
WsfChaffWeapon inherits WsfWeapon


WsfChaffWeapon provides a script interface to a chaff weapon for dropping parcels of chaff.


Since WsfChaffWeapon inherits from WsfWeapon, all methods on WsfWeapon are available, but WsfWeapon.Fire will not dispense chaff as intended because no ejector is specified. Instead, use DropChaffCloud below.


bool DropChaffCloud(int aNumberParcels, double aDropInterval, Array<string> aEjectorList)

Drop a chaff cloud consisting of a number of parcels dispensed from each of the ejectors named in aEjectorList. The time separation in seconds between parcels in the cloud is specified by aDropInterval. Each ejector named in aEjectorList must be a valid ejector defined on the WSF_CHAFF_WEAPON. Returns true if successful, otherwise false for a variety of reasons, such as an ejector is undefined, the quantity of parcels remaining in an ejector is 0, or the weapon has exceeded the maximum number of active salvos allowed (one salvo per ejector).