


The WsfAtmosphericDragTerm represents the drag force experienced due to Earth’s atmosphere. See also Atmospheric Drag.

Static Methods

WsfAtmosphericDragTerm Construct(double aDragCoefficient, double aCrossSectionalArea, string aAtmosphereModelName)

Create a term representing the drag produced for a platform due to Earth’s atmosphere, using the given aDragCoefficient, aCrossSectionalArea, and the atmosphere model with the given aAtmosphereModelName. Both aDragCoefficient and aCrossSectionalArea are required to be non-negative.


double DragCoefficient()

Return the drag coefficient used by this term.

double CrossSectionalArea()

Return the cross sectional area (in square meters) used by this term.

string AtmosphereModelName()

Return the name of the atmosphere model used by this term.