
Script Type: WsfRendezvousManeuver

maneuver rendezvous
   Common Maneuver Commands …
   delta_time ...
   maximum_delta_time ...
   maximum_delta_v ...
   optimize_time ...
   optimize_delta_v ...
   optimize_cost ...
   tolerance ...
   Target Specification Commands ...

Perform a maneuver to rendezvous with the given platform. This maneuver is actually a sequence of two maneuvers: the first being an Intercept; and the the second being a Match Velocity maneuver. Options are provided to optimize when the maneuver occurs, either at the earliest possible time, or with minimum delta-V expended during that time.


The script version of this maneuver, WsfRendezvousManeuver, is used dynamically to intercept track locations.


Several conditions must be met before the maneuver can succeed. These conditions include the following:

  • The platform must be valid at the start of the simulation.

  • The transfer orbit can only be hyperbolic if the mover executing the maneuver supports hyperbolic propagation.

  • The transfer orbit must not intersect earth.

  • When optimizing, a valid solution must exist for the provided optimization option (optimize_time or optimize_delta_v).

  • The expended energy for the transfer must be less than the available delta-v.

delta_time <time-value>

The desired time past the current time for execution of the maneuver. No Optimizations are performed.


One of delta_time, maximum_delta_time or maximum_delta_v must be set. If maximum_delta_time is not set and maximum_delta_v is set, maximum_delta_time will be set to one orbital period of the target platform.

maximum_delta_time <time-value>

The maximum time after the current time to be considered for execution of the maneuver. Optimizations in time will occur between the time of the constraint and the provided time.

maximum_delta_v <speed-value>

The maximum delta_v to be considered for execution of the maneuver. Optimizations in time to find minimum delta-v will occur between the time of the constraint and any time limit set by maximum_delta_time.


This value is constrained to be less than or equal to the delta-v specified in the maneuvering model.


Optimize the targeting solution such that it executes at the earliest possible time. This optimization is also constrained by the maximum_delta_v value, if provided.


Optimize the targeting solution such that it executes at a time that minimizes total delta-v expended.

optimize_cost <cost_type>

Optimize the targeting solution such that the specified cost is minimized. The available cost functions are:

  • blended <A value> <B value> <C value>

    This cost function depends on the transfer duration, \Delta t, and the change in velocity, \Delta V as follows:

    g(\Delta t, \Delta V) = A \Delta t + B \Delta V + C \Delta t \Delta V.

    The values of A, B, and C are provided as additional real arguments after the specification of the ‘blended’ cost.

tolerance <real-value>

Specify the solution search tolerance. The default tolerance is 1.0e-9.