
WsfBrawlerMover inherits WsfMover


void Slice(double aDesiredHeading, double aDesiredAltitude)
void Slice(double aDesiredHeading, double aDesiredAltitude, double aDesiredMach)

Command the mover to execute a slice maneuver to the desired heading, altitude, and mach value (if specified).

void Prlvl(double aDesiredHeading, double aDesiredMach)
void Prlvl(double aDesiredHeading, double aDesiredMach, double aDesiredGees)

Command the mover to execute a level turn to the desired heading, mach value, and G’s (if specified).

void SetMaxThrottle(double aThrottle)

Set the maximum throttle for the mover to the desired value, in the range [1,3].