


Deprecated since version 2.9: WsfEventPipe.Record with the sim_time argument has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use WsfEventPipe.Record without the sim_time argument instead.

static void Record(double aSimTime, WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aKey, double aValue)

Publish a key/value pair associated with the platform. The given aSimTime is ignored; the message will be posted at TIME_NOW.

static void Record(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aKey, double aValue)
static void Record(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aKey, int aValue)
static void Record(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aKey, bool aValue)
static void Record(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aKey, string aValue)

Publish a key/value pair associated with the platform at the current sim-time.


Recorded values will be displayed in the Mystic Platform Details dialog. Values of double or integer type may be plotted.

static void AddBookmark(double aSimTime, string aType, string aText)

Add a bookmark at the specified time with the defined type and message text. Type is a free-form text field used to classify the event type.

static void AddBookmark(string aType, string aText)

Add a bookmark at the current time with the defined type and message text.


Bookmarks are placeholders in time used in Mystic, typically used to mark important or unusual events. With bookmarks, users can conveniently jump to various points of the scenario.


This example will publish the sine of the sim-time to the event-pipe.

platform sinpub WSF_PLATFORM
  icon bullseye
  position 00.32075n 01.51704e altitude 10000 ft msl

  execute at_interval_of 0.1 s
     WsfEventPipe.Record(PLATFORM, "sine", MATH.Sin(TIME_NOW));