

WsfEM_Antenna is the geometric representation of an antenna, providing the physical location and orientation.


WsfArticulatedPart ArticulatedPart()

Returns the articulated part associated with the antenna.

double Height()

Returns the height (m) of the antenna with respect to the host WsfArticulatedPart.

void SetHeight(double aHeight)

Sets the height (m) of the antenna with respect to the host WsfArticulatedPart.

double Pitch()

Returns the antenna pitch angle above/below the scan plane of the host WsfArticulatedPart. (degrees)

void SetPitch(double aPitch)

Sets the antenna pitch angle above/below the scan plane of the host WsfArticulatedPart. (degrees)

WsfFieldOfView FieldOfView()

Return the field of view of the antenna.

void SetFieldOfView(WsfFieldOfView aFieldOfView)

Apply a field of view to the antenna.

Array<double> AzimuthFieldOfView()

Returns the angular (degrees) azimuth field of view limits from a rectangular field of view. The first value is the minimum azimuth field of view limit, while the second value is the maximum azimuth field of view limit.

void SetAzimuthFieldOfView(double aMinAz, double aMaxAz)

Sets the angular (degrees) azimuth field of view limits to a rectangular field of view. The first parameter is the minimum azimuth field of view limit, while the second value is the maximum azimuth field of view limit.

Array<double> ElevationFieldOfView()

Returns the angular (degrees) elevation field of view limits from a rectangular field of view. The first value is the minimum elevation field of view limit, while the second value is the maximum elevation field of view limit.

void SetElevationFieldOfView(double aMinEl, double aMaxEl)

Sets the angular (degrees) elevation field of view limits to a rectangular field of view. The first parameter is the minimum elevation field of view limit, while the second value is the maximum elevation field of view limit.

double MaximumRange()

The maximum range (m) of interactions with this antenna.

void SetMaximumRange(double aRange)

Sets the maximum range (m) of interactions with this antenna.

double MinimumRange()

The minimum range (m) of interactions with this antenna.

void SetMinimumRange(double aRange)

Sets the minimum range (m) of interactions with this antenna.

double MaximumAltitude()

The maximum altitude (m) of interactions with this antenna.

void SetMaximumAltitude(double aAltitude)

Sets the maximum altitude (m) of interactions with this antenna.

double MinimumAltitude()

The minimum altitude (m) of interactions with this antenna.

void SetMinimumAltitude(double aAltitude)

Sets the minimum altitude (m) of interactions with this antenna.

string EBS_Mode()

Returns the electronic beam steering mode of this antenna. The following modes are available:

  • none

  • azimuth

  • elevation

  • both

bool SetEBS_Mode(string aMode)

Sets the electronic beam steering mode of this antenna. The following modes are available:

  • none

  • azimuth

  • elevation

  • both

double EBS_AzimuthLossExponent()

Returns the azimuth specific steering exponent for electronic beam steering azimuth dropoff.

void SetEBS_AzimuthLossExponent(double aExponent)

Sets the azimuth specific steering exponent for electronic beam steering azimuth dropoff.

double EBS_ElevationLossExponent()

Returns the elevation specific steering exponent for electronic beam steering elevation dropoff.

void SetEBS_ElevationLossExponent(double aExponent)

Sets the elevation specific steering exponent for electronic beam steering elevation dropoff.

double EBS_AzimuthCosineSteeringLimit()

Returns the cosine of the azimuth steering limit angle used in determining steering losses.

void SetEBS_AzimuthCosineSteeringLimit(double aLimit)

Sets the cosine of the azimuth steering limit angle used in determining steering losses.

double EBS_ElevationCosineSteeringLimit()

Returns the cosine of the elevation steering limit angle used in determining steering losses.

void SetEBS_ElevationCosineSteeringLimit(double aLimit)

Sets the cosine of the elevation steering limit angle used in determining steering losses.

string ScanMode()

Returns the scan mode for this antenna. The following modes are available:

  • fixed

  • azimuth

  • elevation

  • both (azimuth and elevation scanning)

bool SetScanMode(string aMode)

Sets the scan mode for this antenna. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. The following modes are available:

  • fixed

  • azimuth

  • elevation

  • both (azimuth and elevation scanning)

string ScanStabilization()

Returns the stabilization mode for this antenna. The following modes are available:

  • none

  • pitch

  • roll

  • pitch_and_roll (pitch and roll stabilization)

bool SetScanStabilization(string aStabilization)

Sets the stabilization mode for this antenna. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. The following modes are available:

  • none

  • pitch

  • roll

  • pitch_and_roll (pitch and roll stabilization)

double MaximumAzimuthScanLimit()

Returns the maximum azimuth angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)

void SetMaximumAzimuthScanLimit(double aLimit)

Sets the maximum azimuth angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)

double MinimumAzimuthScanLimit()

Returns the minimum azimuth angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)

void SetMinimumAzimuthScanLimit(double aLimit)

Sets the minimum azimuth angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)

double MaximumElevationScanLimit()

Returns the maximum elevation angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)

void SetMaximumElevationScanLimit(double aLimit)

Sets the maximum elevation angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)

double MinimumElevationScanLimit()

Returns the minimum elevation angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)

void SetMinimumElevationScanLimit(double aLimit)

Sets the minimum elevation angular limit for scanning with this antenna. (degrees)