an associated platform



This platform is not the platform who sent the message.


For all other messages

Not applicable








LLA: <latitude> <longitude> <altitude> m





ECI Location: <|L|ECI> * m [ <uLx> <uLy> <uLz> ]


Track refers to the perceived target. Truth refers to the actual target.







One of:

  • ‘F’ (filtered sensor)

  • ‘M’ (unfiltered sensor)

  • ‘I’ (predefined or pre-briefed)

  • ‘P’ (processed)

  • ‘S’ (static image)

  • ‘V’ (pseudo sensor)

  • ‘U’ (other or unknown)

If the track is a “candidate” track



If the track is a false target track

<flagfalse target>


If the track location is valid



If the track is 3D



If the track range is valid



If the track bearing is valid



If the track elevation is valid



If the target platform exists {

If the the track location is valid OR the track range AND elevation is valid

<|r|perceived - actual>


The distance is in the NED reference frame.


If the track velocity is valid {



If the truth exists {



} }

If the track location, range, bearing, OR elevation is valid {

If the track range OR location is valid


If the track bearing OR location is valid


If the track elevation OR location is valid


If the truth range OR location is valid


If the truth bearing OR location is valid


If the truth elevation OR location is valid


If the track is an unfiltered sensor AND has measurement error {

If the range error is non-zero


The standard error in the range measurement

If the bearing error is non-zero


The standard error in the bearing measurement

If the elevation error is non-zero


The standard error in the elevation measurement

} }

If the type IDs are valid AND there are more than one type ID {

For every type ID {



} }

Else (there is only one type ID) {

If the type ID is valid



If the side ID is valid


If the signal-to-noise is valid


If the pixel count is valid


The pixel count from the image that created the track


This will be zero if not from an image

If the frequency is valid {


For every signal {



The lower bound of the frequency interval

The upper bound of the frequency interval

} }

If the track has auxiliary data


If specified to print track covariance {

If the measurement covariance is valid


The measurement covariance of the track

If the state covariance is valid


The state covariance of the track


If specified to print the track residual covariance


The residual covariance of the track

Example Output


from heatmap/heatmap_commander_demo extracted from MESSAGE_QUEUED message (for WsfTrackMessage)

  • csv_event_output Example:

  • event_output Example:

    TrackId: ew_radar.1
    Start_Time: 00:04:30.0 Update_Time: 00:04:30.0 Update_Count: 0 Quality: 0.5 Domain: air Type: M
    Target_Truth: Name: red_1 Type: STRIKER Side: red
    Originator: LLA: 16:18:00.00s 49:43:42.88e 6 m
    Track: LLA: 16:14:33.02s 50:45:46.08e 10668 m Flags: L3
    Truth: LLA: 16:14:33.02s 50:45:46.08e 10668 m  Difference: 0 m
    Track: Vel: 257.222 m/s Hdg: 269.86 deg  Truth: Vel: 257.222 m/s Hdg: 269.86 deg
    Track: Range: 111333 m Bearing: 86.851 deg Elevation: 4.99804 deg
    Truth: Range: 111333 m Bearing: 86.851 deg Elevation: 4.99804 deg


from heatmap/heatmap_commander_demo extracted from MESSAGE_QUEUED message (for WsfTrackDropMessage)

  • csv_event_output Example:

  • event_output Example:

    TrackId: ew_radar.1


from heatmap/heatmap_commander_demo extracted from MESSAGE_QUEUED message (for WsfTrackDropMessage)

  • csv_event_output Example:

  • event_output Example:

    Status: SYSTEM_TURNED_ON System: ew_radar


from heatmap/heatmap_commander_demo extracted from MESSAGE_QUEUED message (for WsfTaskAssignMessage)

  • csv_event_output Example:

  • event_output Example:

    TrackId: flight_lead.1
    Start_Time: 00:04:30.0 Update_Time: 00:04:30.0 Update_Count: 0 Quality: 0.5 Domain: air Type: P
    Target_Truth: Name: red_1 Type: STRIKER Side: red
    Originator: LLA: 16:18:00.00s 49:43:42.88e 6 m
    Track: LLA: 16:14:33.02s 50:45:46.08e 10668 m Flags: L3
    Truth: LLA: 16:14:33.22s 50:44:19.48e 10668 m  Difference: 2576.16 m
    Track: Vel: 257.222 m/s Hdg: 269.866 deg  Truth: Vel: 257.222 m/s Hdg: 269.866 deg
    Track: Range: 111333 m Bearing: 86.851 deg Elevation: 4.99804 deg
    Truth: Range: 108775 m Bearing: 86.7726 deg Elevation: 5.13919 deg