

Construction: Atmosphere newObj = Atmosphere();
Clone: Atmosphere newObj = Atmosphere(other);

Static Methods

static Atmosphere Construct(string aAtmosphereType)

Returns a new Atmosphere object of the given type. Valid types are “standard_day”, “hot_day”, “tropical_day”, “cold_day”, “polar_day”, “simple_dt”, and “default”. See atmosphere for more information.


Atmosphere atm = Atmosphere.Construct("standard");


double Density(double aAltitude)

Returns the atmospheric density [kg/meters^3] given the altitude [meters].

double Pressure(double aAltitude)

Returns the atmospheric pressure [N/meters^2] given the altitude [meters].

double SonicVelocity(double aAltitude)

Returns the speed of sound [meters/second] given the altitude [meters].

double Temperature(double aAltitude)

Returns the atmospheric temperature [Kelvins] given the altitude [meters].

bool CanProduceContrails(double aAltitude)

Returns true if contrails may be produced at the given altitude [meters], otherwise false.

double ContrailingFloor()

Returns the altitude [meters] of the lower bound of the contrailing band.

double ContrailingCeiling()

Returns the altitude [meters] of the upper bound of the contrailing band.