

WsfConstellation provides an object to represent and interact with constellations that have been created with a WsfConstellationMaker.

Static Methods

These static methods are used to access the set of constellations currently defined in the simulation. Once a constellation is created using a WsfConstellationMaker, the constellation will persist throughout the simulation, even if every member platform is ultimately removed.

WsfConstellation FindConstellation(string aConstellationName)

Return the constellation with the given name if it exists, or an invalid object otherwise.

Array<WsfConstellation> AllConstellations()

Return an array with every constellation currently defined in the simulation.


bool IsGeneral()

Return true if the constellation has a general design. Please see WsfConstellationMaker for details on the available constellation designs

bool IsWalkerDelta()

Return true if the constellation has a Walker Delta design. Please see WsfConstellationMaker for details on the available constellation designs

bool IsWalkerStar()

Return true if the constellation has a Walker Star design. Please see WsfConstellationMaker for details on the available constellation designs

int TotalSats()

Return the total number of satellites that make up the full constellation.


This refers to the design, and does not give the number of member platforms that still exist.

int NumPlanes()

Return the number of orbital planes in the constellation’s design.

int SatsPerPlane()

Return the number of satellites per orbital plane in the constellation’s design.

int WalkerF()

Return the Walker inter-plane phasing parameter. For constellations with a general design, this will return 0 (see WsfConstellation.IsGeneral).

double AnomalyAlias()

Return the inter-plane phasing angle in degrees.

double RAAN_Range()

Return the range of RAAN in degrees over which the orbital planes are distributed.

string ConstellationName()

Return the name of this constellation.

string PlatformType()

Return the platform type of the members of this constellation.

double SemiMajorAxis()

Return the semi-major axis in meters of the orbits making up this constellation.

double CircularAltitude()

Return the circular altitude in meters of the orbits making up this constellation.

double OrbitalPeriod()

Return the orbital period in seconds of the orbits making up this constellation.

double RevolutionsPerDay()

Return the number of revolutions per day of the orbits making up this constellation.

double Inclination()

Return the inclination in degrees of the orbits making up this constellation.

double InitialRAAN()

Return the RAAN in degrees of the zeroth orbital plane in this constellation.

double InitialAnomaly()

Return the true anomaly in degrees of the zeroth member of the zeroth plane in this constellation.

int NextSatelliteInPlane(int aSatellite)

Returns the satellite position after the given, correctly wrapping around onto the first satellite position if the input specifies the last.

int PreviousSatelliteInPlane(int aSatellite)

Returns the position before the given, correctly wrapping around onto the last satellite position if the input specifies the first.

int NextPlane(int aPlane)

Returns the orbital plane after the given, correctly wrapping around onto the first plane if the input specifies the last.

int PreviousPlane(int aPlane)

Returns the orbital plane before the given, correctly wrapping around onto the last plane if the input specifies the first.

string MemberName(int aPlane, int aSatellite)

Return the name that the member platform in the given plane and at the given position would have should that platform exist.

WsfPlatform Member(int aPlane, int aSatellite)

Return the platform in the given plane and at the given position, or an invalid object if that platform does not exist.

bool Apply(string aScriptName)

Call the script with the given name on each member of the constellation. The named script should be available in the global context, should return nothing, and should accept four arguments: the first is the WsfConstellation for which the platform is a member; the second is the orbital plane for the member; the third is the position in that plane for the member, and the fourth is the WsfPlatform itself. The script is only called for member platforms that still exist.

For example, the following would print a message for each member of the constellation:

script ExampleApplyScript(WsfConstellation aConstellation, int aPlane, int aSatellite, WsfPlatform aMember)
   writeln("Hello from ", aMember.Name());